`_. If a
+ * number is passed it should be one of the numeric code values in
+ * that table (e.g. 3, 4, etc). If a string is passed it can
+ * either be an exception name (e.g. "HierarchyRequestError",
+ * "WrongDocumentError") or the name of the corresponding error
+ * code (e.g. "``HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR``", "``WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR``").
+ * @param {Function} descriptionOrFunc - The function expected to
+ * throw (if the exception comes from another global), or the
+ * optional description of the condition being tested (if the
+ * exception comes from the current global).
+ * @param {string} [description] - Description of the condition
+ * being tested (if the exception comes from another global).
+ *
+ */
+ function assert_throws_dom(type, funcOrConstructor, descriptionOrFunc, maybeDescription)
+ {
+ let constructor, func, description;
+ if (funcOrConstructor.name === "DOMException") {
+ constructor = funcOrConstructor;
+ func = descriptionOrFunc;
+ description = maybeDescription;
+ } else {
+ constructor = self.DOMException;
+ func = funcOrConstructor;
+ description = descriptionOrFunc;
+ assert(maybeDescription === undefined,
+ "Too many args pased to no-constructor version of assert_throws_dom");
+ }
+ assert_throws_dom_impl(type, func, description, "assert_throws_dom", constructor)
+ }
+ expose_assert(assert_throws_dom, "assert_throws_dom");
+ /**
+ * Similar to assert_throws_dom but allows specifying the assertion type
+ * (assert_throws_dom or promise_rejects_dom, in practice). The
+ * "constructor" argument must be the DOMException constructor from the
+ * global we expect the exception to come from.
+ */
+ function assert_throws_dom_impl(type, func, description, assertion_type, constructor)
+ {
+ try {
+ func.call(this);
+ assert(false, assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} did not throw", {func:func});
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof AssertionError) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ // Basic sanity-checks on the thrown exception.
+ assert(typeof e === "object",
+ assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} threw ${e} with type ${type}, not an object",
+ {func:func, e:e, type:typeof e});
+ assert(e !== null,
+ assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} threw null, not an object",
+ {func:func});
+ // Sanity-check our type
+ assert(typeof type == "number" ||
+ typeof type == "string",
+ assertion_type, description,
+ "${type} is not a number or string",
+ {type:type});
+ var codename_name_map = {
+ INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 'IndexSizeError',
+ HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: 'HierarchyRequestError',
+ WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: 'WrongDocumentError',
+ INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: 'InvalidCharacterError',
+ NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR: 'NoModificationAllowedError',
+ NOT_FOUND_ERR: 'NotFoundError',
+ NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: 'NotSupportedError',
+ INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR: 'InUseAttributeError',
+ INVALID_STATE_ERR: 'InvalidStateError',
+ SYNTAX_ERR: 'SyntaxError',
+ INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: 'InvalidModificationError',
+ NAMESPACE_ERR: 'NamespaceError',
+ INVALID_ACCESS_ERR: 'InvalidAccessError',
+ TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: 'TypeMismatchError',
+ SECURITY_ERR: 'SecurityError',
+ NETWORK_ERR: 'NetworkError',
+ ABORT_ERR: 'AbortError',
+ URL_MISMATCH_ERR: 'URLMismatchError',
+ QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: 'QuotaExceededError',
+ TIMEOUT_ERR: 'TimeoutError',
+ INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR: 'InvalidNodeTypeError',
+ DATA_CLONE_ERR: 'DataCloneError'
+ };
+ var name_code_map = {
+ IndexSizeError: 1,
+ HierarchyRequestError: 3,
+ WrongDocumentError: 4,
+ InvalidCharacterError: 5,
+ NoModificationAllowedError: 7,
+ NotFoundError: 8,
+ NotSupportedError: 9,
+ InUseAttributeError: 10,
+ InvalidStateError: 11,
+ SyntaxError: 12,
+ InvalidModificationError: 13,
+ NamespaceError: 14,
+ InvalidAccessError: 15,
+ TypeMismatchError: 17,
+ SecurityError: 18,
+ NetworkError: 19,
+ AbortError: 20,
+ URLMismatchError: 21,
+ QuotaExceededError: 22,
+ TimeoutError: 23,
+ InvalidNodeTypeError: 24,
+ DataCloneError: 25,
+ EncodingError: 0,
+ NotReadableError: 0,
+ UnknownError: 0,
+ ConstraintError: 0,
+ DataError: 0,
+ TransactionInactiveError: 0,
+ ReadOnlyError: 0,
+ VersionError: 0,
+ OperationError: 0,
+ NotAllowedError: 0,
+ OptOutError: 0
+ };
+ var code_name_map = {};
+ for (var key in name_code_map) {
+ if (name_code_map[key] > 0) {
+ code_name_map[name_code_map[key]] = key;
+ }
+ }
+ var required_props = {};
+ var name;
+ if (typeof type === "number") {
+ if (type === 0) {
+ throw new AssertionError('Test bug: ambiguous DOMException code 0 passed to assert_throws_dom()');
+ } else if (!(type in code_name_map)) {
+ throw new AssertionError('Test bug: unrecognized DOMException code "' + type + '" passed to assert_throws_dom()');
+ }
+ name = code_name_map[type];
+ required_props.code = type;
+ } else if (typeof type === "string") {
+ name = type in codename_name_map ? codename_name_map[type] : type;
+ if (!(name in name_code_map)) {
+ throw new AssertionError('Test bug: unrecognized DOMException code name or name "' + type + '" passed to assert_throws_dom()');
+ }
+ required_props.code = name_code_map[name];
+ }
+ if (required_props.code === 0 ||
+ ("name" in e &&
+ e.name !== e.name.toUpperCase() &&
+ e.name !== "DOMException")) {
+ // New style exception: also test the name property.
+ required_props.name = name;
+ }
+ for (var prop in required_props) {
+ assert(prop in e && e[prop] == required_props[prop],
+ assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} threw ${e} that is not a DOMException " + type + ": property ${prop} is equal to ${actual}, expected ${expected}",
+ {func:func, e:e, prop:prop, actual:e[prop], expected:required_props[prop]});
+ }
+ // Check that the exception is from the right global. This check is last
+ // so more specific, and more informative, checks on the properties can
+ // happen in case a totally incorrect exception is thrown.
+ assert(e.constructor === constructor,
+ assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} threw an exception from the wrong global",
+ {func});
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert the provided value is thrown.
+ *
+ * @param {value} exception The expected exception.
+ * @param {Function} func Function which should throw.
+ * @param {string} [description] Error description for the case that the error is not thrown.
+ */
+ function assert_throws_exactly(exception, func, description)
+ {
+ assert_throws_exactly_impl(exception, func, description,
+ "assert_throws_exactly");
+ }
+ expose_assert(assert_throws_exactly, "assert_throws_exactly");
+ /**
+ * Like assert_throws_exactly but allows specifying the assertion type
+ * (assert_throws_exactly or promise_rejects_exactly, in practice).
