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1 | name | scientific_name | family | colors |
2 | San Anselmo Navarretia | Navarretia rosulata Brand | Polemoniaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
3 | Cyrtandra | Cyrtandra ×axilliflora H. St. John & Storey (pro sp.) | Gesneriaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
4 | Veronicastrum | Veronicastrum Heist. ex Fabr. | Scrophulariaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
5 | Contra Costa Manzanita | Arctostaphylos manzanita Parry ssp. laevigata (Eastw.) Munz | Ericaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
6 | Bladderpod Spiderflower | Cleome isomeris Greene | Capparaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
7 | Blue Bugle | Ajuga genevensis L. | Lamiaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
8 | Wand Lythrum | Lythrum lineare L. | Lythraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
9 | Aromatic False Pennyroyal | Hedeoma hyssopifolia A. Gray | Lamiaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
10 | Pale Botrychium | Botrychium pallidum W.H. Wagner | Ophioglossaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
11 | Mycoporum Lichen | Mycoporum compositum (A. Massal.) R.C. Harris | Mycoporaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
12 | Redtop Panicgrass | Panicum rigidulum Bosc ex Nees var. pubescens (Vasey) Lelong | Poaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
13 | Episcia | Episcia Mart. | Gesneriaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
14 | Buttercup | Ranunculus L. | Ranunculaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
15 | Bingen Lupine | Lupinus bingenensis Suksd. var. subsaccatus Suksd. | Fabaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
16 | oha Kepau | Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock | Campanulaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
17 | Crabseye Lichen | Ochrolechia subathallina H. Magn. | Pertusariaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
18 | Twoscale Saltbush | Atriplex micrantha Ledeb. | Chenopodiaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
19 | Devil's Horsewhip | Achyranthes aspera L. var. pubescens (Moq.) Townsend | Amaranthaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
20 | Scorpionbush | Carmona retusa (Vahl) Masamune | Boraginaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
21 | Tall Tickseed | Coreopsis tripteris L. | Asteraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
22 | Rocky Mountain Phacelia | Phacelia denticulata Osterh. | Hydrophyllaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
23 | Lecidea Lichen | Lecidea torquens Müll. Arg. | Lecideaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
24 | Polar Milkvetch | Astragalus polaris Benth. | Fabaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
25 | Curly Plumeless Thistle | Carduus crispus L. | Asteraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
26 | Leechleaf Cyanea | Cyanea undulata Forbes | Campanulaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
27 | Musky Stork's Bill | Erodium moschatum (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton | Geraniaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
28 | Wright's Sensitive Pea | Chamaecrista serpens (L.) Greene var. wrightii (A. Gray) Irwin & Barneby | Fabaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
29 | Cup Lichen | Cladonia merochlorophaea Asah. | Cladoniaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
30 | California Broomrape | Orobanche californica Cham. & Schltdl. | Orobanchaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
31 | Mescalero Currant | Ribes mescalerium Coville | Grossulariaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
32 | Texas Salt | Allolepis texana (Vasey) Söderst. & Decker | Poaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
33 | Island Wallflower | Erysimum insulare Greene | Brassicaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
34 | Bloodroot | Sanguinaria canadensis L. | Papaveraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
35 | Discelium Moss | Discelium Brid. | Disceliaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
36 | Pygmy Manzanita | Arctostaphylos mendocinoensis P.V. Wells | Ericaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
37 | Triticale | ×Triticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus | Poaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
38 | Schaereria Lichen | Schaereria cinereorufa (Schaerer) Th. Fr. | Schaereriaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
39 | Chamise | Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn. | Rosaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
40 | Fruit Rockcress | Arabis fructicosa A. Nelson | Brassicaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
41 | Pearlberry | Vallesia glabra (Cav.) Link | Apocynaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
42 | Cucumberleaf Sunflower | Helianthus debilis Nutt. ssp. cucumerifolius (Torr. & A. Gray) Heiser | Asteraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
43 | Oregon Stonecrop | Sedum oreganum Nutt. ssp. tenue R.T. Clausen | Crassulaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
44 | Club Cholla | Grusonia clavata (Engelm.) H. Rob. | Cactaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
45 | Heavy Sedge | Carex gravida L.H. Bailey var. lunelliana (Mack.) F.J. Herm. | Cyperaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
46 | Rocky Mountain Blue Columbine | Aquilegia saximontana Rydb. | Ranunculaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
47 | Fly Honeysuckle | Lonicera ×xylosteoides Tausch | Caprifoliaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
48 | Longspur Seablush | Plectritis ciliosa (Greene) Jeps. | Valerianaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
49 | Ironweed | Vernonia ×illinoensis Gleason | Asteraceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
50 | Glandleaf Milkwort | Polygala macradenia A. Gray | Polygalaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |
51 | Peru Roccella Lichen | Roccella peruensis Krempelh. | Roccellaceae | red|blue|yellow|black |