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Col -- high-level console color formatting


{% highlight ruby %} require 'col'

puts Col("Hello world!").red.bold
puts Col("Hello world!").rb
puts Col("Hello world!").fmt [:red, :bold]
puts Col("Hello world!").fmt :rb

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt :red, :green
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt "r,g"

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt [:red, :bold], [:green, :bold]
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt "rb,gb"

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt [:bold], [:cyan, :italic, :on_white]
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt "_b,ciow"

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt [:blue, :on_yellow], [:on_green]
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt "b_oy,__og"

puts Col.inline( "Hello ", :red, "world!", :blue )

puts Col.inline(
  "Hello ",   [:red, :bold, :on_white],
  "world!",   :b_oy

{% endhighlight %}


$ [sudo] gem install col

Source-code access is via Github. See Project details.


Col offers high-level access to the ANSI codes used to create colorful output on the console. It is optimised for dealing with multiple strings at once, applying different color formatting to each string. It does not add any methods to the String class.

For simple console-coloring requirements, there is little or nothing to be gained from using Col instead of Term::ANSIColor.

If formatting a single string, you can send the method names directly, or use their abbreviation if applicable:

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col("Hello world!").red.bold.on_white
puts Col("Hello world!").rbow

puts Col("Hello world!").bold.italic.strikethrough
# No abbreviation for this

{% endhighlight %}

If formatting multiple strings, you are limited to using the fmt method.

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt [:red, :bold], [:green, :bold]
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt :rb, :gb
puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt "rb,rg"

puts Col("Hello ", "world!").fmt [:italic, :underline], [:green, :on_white]
# No abbreviation for [:italic, :underline]

{% endhighlight %}

Abbreviations are available if the format you wish to use comprises:

  • at most one foreground color
  • at most one style
  • at most one background color

See Abbreviations below for details.

Classes, methods, return values

Col(...) and Col[...] create a Col object, whose only interesting methods are fmt (to apply formatting) and to_s. Any other method will be interpreted as a format specifier.

Col#fmt returns a String:

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("string").fmt :red, :bold, :on_white    # -> String
Col("string").fmt "rbow"                    # -> String
Col("string").fmt :rbow                     # -> String
Col("str1", "str2").fmt :rb, :gi            # -> String

{% endhighlight %}

Directly-applied formatting methods return a Col object:

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("string").red                           # -> Col
Col("string").red.bold                      # -> Col
Col("string").red.bold.underscore.italic    # -> Col

{% endhighlight %}

Because Col#to_s is implemented, you can use puts directly on a Col object:

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col("string").red.bold

{% endhighlight %}

Directly-applied abbreviated formatting methods return a String:

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("string").rbow                          # -> String
  # internally converted to
  #   Col("string).fmt :red, :bold, :on_white

{% endhighlight %}

Incorrect use of Col results in a Col::Error being raised:

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("string").turquoise                    # non-existent format
Col("one", "two").fmt :red, :green, :cyan  # too many arguments
Col("string").gZow                         # invalid style: Z

{% endhighlight %}


Here are some illustrative examples of abbreviations you can use with col.

      Code             Effect(s) applied
 ---------------      -------------------
 Col["..."].g         green
 Col["..."].gb        green bold
 Col["..."]._b        bold
 Col["..."].gbow      green bold on_white
 Col["..."].g_ow      green on_white
 Col["..."].__ow      on_white

These examples show that the abbreviations are positional. If you only want to specify on_white, you must use underscores for the color and style properties.

Using these abbreviations, you can apply at most one color, at most one style, and at most one background color. These are listed in full here:

{% highlight ruby %}

COLORS = {              STYLES = {                    BACKGROUND = {        
  'B' => :black,          'b' => :bold,                 'oB' => :on_black,  
  'r' => :red,            'd' => :dark,                 'or' => :on_red,    
  'g' => :green,          'i' => :italic,               'og' => :on_green,  
  'y' => :yellow,         'u' => :underline,            'oy' => :on_yellow, 
  'b' => :blue,           'U' => :underscore,           'ob' => :on_blue,   
  'm' => :magenta,        'k' => :blink,                'om' => :on_magenta,
  'c' => :cyan,           'r' => :rapid_blink,          'oc' => :on_cyan,   
  'w' => :white           'n' => :negative,             'ow' => :on_white   
}                         'c' => :concealed,          }                     
                          's' => :strikethrough,

{% endhighlight %}

Note the following solutions to abbreviation clashes:

  • b for blue, B for black
  • u for underline, U for underscore
  • b for bold; k for blink.