+ */
+ function assert_throws_exactly_impl(exception, func, description,
+ assertion_type)
+ {
+ try {
+ func.call(this);
+ assert(false, assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} did not throw", {func:func});
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof AssertionError) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ assert(same_value(e, exception), assertion_type, description,
+ "${func} threw ${e} but we expected it to throw ${exception}",
+ {func:func, e:e, exception:exception});
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Asserts if called. Used to ensure that a specific codepath is
+ * not taken e.g. that an error event isn't fired.
+ *
+ * @param {string} [description] - Description of the condition being tested.
+ */
+ function assert_unreached(description) {
+ assert(false, "assert_unreached", description,
+ "Reached unreachable code");
+ }
+ expose_assert(assert_unreached, "assert_unreached");
+ /**
+ * @callback AssertFunc
+ * @param {Any} actual
+ * @param {Any} expected
+ * @param {Any[]} args
+ */
+ /**
+ * Asserts that ``actual`` matches at least one value of ``expected``
+ * according to a comparison defined by ``assert_func``.
+ *
+ * Note that tests with multiple allowed pass conditions are bad
+ * practice unless the spec specifically allows multiple
+ * behaviours. Test authors should not use this method simply to
+ * hide UA bugs.
+ *
+ * @param {AssertFunc} assert_func - Function to compare actual
+ * and expected. It must throw when the comparison fails and
+ * return when the comparison passes.
+ * @param {Any} actual - Test value.
+ * @param {Array} expected_array - Array of possible expected values.
+ * @param {Any[]} args - Additional arguments to pass to ``assert_func``.
+ */
+ function assert_any(assert_func, actual, expected_array, ...args)
+ {
+ var errors = [];
+ var passed = false;
+ forEach(expected_array,
+ function(expected)
+ {
+ try {
+ assert_func.apply(this, [actual, expected].concat(args));
+ passed = true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ errors.push(e.message);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!passed) {
+ throw new AssertionError(errors.join("\n\n"));
+ }
+ }
+ // FIXME: assert_any cannot use expose_assert, because assert_wrapper does
+ // not support nested assert calls (e.g. to assert_func). We need to
+ // support bypassing assert_wrapper for the inner asserts here.
+ expose(assert_any, "assert_any");
+ /**
+ * Assert that a feature is implemented, based on a 'truthy' condition.
+ *
+ * This function should be used to early-exit from tests in which there is
+ * no point continuing without support for a non-optional spec or spec
+ * feature. For example:
+ *
+ * assert_implements(window.Foo, 'Foo is not supported');
+ *
+ * @param {object} condition The truthy value to test
+ * @param {string} [description] Error description for the case that the condition is not truthy.
+ */
+ function assert_implements(condition, description) {
+ assert(!!condition, "assert_implements", description);
+ }
+ expose_assert(assert_implements, "assert_implements")
+ /**
+ * Assert that an optional feature is implemented, based on a 'truthy' condition.
+ *
+ * This function should be used to early-exit from tests in which there is
+ * no point continuing without support for an explicitly optional spec or
+ * spec feature. For example:
+ *
+ * assert_implements_optional(video.canPlayType("video/webm"),
+ * "webm video playback not supported");
+ *
+ * @param {object} condition The truthy value to test
+ * @param {string} [description] Error description for the case that the condition is not truthy.
+ */
+ function assert_implements_optional(condition, description) {
+ if (!condition) {
+ throw new OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError(description);
+ }
+ }
+ expose_assert(assert_implements_optional, "assert_implements_optional");
+ /**
+ * @class
+ *
+ * A single subtest. A Test is not constructed directly but via the
+ * :js:func:`test`, :js:func:`async_test` or :js:func:`promise_test` functions.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name - This must be unique in a given file and must be
+ * invariant between runs.
+ *
+ */
+ function Test(name, properties)
+ {
+ if (tests.file_is_test && tests.tests.length) {
+ throw new Error("Tried to create a test with file_is_test");
+ }
+ /** The test name. */
+ this.name = name;
+ this.phase = (tests.is_aborted || tests.phase === tests.phases.COMPLETE) ?
+ this.phases.COMPLETE : this.phases.INITIAL;
+ /** The test status code.*/
+ this.status = this.NOTRUN;
+ this.timeout_id = null;
+ this.index = null;
+ this.properties = properties || {};
+ this.timeout_length = settings.test_timeout;
+ if (this.timeout_length !== null) {
+ this.timeout_length *= tests.timeout_multiplier;
+ }
+ /** A message indicating the reason for test failure. */
+ this.message = null;
+ /** Stack trace in case of failure. */
+ this.stack = null;
+ this.steps = [];
+ this._is_promise_test = false;
+ this.cleanup_callbacks = [];
+ this._user_defined_cleanup_count = 0;
+ this._done_callbacks = [];
+ if (typeof AbortController === "function") {
+ this._abortController = new AbortController();
+ }
+ // Tests declared following harness completion are likely an indication
+ // of a programming error, but they cannot be reported
+ // deterministically.
+ if (tests.phase === tests.phases.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ tests.push(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enum of possible test statuses.
+ *
+ * :values:
+ * - ``PASS``
+ * - ``FAIL``
+ * - ``TIMEOUT``
+ * - ``NOTRUN``
+ */
+ Test.statuses = {
+ PASS:0,
+ FAIL:1,
+ };
+ Test.prototype = merge({}, Test.statuses);
+ Test.prototype.phases = {
+ };
+ Test.prototype.status_formats = {
+ 0: "Pass",
+ 1: "Fail",
+ 2: "Timeout",
+ 3: "Not Run",
+ 4: "Optional Feature Unsupported",
+ }
+ Test.prototype.format_status = function() {
+ return this.status_formats[this.status];
+ }
+ Test.prototype.structured_clone = function()
+ {
+ if (!this._structured_clone) {
+ var msg = this.message;
+ msg = msg ? String(msg) : msg;
+ this._structured_clone = merge({
+ name:String(this.name),
+ properties:merge({}, this.properties),
+ phases:merge({}, this.phases)
+ }, Test.statuses);
+ }
+ this._structured_clone.status = this.status;
+ this._structured_clone.message = this.message;
+ this._structured_clone.stack = this.stack;
+ this._structured_clone.index = this.index;
+ this._structured_clone.phase = this.phase;
+ return this._structured_clone;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Run a single step of an ongoing test.
+ *
+ * @param {string} func - Callback function to run as a step. If
+ * this throws an :js:func:`AssertionError`, or any other
+ * exception, the :js:class:`Test` status is set to ``FAIL``.
+ * @param {Object} [this_obj] - The object to use as the this
+ * value when calling ``func``. Defaults to the :js:class:`Test` object.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step = function(func, this_obj)
+ {
+ if (this.phase > this.phases.STARTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (settings.debug && this.phase !== this.phases.STARTED) {
+ console.log("TEST START", this.name);
+ }
+ this.phase = this.phases.STARTED;
+ //If we don't get a result before the harness times out that will be a test timeout
+ this.set_status(this.TIMEOUT, "Test timed out");
+ tests.started = true;
+ tests.current_test = this;
+ tests.notify_test_state(this);
+ if (this.timeout_id === null) {
+ this.set_timeout();
+ }
+ this.steps.push(func);
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ this_obj = this;
+ }
+ if (settings.debug) {
+ console.debug("TEST STEP", this.name);
+ }
+ try {
+ return func.apply(this_obj, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2));
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (this.phase >= this.phases.HAS_RESULT) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var status = e instanceof OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError ? this.PRECONDITION_FAILED : this.FAIL;
+ var message = String((typeof e === "object" && e !== null) ? e.message : e);
+ var stack = e.stack ? e.stack : null;
+ this.set_status(status, message, stack);
+ this.phase = this.phases.HAS_RESULT;
+ this.done();
+ } finally {
+ this.current_test = null;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Wrap a function so that it runs as a step of the current test.
