- add a check whether sum of tof bins along LOR is non-zero before running TOF sinogram back projector
- update installation instructions after conda-forge recipe was updated
- clean up RTD docs build
- add support for numpy>=2.0
- add tests with numpy 2.0 on python 3.9 and 3.12
- remove tox.ini
- BUGFIX: add missing device in BlockPET LOR descriptor (needed for pytorch + cuda backend)
- add functionality to create scanners, LOR descriptors and projectors for scanners consiting of equal "block" modules
- BUGFIX: correct behavior of TOF kernel truncation which was wrong in the case that the tof bin width was >> tof resolution
- add function to count event multiplicity
- add more examples (e.g. DePierro and LM SPDHG)
- re-organize folder structure and pyproject.toml
- force array-api-compat<1.5 (bug in 1.5.0)
- use array-api-strict instead of numpy.array_api
- print banner
- test also on Windows
- require python>=3.9
- replace
- BUGFIX: correct bug in the "chunking" of TOF sinogram projections in the python interface
- update of documentation
- addition of more examples
- addition of high-level classes for RegularPolygonPETScanner and LOR descriptors
- BUGFIX: correct use of conj() of scalar value to be array api comp.
- BUGFIX: divided by float() to be array api comp.
- add scipy dependency
- adapt changelog
- BUGFIX: add sigma as explicit argument in GaussianFilterOperator and convert correctly to numpy/cupy arrays
- rewrite LinearOperator base class to support python array api including devices
- add missing type hints
- add finite difference operator
- remove obsolete functions
- add compatibility of python wrapper to python array api (via array-api-compat) such that numpy, cupy, pytorch arrays can be directly projected
- no changes to the C/CUDA libs
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.7 -> 1.4.0
- add Linear Operators
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.6 -> 1.3.7
- update documentation
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6
- enable readthedocs
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.4 -> 1.3.5
- add py.typed for mypy type checker
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4
- rename python binding back to parallelproj
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
- import annotations from future to be compatiable with older versions
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
- rename test folder
- lower absolute tolerance for forward TOF tests - (otherwise windows builds might fail)
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
- add num_visivle_devices definition when cuda is not present
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.16 -> 1.3.0
- clean up pyproject.toml
- mv tests and rename imports in tests
- rename python package to parallelprojpy and adapt setup.cfg
- add first version of pyproject.toml
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.15 -> 1.2.16
- improve way to detect whether visible GPUs are present in the python API
- remove AS approximation of erff in openMP lib since it leads to too big inaccuracies
- add TOF LM tests
- add listmode wrappers
- add TOF sino fwd test
- use random image in TOF sino test
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.14 -> 1.2.15
- add TOF sino projector wrappers and first test
- BUGFIX: correct start and stop of loop over planes in cuda TOF sino projector when direction=2
- add adjointness test (indirect test for back projection)
- add first python unit test for non-tof fwd projection
- add first python wrappers for non-tof Joseph projectors
- start adding python wrappers
- remove recipe (moved to conda-forge feedstock)
- Update README.md
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.13 -> 1.2.14
- make target link libraries (m and OpenMP) private
- dummy commit
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.12 -> 1.2.13
- fix variable expansion in Config.cmake.in
- update README
- add link to arxix preprint
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.11 -> 1.2.12
- set CUDA_HOST_COMPILER only when using clang
- skip build of cuda lib if cuda is not present
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.10 -> 1.2.11
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.9 -> 1.2.10
- link parallelproj_c against libm (using PUBLIC link interface)
- use better way to test whether we have to link against libm
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #18 from gschramm/add_generic_nontof_test
- updata non-tof cuda test
- add adjoint back projection test
- cosmetics
- add better output
- add more generic nontof test that tests rays in all 3 directions
- update README
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.8 -> 1.2.9
- BUGFIX: correct calcultion of x_pr2 when principle direction is 0
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.7 -> 1.2.8
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.6 -> 1.2.7
- do not install test binaries
- require CXX compiler only for CUDA
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6
- clean up CMake logic
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
- add conditions to nested if else when adding cuda subdir
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
- add fatal error if cuda lib is to be build but no cuda compiler is found
- add empty host sections to recipy on output level
- chore: updated package.json, updated CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3
- work on local recipy and remove conda workflows
- add skip option for cmake
- chore: updated package.json, created CHANGELOG.md, bumped 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2
- read version from package.json (and use ver-bump) to bump version in the future
- remove python from new action
- add conda build
- add trigger
- add new conda action