+These errors indicate that your binary was built with linker flags that stripped the symbol table (`-s`) or the DWARF debug information (`-w`), making debugging impossible. If the binary is built while launching the session, make sure your `launch.json` configuration does not contain `"buildFlags": "--ldflags '-s -w'"`. If you use `debug test` or Test Explorer, check `go.buildFlags` in `settings.json`. If the binary is built externally, check the command-line flags and do not use `go run`. Unlike `go build`, `go run` passes `-s -w` to the linker under the hood. If you try to attach to such a binary with a debugger, it will fail with one of the above errors (see Go Issue [24833](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24833)). Instead let dlv build the binary for you or use `go build -gcflags='all=-N -l'`.
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