+ *
+ * This allows creating a callback function that will run as a
+ * test step.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * let t = async_test("Example");
+ * onload = t.step_func(e => {
+ * assert_equals(e.name, "load");
+ * // Mark the test as complete.
+ * t.done();
+ * })
+ *
+ * @param {string} func - Function to run as a step. If this
+ * throws an :js:func:`AssertionError`, or any other exception,
+ * the :js:class:`Test` status is set to ``FAIL``.
+ * @param {Object} [this_obj] - The object to use as the this
+ * value when calling ``func``. Defaults to the :js:class:`Test` object.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_func = function(func, this_obj)
+ {
+ var test_this = this;
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ this_obj = test_this;
+ }
+ return function()
+ {
+ return test_this.step.apply(test_this, [func, this_obj].concat(
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Wrap a function so that it runs as a step of the current test,
+ * and automatically marks the test as complete if the function
+ * returns without error.
+ *
+ * @param {string} func - Function to run as a step. If this
+ * throws an :js:func:`AssertionError`, or any other exception,
+ * the :js:class:`Test` status is set to ``FAIL``. If it returns
+ * without error the status is set to ``PASS``.
+ * @param {Object} [this_obj] - The object to use as the this
+ * value when calling `func`. Defaults to the :js:class:`Test` object.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_func_done = function(func, this_obj)
+ {
+ var test_this = this;
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ this_obj = test_this;
+ }
+ return function()
+ {
+ if (func) {
+ test_this.step.apply(test_this, [func, this_obj].concat(
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)));
+ }
+ test_this.done();
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return a function that automatically sets the current test to
+ * ``FAIL`` if it's called.
+ *
+ * @param {string} [description] - Error message to add to assert
+ * in case of failure.
+ *
+ */
+ Test.prototype.unreached_func = function(description)
+ {
+ return this.step_func(function() {
+ assert_unreached(description);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Run a function as a step of the test after a given timeout.
+ *
+ * This multiplies the timeout by the global timeout multiplier to
+ * account for the expected execution speed of the current test
+ * environment. For example ``test.step_timeout(f, 2000)`` with a
+ * timeout multiplier of 2 will wait for 4000ms before calling ``f``.
+ *
+ * In general it's encouraged to use :js:func:`Test.step_wait` or
+ * :js:func:`step_wait_func` in preference to this function where possible,
+ * as they provide better test performance.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} func - Function to run as a test
+ * step.
+ * @param {number} timeout - Time in ms to wait before running the
+ * test step. The actual wait time is ``timeout`` x
+ * ``timeout_multiplier``.
+ *
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_timeout = function(func, timeout) {
+ var test_this = this;
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ var local_set_timeout = typeof global_scope.setTimeout === "undefined" ? fake_set_timeout : setTimeout;
+ return local_set_timeout(this.step_func(function() {
+ return func.apply(test_this, args);
+ }), timeout * tests.timeout_multiplier);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Poll for a function to return true, and call a callback
+ * function once it does, or assert if a timeout is
+ * reached. This is preferred over a simple step_timeout
+ * whenever possible since it allows the timeout to be longer
+ * to reduce intermittents without compromising test execution
+ * speed when the condition is quickly met.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} cond A function taking no arguments and
+ * returning a boolean or a Promise. The callback is
+ * called when this function returns true, or the
+ * returned Promise is resolved with true.
+ * @param {Function} func A function taking no arguments to call once
+ * the condition is met.
+ * @param {string} [description] Error message to add to assert in case of
+ * failure.
+ * @param {number} timeout Timeout in ms. This is multiplied by the global
+ * timeout_multiplier
+ * @param {number} interval Polling interval in ms
+ *
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_wait_func = function(cond, func, description,
+ timeout=3000, interval=100) {
+ var timeout_full = timeout * tests.timeout_multiplier;
+ var remaining = Math.ceil(timeout_full / interval);
+ var test_this = this;
+ var local_set_timeout = typeof global_scope.setTimeout === 'undefined' ? fake_set_timeout : setTimeout;
+ const step = test_this.step_func((result) => {
+ if (result) {
+ func();
+ } else {
+ if (remaining === 0) {
+ assert(false, "step_wait_func", description,
+ "Timed out waiting on condition");
+ }
+ remaining--;
+ local_set_timeout(wait_for_inner, interval);
+ }
+ });
+ var wait_for_inner = test_this.step_func(() => {
+ Promise.resolve(cond()).then(
+ step,
+ test_this.unreached_func("step_wait_func"));
+ });
+ wait_for_inner();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Poll for a function to return true, and invoke a callback
+ * followed by this.done() once it does, or assert if a timeout
+ * is reached. This is preferred over a simple step_timeout
+ * whenever possible since it allows the timeout to be longer
+ * to reduce intermittents without compromising test execution speed
+ * when the condition is quickly met.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * async_test(t => {
+ * const popup = window.open("resources/coop-coep.py?coop=same-origin&coep=&navigate=about:blank");
+ * t.add_cleanup(() => popup.close());
+ * assert_equals(window, popup.opener);
+ *
+ * popup.onload = t.step_func(() => {
+ * assert_true(popup.location.href.endsWith("&navigate=about:blank"));
+ * // Use step_wait_func_done as about:blank cannot message back.
+ * t.step_wait_func_done(() => popup.location.href === "about:blank");
+ * });
+ * }, "Navigating a popup to about:blank");
+ *
+ * @param {Function} cond A function taking no arguments and
+ * returning a boolean or a Promise. The callback is
+ * called when this function returns true, or the
+ * returned Promise is resolved with true.
+ * @param {Function} func A function taking no arguments to call once
+ * the condition is met.
+ * @param {string} [description] Error message to add to assert in case of
+ * failure.
+ * @param {number} timeout Timeout in ms. This is multiplied by the global
+ * timeout_multiplier
+ * @param {number} interval Polling interval in ms
+ *
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_wait_func_done = function(cond, func, description,
+ timeout=3000, interval=100) {
+ this.step_wait_func(cond, () => {
+ if (func) {
+ func();
+ }
+ this.done();
+ }, description, timeout, interval);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Poll for a function to return true, and resolve a promise
+ * once it does, or assert if a timeout is reached. This is
+ * preferred over a simple step_timeout whenever possible
+ * since it allows the timeout to be longer to reduce
+ * intermittents without compromising test execution speed
+ * when the condition is quickly met.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * promise_test(async t => {
+ * // …
+ * await t.step_wait(() => frame.contentDocument === null, "Frame navigated to a cross-origin document");
+ * // …
+ * }, "");
+ *
+ * @param {Function} cond A function taking no arguments and
+ * returning a boolean or a Promise.