Unabbreviated usage

Col is designed to make colorising a string (or collection of strings) easy, and is optimised for the common case of applying a single color, a single style and a background color. If you need to apply more than one style to a single string, you can send them all as methods:

{% highlight ruby %}


{% endhighlight %}

Or you can pass all of them, in full, to the fmt method.

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("text...").fmt [:rapid_blink, :strikethrough, :negative, :cyan]

{% endhighlight %}

If you are using Col to format a number of strings, fmt is your only option.

{% highlight ruby %}

Col("one", "two", "three").fmt(
  [:green, :bold, :underline, :italic, :on_yellow],
  [:blue, :strikethrough, :dark, :blink],

{% endhighlight %}

Naturally, the need for such usage should be extremely rare!

Formatting multiple strings

Assuming your formatting needs are straightforward, the most convenient way to format multiple strings is with a comma-separated format specification.

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col(str1, str2, ...).fmt "f1,f2,..."

{% endhighlight %}

For example:

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col("Name: ", name, "Age: ", age).fmt "y,rb,y,rb"

# Equivalent to:
puts Col("Name: ",  name,           "Age: ",   age           ).fmt \
         :yellow,   [:red, :bold],  :yellow,   [:red, :bold]

{% endhighlight %}

An alternative is to provide a list of strings or symbols:

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col("Name: ", name, "Age: ", age).fmt('y', 'rb', 'y', 'rb')
puts Col("Name: ", name, "Age: ", age).fmt(:y, :rb, :y, :rb)

{% endhighlight %}

Inline usage

An alternative way to format multiple strings is to use Col.inline.

{% highlight ruby %}

Col.inline( str1, fmt1, str2, fmt2, ... )

{% endhighlight %}

For example:

{% highlight ruby %}

puts Col.inline( "Hello ", :red, "world!", :blue)

puts Col.inline(
  "Hello ",   [:red, :bold, :on_white],
  "world!",   :b_oy

{% endhighlight %}

Removing color codes from a string

Col.uncolored or Col.plain will remove any ANSI color codes from a string.

{% highlight ruby %}

str = Col["foo"].yellow.bold.on_red.to_s
Col.uncolored(str) == "foo"                 # true

{% endhighlight %}

Windows users

People using a native Windows build of Ruby in the Windows console should include the following code in their program:

{% highlight ruby %}

require 'win32console'           # win32console gem
include Win32::Console::ANSI

{% endhighlight %}

This does not apply to Cygwin users.


Col uses Term::ANSIColor to access ANSI codes, and offers access to all of its codes/features except reset.

The author of this library never applies anything other than a foreground color and 'bold', so everything else is tested only in unit tests, not in practice. Furthermore, the author has no knowledge of terminal issues and is just happy to see a few colors appear in his Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 (Cygwin) programs -- no other environment has been tested!



I've used Term::ANSIColor many times and never sought anything more, but while developing Whitestone, which makes much use of console color, I wanted an easier way to apply color codes to groups of strings. Additionally, being a unit testing library, I didn't want to add methods to the String class, the way I normally do when using Term::ANSIColor.


Florian Flank for Term::ANSIColor, which I've used heavily over the years.

Project details


  • 2 JAN 2012: Version 1.0.2 released (1.8.6 compatibility)
  • 2 JAN 2012: Version 1.0.1 released (minor bug fix for 1.9.3)
  • 25 JUL 25 2010: Version 1.0 released.

See History.txt for more details.

Future plans

Version 1.0.0 was released with no plans for future releases. Version 1.0.1 fixed a bug (18 months later), and still there are no plans for further functionality.

One possible area of enhancement is to provide a way of disabling colored output when outputing to a pipe. (I believe Term::ANSIColor may already do that.) (Sometimes, however, colored output in a pipe is desirable, viz. git.)