Host OS | ||||
PC linux | cmake | x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc | gcc | ndk-build |
windows | cmake | mingw (not passed) | MSVC c1 | |
mac | cmake | gcc | ||
raspberrypi | cmake | arm-gcc | ||
esp32 | cmake | xtensa-esp32-elf |
- MSVC on Windows:
> mkdir build_msvc
> cd build_msvc
> '/c/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe' ../
> '/c/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe' --build .
- MSYS2 on Windows (not portable for all gear-lib):
$ mkdir build_msys2
$ cd build_msys2
$ cmake ../
$ make && make install
- Linux:
$ mkdir build_linux
$ cd build_linux
$ cmake ../
$ make && make install
- toolchain: xtensa-esp32-elf
git clone
add esp-idf/tools to $PATH
$ cd build/esp32-env
$ make menuconfig
$ make flash
- Windows7 install "Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0"
open cmd.exe
> "D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"
> cd gear-lib\libposix\
> nmake /f Makefile.nmake clean
> nmake /f Makefile.nmake
default debug version, compiler release version
> nmake /f Makefile.nmake clean
> nmake /f Makefile.nmake MODE=release
install third-party libraries
$ sudo apt install liblua5.2-dev libjansson-dev libpulse-dev libx264-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libuvc-dev protobuf-compiler
linux platform (>= Ubuntu14.04 >= gcc-4.8.4 32/64 bit)
$ ./
$ sudo ./ install
default debug version,compiler release version
$ ./ {all|libxxx} linux release
$ sudo ./ install linux release
host(linux) target(rasberrypi)
(you need download toolchain of rasberrypi)
$ ./ all pi
default debug version,compiler release version
$ ./ {all|libxxx} pi release
host(rasberrypi board)
$ ./
$ sudo ./ install
default debug version,compiler release version
$ ./ {all|libxxx} linux release
$ sudo ./ install linux release
android arm cross compile
(you need download android-ndk-r9-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2)
$ ./ all android
default debug version,compiler release version
$ ./ {all|libxxx} android release
android naitve develop
also need ndk tools
$ cd android_jni_libs
$ ndk-build
default debug version,compiler release version
$ ndk-build MODE=release
After install, the libxxx.xx will be installed in /usr/local/lib/.
libxxx.h, or libxxx.a of libraries are also in ./output/$(ARCH)
If you want to add your own library into the build script, no need repeat the same code, only auto gen libxxx framework.
$ ./build/ libfoo
- by default, build x86 on linux, and libxxx folder can be built independently
- if only "libxxx folder" is checkout without "build folder", you can only build x86 and no color set
- with "build folder", you can build x86, pi, android, ios and color is also set
- "sudo make install" is needed when build libxxx alone.