+ * @param {string} [description] Error message to add to assert in case of
+ * failure.
+ * @param {number} timeout Timeout in ms. This is multiplied by the global
+ * timeout_multiplier
+ * @param {number} interval Polling interval in ms
+ * @returns {Promise} Promise resolved once cond is met.
+ *
+ */
+ Test.prototype.step_wait = function(cond, description, timeout=3000, interval=100) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ this.step_wait_func(cond, resolve, description, timeout, interval);
+ });
+ }
+ /*
+ * Private method for registering cleanup functions. `testharness.js`
+ * internals should use this method instead of the public `add_cleanup`
+ * method in order to hide implementation details from the harness status
+ * message in the case errors.
+ */
+ Test.prototype._add_cleanup = function(callback) {
+ this.cleanup_callbacks.push(callback);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Schedule a function to be run after the test result is known, regardless
+ * of passing or failing state.
+ *
+ * The behavior of this function will not
+ * influence the result of the test, but if an exception is thrown, the
+ * test harness will report an error.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback - The cleanup function to run. This
+ * is called with no arguments.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.add_cleanup = function(callback) {
+ this._user_defined_cleanup_count += 1;
+ this._add_cleanup(callback);
+ };
+ Test.prototype.set_timeout = function()
+ {
+ if (this.timeout_length !== null) {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ this.timeout_id = setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ this_obj.timeout();
+ }, this.timeout_length);
+ }
+ };
+ Test.prototype.set_status = function(status, message, stack)
+ {
+ this.status = status;
+ this.message = message;
+ this.stack = stack ? stack : null;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Manually set the test status to ``TIMEOUT``.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.timeout = function()
+ {
+ this.timeout_id = null;
+ this.set_status(this.TIMEOUT, "Test timed out");
+ this.phase = this.phases.HAS_RESULT;
+ this.done();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Manually set the test status to ``TIMEOUT``.
+ *
+ * Alias for `Test.timeout <#Test.timeout>`_.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.force_timeout = function() {
+ return this.timeout();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Mark the test as complete.
+ *
+ * This sets the test status to ``PASS`` if no other status was
+ * already recorded. Any subsequent attempts to run additional
+ * test steps will be ignored.
+ *
+ * After setting the test status any test cleanup functions will
+ * be run.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.done = function()
+ {
+ if (this.phase >= this.phases.CLEANING) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.phase <= this.phases.STARTED) {
+ this.set_status(this.PASS, null);
+ }
+ if (global_scope.clearTimeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout_id);
+ }
+ if (settings.debug) {
+ console.log("TEST DONE",
+ this.status,
+ this.name);
+ }
+ this.cleanup();
+ };
+ function add_test_done_callback(test, callback)
+ {
+ if (test.phase === test.phases.COMPLETE) {
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ test._done_callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Invoke all specified cleanup functions. If one or more produce an error,
+ * the context is in an unpredictable state, so all further testing should
+ * be cancelled.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.cleanup = function() {
+ var errors = [];
+ var bad_value_count = 0;
+ function on_error(e) {
+ errors.push(e);
+ // Abort tests immediately so that tests declared within subsequent
+ // cleanup functions are not run.
+ tests.abort();
+ }
+ var this_obj = this;
+ var results = [];
+ this.phase = this.phases.CLEANING;
+ if (this._abortController) {
+ this._abortController.abort("Test cleanup");
+ }
+ forEach(this.cleanup_callbacks,
+ function(cleanup_callback) {
+ var result;
+ try {
+ result = cleanup_callback();
+ } catch (e) {
+ on_error(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!is_valid_cleanup_result(this_obj, result)) {
+ bad_value_count += 1;
+ // Abort tests immediately so that tests declared
+ // within subsequent cleanup functions are not run.
+ tests.abort();
+ }
+ results.push(result);
+ });
+ if (!this._is_promise_test) {
+ cleanup_done(this_obj, errors, bad_value_count);
+ } else {
+ all_async(results,
+ function(result, done) {
+ if (result && typeof result.then === "function") {
+ result
+ .then(null, on_error)
+ .then(done);
+ } else {
+ done();
+ }
+ },
+ function() {
+ cleanup_done(this_obj, errors, bad_value_count);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ * Determine if the return value of a cleanup function is valid for a given
+ * test. Any test may return the value `undefined`. Tests created with
+ * `promise_test` may alternatively return "thenable" object values.
+ */
+ function is_valid_cleanup_result(test, result) {
+ if (result === undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (test._is_promise_test) {
+ return result && typeof result.then === "function";
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function cleanup_done(test, errors, bad_value_count) {
+ if (errors.length || bad_value_count) {
+ var total = test._user_defined_cleanup_count;
+ tests.status.status = tests.status.ERROR;
+ tests.status.stack = null;
+ tests.status.message = "Test named '" + test.name +
+ "' specified " + total +
+ " 'cleanup' function" + (total > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ if (errors.length) {
+ tests.status.message += ", and " + errors.length + " failed";
+ tests.status.stack = ((typeof errors[0] === "object" &&
+ errors[0].hasOwnProperty("stack")) ?
+ errors[0].stack : null);
+ }
+ if (bad_value_count) {
+ var type = test._is_promise_test ?
+ "non-thenable" : "non-undefined";
+ tests.status.message += ", and " + bad_value_count +
+ " returned a " + type + " value";
+ }
+ tests.status.message += ".";
+ }
+ test.phase = test.phases.COMPLETE;
+ tests.result(test);
+ forEach(test._done_callbacks,
+ function(callback) {
+ callback();
+ });
+ test._done_callbacks.length = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gives an AbortSignal that will be aborted when the test finishes.
+ */
+ Test.prototype.get_signal = function() {
+ if (!this._abortController) {
+ throw new Error("AbortController is not supported in this browser");
+ }
+ return this._abortController.signal;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A RemoteTest object mirrors a Test object on a remote worker. The
+ * associated RemoteWorker updates the RemoteTest object in response to
+ * received events. In turn, the RemoteTest object replicates these events
+ * on the local document. This allows listeners (test result reporting
+ * etc..) to transparently handle local and remote events.
+ */
+ function RemoteTest(clone) {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ Object.keys(clone).forEach(
+ function(key) {
+ this_obj[key] = clone[key];
+ });
+ this.index = null;
+ this.phase = this.phases.INITIAL;
+ this.update_state_from(clone);
+ this._done_callbacks = [];
+ tests.push(this);
+ }
+ RemoteTest.prototype.structured_clone = function() {
+ var clone = {};
+ Object.keys(this).forEach(
+ (function(key) {
+ var value = this[key];
+ // `RemoteTest` instances are responsible for managing
+ // their own "done" callback functions, so those functions
+ // are not relevant in other execution contexts. Because of
+ // this (and because Function values cannot be serialized
+ // for cross-realm transmittance), the property should not
+ // be considered when cloning instances.
+ if (key === '_done_callbacks' ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) {
+ clone[key] = merge({}, value);
+ } else {
+ clone[key] = value;
+ }
+ }).bind(this));
+ clone.phases = merge({}, this.phases);
+ return clone;
+ };
+ /**
+ * `RemoteTest` instances are objects which represent tests running in
+ * another realm. They do not define "cleanup" functions (if necessary,
+ * such functions are defined on the associated `Test` instance within the
+ * external realm). However, `RemoteTests` may have "done" callbacks (e.g.
+ * as attached by the `Tests` instance responsible for tracking the overall
+ * test status in the parent realm). The `cleanup` method delegates to
+ * `done` in order to ensure that such callbacks are invoked following the
+ * completion of the `RemoteTest`.
+ */
+ RemoteTest.prototype.cleanup = function() {
+ this.done();
+ };
+ RemoteTest.prototype.phases = Test.prototype.phases;
+ RemoteTest.prototype.update_state_from = function(clone) {
+ this.status = clone.status;
+ this.message = clone.message;
+ this.stack = clone.stack;
+ if (this.phase === this.phases.INITIAL) {
+ this.phase = this.phases.STARTED;
+ }
+ };
+ RemoteTest.prototype.done = function() {
+ this.phase = this.phases.COMPLETE;
+ forEach(this._done_callbacks,
+ function(callback) {
+ callback();
+ });
+ }
+ RemoteTest.prototype.format_status = function() {
+ return Test.prototype.status_formats[this.status];
+ }
+ /*
+ * A RemoteContext listens for test events from a remote test context, such
+ * as another window or a worker. These events are then used to construct
+ * and maintain RemoteTest objects that mirror the tests running in the
+ * remote context.
+ *
+ * An optional third parameter can be used as a predicate to filter incoming
+ * MessageEvents.
+ */
+ function RemoteContext(remote, message_target, message_filter) {
+ this.running = true;
+ this.started = false;
+ this.tests = new Array();
+ this.early_exception = null;
+ var this_obj = this;
+ // If remote context is cross origin assigning to onerror is not
+ // possible, so silently catch those errors.
+ try {
+ remote.onerror = function(error) { this_obj.remote_error(error); };
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore.
+ }
+ // Keeping a reference to the remote object and the message handler until
+ // remote_done() is seen prevents the remote object and its message channel
+ // from going away before all the messages are dispatched.
+ this.remote = remote;
+ this.message_target = message_target;
+ this.message_handler = function(message) {
+ var passesFilter = !message_filter || message_filter(message);
+ // The reference to the `running` property in the following
+ // condition is unnecessary because that value is only set to
+ // `false` after the `message_handler` function has been
+ // unsubscribed.
+ // TODO: Simplify the condition by removing the reference.
+ if (this_obj.running && message.data && passesFilter &&
+ (message.data.type in this_obj.message_handlers)) {
+ this_obj.message_handlers[message.data.type].call(this_obj, message.data);
+ }
+ };
+ if (self.Promise) {
+ this.done = new Promise(function(resolve) {
+ this_obj.doneResolve = resolve;
+ });
+ }
+ this.message_target.addEventListener("message", this.message_handler);
+ }
+ RemoteContext.prototype.remote_error = function(error) {
+ if (error.preventDefault) {
+ error.preventDefault();
+ }
+ // Defer interpretation of errors until the testing protocol has
+ // started and the remote test's `allow_uncaught_exception` property
+ // is available.
+ if (!this.started) {
+ this.early_exception = error;
+ } else if (!this.allow_uncaught_exception) {
+ this.report_uncaught(error);
+ }
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.report_uncaught = function(error) {
+ var message = error.message || String(error);
+ var filename = (error.filename ? " " + error.filename: "");
+ // FIXME: Display remote error states separately from main document
+ // error state.
+ tests.set_status(tests.status.ERROR,
+ "Error in remote" + filename + ": " + message,
+ error.stack);
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.start = function(data) {
+ this.started = true;
+ this.allow_uncaught_exception = data.properties.allow_uncaught_exception;
+ if (this.early_exception && !this.allow_uncaught_exception) {
+ this.report_uncaught(this.early_exception);
+ }
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.test_state = function(data) {
+ var remote_test = this.tests[data.test.index];
+ if (!remote_test) {
+ remote_test = new RemoteTest(data.test);
+ this.tests[data.test.index] = remote_test;
+ }
+ remote_test.update_state_from(data.test);
+ tests.notify_test_state(remote_test);
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.test_done = function(data) {
+ var remote_test = this.tests[data.test.index];
+ remote_test.update_state_from(data.test);
+ remote_test.done();
+ tests.result(remote_test);
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.remote_done = function(data) {
+ if (tests.status.status === null &&
+ data.status.status !== data.status.OK) {
+ tests.set_status(data.status.status, data.status.message, data.status.stack);
+ }
+ for (let assert of data.asserts) {
+ var record = new AssertRecord();
+ record.assert_name = assert.assert_name;
+ record.args = assert.args;
+ record.test = assert.test != null ? this.tests[assert.test.index] : null;
+ record.status = assert.status;
+ record.stack = assert.stack;
+ tests.asserts_run.push(record);
+ }
+ this.message_target.removeEventListener("message", this.message_handler);
+ this.running = false;
+ // If remote context is cross origin assigning to onerror is not
+ // possible, so silently catch those errors.
+ try {
+ this.remote.onerror = null;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore.
+ }
+ this.remote = null;
+ this.message_target = null;
+ if (this.doneResolve) {
+ this.doneResolve();
+ }
+ if (tests.all_done()) {
+ tests.complete();
+ }
+ };
+ RemoteContext.prototype.message_handlers = {
+ start: RemoteContext.prototype.start,
+ test_state: RemoteContext.prototype.test_state,
+ result: RemoteContext.prototype.test_done,
+ complete: RemoteContext.prototype.remote_done
+ };
+ /**
+ * @class
+ * Status of the overall harness
+ */
+ function TestsStatus()
+ {
+ /** The status code */
+ this.status = null;
+ /** Message in case of failure */
+ this.message = null;
+ /** Stack trace in case of an exception. */
+ this.stack = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enum of possible harness statuses.
+ *
+ * :values:
+ * - ``OK``
+ * - ``ERROR``
+ * - ``TIMEOUT``
+ */
+ TestsStatus.statuses = {
+ OK:0,
+ ERROR:1,
+ };
+ TestsStatus.prototype = merge({}, TestsStatus.statuses);
+ TestsStatus.prototype.formats = {
+ 0: "OK",
+ 1: "Error",
+ 2: "Timeout",
+ 3: "Optional Feature Unsupported"
+ };
+ TestsStatus.prototype.structured_clone = function()
+ {
+ if (!this._structured_clone) {
+ var msg = this.message;
+ msg = msg ? String(msg) : msg;
+ this._structured_clone = merge({
+ status:this.status,
+ message:msg,
+ stack:this.stack
+ }, TestsStatus.statuses);
+ }
+ return this._structured_clone;
+ };
+ TestsStatus.prototype.format_status = function() {
+ return this.formats[this.status];
+ };
+ /**
+ * @class
+ * Record of an assert that ran.
+ *
+ * @param {Test} test - The test which ran the assert.
+ * @param {string} assert_name - The function name of the assert.
+ * @param {Any} args - The arguments passed to the assert function.
+ */
+ function AssertRecord(test, assert_name, args = []) {
+ /** Name of the assert that ran */
+ this.assert_name = assert_name;
+ /** Test that ran the assert */
+ this.test = test;
+ // Avoid keeping complex objects alive
+ /** Stringification of the arguments that were passed to the assert function */
+ this.args = args.map(x => format_value(x).replace(/\n/g, " "));
+ /** Status of the assert */
+ this.status = null;
+ }
+ AssertRecord.prototype.structured_clone = function() {
+ return {
+ assert_name: this.assert_name,
+ test: this.test ? this.test.structured_clone() : null,
+ args: this.args,
+ status: this.status,
+ };
+ };
+ function Tests()
+ {
+ this.tests = [];
+ this.num_pending = 0;
+ this.phases = {
+ SETUP:1,
+ };
+ this.phase = this.phases.INITIAL;
+ this.properties = {};
+ this.wait_for_finish = false;
+ this.processing_callbacks = false;
+ this.allow_uncaught_exception = false;
+ this.file_is_test = false;
+ // This value is lazily initialized in order to avoid introducing a
+ // dependency on ECMAScript 2015 Promises to all tests.
+ this.promise_tests = null;
+ this.promise_setup_called = false;
+ this.timeout_multiplier = 1;
+ this.timeout_length = test_environment.test_timeout();
+ this.timeout_id = null;
+ this.start_callbacks = [];
+ this.test_state_callbacks = [];
+ this.test_done_callbacks = [];
+ this.all_done_callbacks = [];
+ this.hide_test_state = false;
+ this.pending_remotes = [];
+ this.current_test = null;
+ this.asserts_run = [];
+ // Track whether output is enabled, and thus whether or not we should
+ // track asserts.
+ //
+ // On workers we don't get properties set from testharnessreport.js, so
+ // we don't know whether or not to track asserts. To avoid the
+ // resulting performance hit, we assume we are not meant to. This means
+ // that assert tracking does not function on workers.
+ this.output = settings.output && 'document' in global_scope;
+ this.status = new TestsStatus();
+ var this_obj = this;
+ test_environment.add_on_loaded_callback(function() {
+ if (this_obj.all_done()) {
+ this_obj.complete();
+ }
+ });
+ this.set_timeout();
+ }
+ Tests.prototype.setup = function(func, properties)
+ {
+ if (this.phase >= this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.phase < this.phases.SETUP) {
+ this.phase = this.phases.SETUP;
+ }
+ this.properties = properties;
+ for (var p in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+ var value = properties[p];
+ if (p == "allow_uncaught_exception") {
+ this.allow_uncaught_exception = value;
+ } else if (p == "explicit_done" && value) {
+ this.wait_for_finish = true;
+ } else if (p == "explicit_timeout" && value) {
+ this.timeout_length = null;
+ if (this.timeout_id)
+ {
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout_id);
+ }
+ } else if (p == "single_test" && value) {
+ this.set_file_is_test();
+ } else if (p == "timeout_multiplier") {
+ this.timeout_multiplier = value;
+ if (this.timeout_length) {
+ this.timeout_length *= this.timeout_multiplier;
+ }
+ } else if (p == "hide_test_state") {
+ this.hide_test_state = value;
+ } else if (p == "output") {
+ this.output = value;
+ } else if (p === "debug") {
+ settings.debug = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (func) {
+ try {
+ func();
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.status.status = e instanceof OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError ? this.status.PRECONDITION_FAILED : this.status.ERROR;
+ this.status.message = String(e);
+ this.status.stack = e.stack ? e.stack : null;
+ this.complete();
+ }
+ }
+ this.set_timeout();
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.set_file_is_test = function() {
+ if (this.tests.length > 0) {
+ throw new Error("Tried to set file as test after creating a test");
+ }
+ this.wait_for_finish = true;
+ this.file_is_test = true;
+ // Create the test, which will add it to the list of tests
+ tests.current_test = async_test();
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.set_status = function(status, message, stack)
+ {
+ this.status.status = status;
+ this.status.message = message;
+ this.status.stack = stack ? stack : null;
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.set_timeout = function() {
+ if (global_scope.clearTimeout) {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ clearTimeout(this.timeout_id);
+ if (this.timeout_length !== null) {
+ this.timeout_id = setTimeout(function() {
+ this_obj.timeout();
+ }, this.timeout_length);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.timeout = function() {
+ var test_in_cleanup = null;
+ if (this.status.status === null) {
+ forEach(this.tests,
+ function(test) {
+ // No more than one test is expected to be in the
+ // "CLEANUP" phase at any time
+ if (test.phase === test.phases.CLEANING) {
+ test_in_cleanup = test;
+ }
+ test.phase = test.phases.COMPLETE;
+ });
+ // Timeouts that occur while a test is in the "cleanup" phase
+ // indicate that some global state was not properly reverted. This
+ // invalidates the overall test execution, so the timeout should be
+ // reported as an error and cancel the execution of any remaining
+ // tests.
+ if (test_in_cleanup) {
+ this.status.status = this.status.ERROR;
+ this.status.message = "Timeout while running cleanup for " +
+ "test named \"" + test_in_cleanup.name + "\".";
+ tests.status.stack = null;
+ } else {
+ this.status.status = this.status.TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ this.complete();
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.end_wait = function()
+ {
+ this.wait_for_finish = false;
+ if (this.all_done()) {
+ this.complete();
+ }
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.push = function(test)
+ {
+ if (this.phase < this.phases.HAVE_TESTS) {
+ this.start();
+ }
+ this.num_pending++;
+ test.index = this.tests.push(test);
+ this.notify_test_state(test);
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.notify_test_state = function(test) {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ forEach(this.test_state_callbacks,
+ function(callback) {
+ callback(test, this_obj);
+ });
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.all_done = function() {
+ return (this.tests.length > 0 || this.pending_remotes.length > 0) &&
+ test_environment.all_loaded &&
+ (this.num_pending === 0 || this.is_aborted) && !this.wait_for_finish &&
+ !this.processing_callbacks &&
+ !this.pending_remotes.some(function(w) { return w.running; });
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.start = function() {
+ this.phase = this.phases.HAVE_TESTS;
+ this.notify_start();
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.notify_start = function() {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ forEach (this.start_callbacks,
+ function(callback)
+ {
+ callback(this_obj.properties);
+ });
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.result = function(test)
+ {
+ // If the harness has already transitioned beyond the `HAVE_RESULTS`
+ // phase, subsequent tests should not cause it to revert.
+ if (this.phase <= this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS) {
+ this.phase = this.phases.HAVE_RESULTS;
+ }
+ this.num_pending--;
+ this.notify_result(test);
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.notify_result = function(test) {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ this.processing_callbacks = true;
+ forEach(this.test_done_callbacks,
+ function(callback)
+ {
+ callback(test, this_obj);
+ });
+ this.processing_callbacks = false;
+ if (this_obj.all_done()) {
+ this_obj.complete();
+ }
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.complete = function() {
+ if (this.phase === this.phases.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var this_obj = this;
+ var all_complete = function() {
+ this_obj.phase = this_obj.phases.COMPLETE;
+ this_obj.notify_complete();
+ };
+ var incomplete = filter(this.tests,
+ function(test) {
+ return test.phase < test.phases.COMPLETE;
+ });
+ /**
+ * To preserve legacy behavior, overall test completion must be
+ * signaled synchronously.
+ */
+ if (incomplete.length === 0) {
+ all_complete();
+ return;
+ }
+ all_async(incomplete,
+ function(test, testDone)
+ {
+ if (test.phase === test.phases.INITIAL) {
+ test.phase = test.phases.COMPLETE;
+ testDone();
+ } else {
+ add_test_done_callback(test, testDone);
+ test.cleanup();
+ }
+ },
+ all_complete);
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.set_assert = function(assert_name, args) {
+ this.asserts_run.push(new AssertRecord(this.current_test, assert_name, args))
+ }
+ Tests.prototype.set_assert_status = function(index, status, stack) {
+ let assert_record = this.asserts_run[index];
+ assert_record.status = status;
+ assert_record.stack = stack;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the harness status to reflect an unrecoverable harness error that
+ * should cancel all further testing. Update all previously-defined tests
+ * which have not yet started to indicate that they will not be executed.
+ */
+ Tests.prototype.abort = function() {
+ this.status.status = this.status.ERROR;
+ this.is_aborted = true;
+ forEach(this.tests,
+ function(test) {
+ if (test.phase === test.phases.INITIAL) {
+ test.phase = test.phases.COMPLETE;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ /*
+ * Determine if any tests share the same `name` property. Return an array
+ * containing the names of any such duplicates.
+ */
+ Tests.prototype.find_duplicates = function() {
+ var names = Object.create(null);
+ var duplicates = [];
+ forEach (this.tests,
+ function(test)
+ {
+ if (test.name in names && duplicates.indexOf(test.name) === -1) {
+ duplicates.push(test.name);
+ }
+ names[test.name] = true;
+ });
+ return duplicates;
+ };
+ function code_unit_str(char) {
+ return 'U+' + char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
+ }
+ function sanitize_unpaired_surrogates(str) {
+ return str.replace(
+ /([\ud800-\udbff]+)(?![\udc00-\udfff])|(^|[^\ud800-\udbff])([\udc00-\udfff]+)/g,
+ function(_, low, prefix, high) {
+ var output = prefix || ""; // prefix may be undefined
+ var string = low || high; // only one of these alternates can match
+ for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
+ output += code_unit_str(string[i]);
+ }
+ return output;
+ });
+ }
+ function sanitize_all_unpaired_surrogates(tests) {
+ forEach (tests,
+ function (test)
+ {
+ var sanitized = sanitize_unpaired_surrogates(test.name);
+ if (test.name !== sanitized) {
+ test.name = sanitized;
+ delete test._structured_clone;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Tests.prototype.notify_complete = function() {
+ var this_obj = this;
+ var duplicates;
+ if (this.status.status === null) {
+ duplicates = this.find_duplicates();
+ // Some transports adhere to UTF-8's restriction on unpaired
+ // surrogates. Sanitize the titles so that the results can be
+ // consistently sent via all transports.
+ sanitize_all_unpaired_surrogates(this.tests);
+ // Test names are presumed to be unique within test files--this
+ // allows consumers to use them for identification purposes.
+ // Duplicated names violate this expectation and should therefore
+ // be reported as an error.
+ if (duplicates.length) {
+ this.status.status = this.status.ERROR;
+ this.status.message =
+ duplicates.length + ' duplicate test name' +
+ (duplicates.length > 1 ? 's' : '') + ': "' +
+ duplicates.join('", "') + '"';
+ } else {
+ this.status.status = this.status.OK;
+ }
+ }
+ forEach (this.all_done_callbacks,
+ function(callback)
+ {
+ callback(this_obj.tests, this_obj.status, this_obj.asserts_run);
+ });
+ };
+ /*
+ * Constructs a RemoteContext that tracks tests from a specific worker.
+ */
+ Tests.prototype.create_remote_worker = function(worker) {
+ var message_port;
+ if (is_service_worker(worker)) {
+ message_port = navigator.serviceWorker;
+ worker.postMessage({type: "connect"});
+ } else if (is_shared_worker(worker)) {
+ message_port = worker.port;
+ message_port.start();
+ } else {
+ message_port = worker;
+ }
+ return new RemoteContext(worker, message_port);
+ };
+ /*
+ * Constructs a RemoteContext that tracks tests from a specific window.
+ */
+ Tests.prototype.create_remote_window = function(remote) {
+ remote.postMessage({type: "getmessages"}, "*");
+ return new RemoteContext(
+ remote,
+ window,
+ function(msg) {
+ return msg.source === remote;
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ Tests.prototype.fetch_tests_from_worker = function(worker) {
+ if (this.phase >= this.phases.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var remoteContext = this.create_remote_worker(worker);
+ this.pending_remotes.push(remoteContext);
+ return remoteContext.done;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get test results from a worker and include them in the current test.
+ *
+ * @param {Worker|SharedWorker|ServiceWorker|MessagePort} port -
+ * Either a worker object or a port connected to a worker which is
+ * running tests..
+ * @returns {Promise} - A promise that's resolved once all the remote tests are complete.
+ */
+ function fetch_tests_from_worker(port) {
+ return tests.fetch_tests_from_worker(port);
+ }
+ expose(fetch_tests_from_worker, 'fetch_tests_from_worker');
+ Tests.prototype.fetch_tests_from_window = function(remote) {
+ if (this.phase >= this.phases.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var remoteContext = this.create_remote_window(remote);
+ this.pending_remotes.push(remoteContext);
+ return remoteContext.done;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Aggregate tests from separate windows or iframes
+ * into the current document as if they were all part of the same test file.
+ *
+ * The document of the second window (or iframe) should include
+ * ``testharness.js``, but not ``testharnessreport.js``, and use
+ * :js:func:`test`, :js:func:`async_test`, and :js:func:`promise_test` in
+ * the usual manner.
+ *
+ * @param {Window} window - The window to fetch tests from.
+ */
+ function fetch_tests_from_window(window) {
+ return tests.fetch_tests_from_window(window);
+ }
+ expose(fetch_tests_from_window, 'fetch_tests_from_window');
+ /**
+ * Get test results from a shadow realm and include them in the current test.
+ *
+ * @param {ShadowRealm} realm - A shadow realm also running the test harness
+ * @returns {Promise} - A promise that's resolved once all the remote tests are complete.
+ */
+ function fetch_tests_from_shadow_realm(realm) {
+ var chan = new MessageChannel();
+ function receiveMessage(msg_json) {
+ chan.port1.postMessage(JSON.parse(msg_json));
+ }
+ var done = tests.fetch_tests_from_worker(chan.port2);
+ realm.evaluate("begin_shadow_realm_tests")(receiveMessage);
+ chan.port2.start();
+ return done;
+ }
+ expose(fetch_tests_from_shadow_realm, 'fetch_tests_from_shadow_realm');
+ /**
+ * Begin running tests in this shadow realm test harness.
+ *
+ * To be called after all tests have been loaded; it is an error to call
+ * this more than once or in a non-Shadow Realm environment
+ *
+ * @param {Function} postMessage - A function to send test updates to the
+ * incubating realm-- accepts JSON-encoded messages in the format used by
+ * RemoteContext
+ */
+ function begin_shadow_realm_tests(postMessage) {
+ if (!(test_environment instanceof ShadowRealmTestEnvironment)) {
+ throw new Error("begin_shadow_realm_tests called in non-Shadow Realm environment");
+ }
+ test_environment.begin(function (msg) {
+ postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg));
+ });
+ }
+ expose(begin_shadow_realm_tests, 'begin_shadow_realm_tests');
+ /**
+ * Timeout the tests.
+ *
+ * This only has an effect when ``explicit_timeout`` has been set
+ * in :js:func:`setup`. In other cases any call is a no-op.
+ *
+ */
+ function timeout() {
+ if (tests.timeout_length === null) {
+ tests.timeout();
+ }
+ }
+ expose(timeout, 'timeout');
+ /**
+ * Add a callback that's triggered when the first :js:class:`Test` is created.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback - Callback function. This is called
+ * without arguments.
+ */
+ function add_start_callback(callback) {
+ tests.start_callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a callback that's triggered when a test state changes.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback - Callback function, called with the
+ * :js:class:`Test` as the only argument.
+ */
+ function add_test_state_callback(callback) {
+ tests.test_state_callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a callback that's triggered when a test result is received.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback - Callback function, called with the
+ * :js:class:`Test` as the only argument.
+ */
+ function add_result_callback(callback) {
+ tests.test_done_callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a callback that's triggered when all tests are complete.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} callback - Callback function, called with an
+ * array of :js:class:`Test` objects, a :js:class:`TestsStatus`
+ * object and an array of :js:class:`AssertRecord` objects. If the
+ * debug setting is ``false`` the final argument will be an empty
+ * array.
+ *
+ * For performance reasons asserts are only tracked when the debug
+ * setting is ``true``. In other cases the array of asserts will be
+ * empty.
+ */
+ function add_completion_callback(callback) {
+ tests.all_done_callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ expose(add_start_callback, 'add_start_callback');
+ expose(add_test_state_callback, 'add_test_state_callback');
+ expose(add_result_callback, 'add_result_callback');
+ expose(add_completion_callback, 'add_completion_callback');
+ function remove(array, item) {
+ var index = array.indexOf(item);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ array.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ function remove_start_callback(callback) {
+ remove(tests.start_callbacks, callback);
+ }
+ function remove_test_state_callback(callback) {
+ remove(tests.test_state_callbacks, callback);
+ }
+ function remove_result_callback(callback) {
+ remove(tests.test_done_callbacks, callback);
+ }
+ function remove_completion_callback(callback) {
+ remove(tests.all_done_callbacks, callback);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Output listener
+ */
+ function Output() {
+ this.output_document = document;
+ this.output_node = null;
+ this.enabled = settings.output;
+ this.phase = this.INITIAL;
+ }
+ Output.prototype.INITIAL = 0;
+ Output.prototype.STARTED = 1;
+ Output.prototype.HAVE_RESULTS = 2;
+ Output.prototype.COMPLETE = 3;
+ Output.prototype.setup = function(properties) {
+ if (this.phase > this.INITIAL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //If output is disabled in testharnessreport.js the test shouldn't be
+ //able to override that
+ this.enabled = this.enabled && (properties.hasOwnProperty("output") ?
+ properties.output : settings.output);
+ };
+ Output.prototype.init = function(properties) {
+ if (this.phase >= this.STARTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (properties.output_document) {
+ this.output_document = properties.output_document;
+ } else {
+ this.output_document = document;
+ }
+ this.phase = this.STARTED;
+ };
+ Output.prototype.resolve_log = function() {
+ var output_document;
+ if (this.output_node) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.output_document === "function") {
+ output_document = this.output_document.apply(undefined);
+ } else {
+ output_document = this.output_document;
+ }
+ if (!output_document) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var node = output_document.getElementById("log");
+ if (!node) {
+ if (output_document.readyState === "loading") {
+ return;
+ }
+ node = output_document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "div");
+ node.id = "log";
+ if (output_document.body) {
+ output_document.body.appendChild(node);
+ } else {
+ var root = output_document.documentElement;
+ var is_html = (root &&
+ root.namespaceURI == "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" &&
+ root.localName == "html");
+ var is_svg = (output_document.defaultView &&
+ "SVGSVGElement" in output_document.defaultView &&
+ root instanceof output_document.defaultView.SVGSVGElement);
+ if (is_svg) {
+ var foreignObject = output_document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "foreignObject");
+ foreignObject.setAttribute("width", "100%");
+ foreignObject.setAttribute("height", "100%");
+ root.appendChild(foreignObject);
+ foreignObject.appendChild(node);
+ } else if (is_html) {
+ root.appendChild(output_document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "body"))
+ .appendChild(node);
+ } else {
+ root.appendChild(node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.output_document = output_document;
+ this.output_node = node;
+ };
+ Output.prototype.show_status = function() {
+ if (this.phase < this.STARTED) {
+ this.init({});
+ }
+ if (!this.enabled || this.phase === this.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.resolve_log();
+ if (this.phase < this.HAVE_RESULTS) {
+ this.phase = this.HAVE_RESULTS;
+ }
+ var done_count = tests.tests.length - tests.num_pending;
+ if (this.output_node && !tests.hide_test_state) {
+ if (done_count < 100 ||
+ (done_count < 1000 && done_count % 100 === 0) ||
+ done_count % 1000 === 0) {
+ this.output_node.textContent = "Running, " +
+ done_count + " complete, " +
+ tests.num_pending + " remain";
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Output.prototype.show_results = function (tests, harness_status, asserts_run) {
+ if (this.phase >= this.COMPLETE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.output_node) {
+ this.resolve_log();
+ }
+ this.phase = this.COMPLETE;
+ var log = this.output_node;
+ if (!log) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var output_document = this.output_document;
+ while (log.lastChild) {
+ log.removeChild(log.lastChild);
+ }
+ var stylesheet = output_document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "style");
+ stylesheet.textContent = stylesheetContent;
+ var heads = output_document.getElementsByTagName("head");
+ if (heads.length) {
+ heads[0].appendChild(stylesheet);
+ }
+ var status_number = {};
+ forEach(tests,
+ function(test) {
+ var status = test.format_status();
+ if (status_number.hasOwnProperty(status)) {
+ status_number[status] += 1;
+ } else {
+ status_number[status] = 1;
+ }
+ });
+ function status_class(status)
+ {
+ return status.replace(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase();
+ }
+ var summary_template = ["section", {"id":"summary"},
+ ["h2", {}, "Summary"],
+ function()
+ {
+ var status = harness_status.format_status();
+ var rv = [["section", {},
+ ["p", {},
+ "Harness status: ",
+ ["span", {"class":status_class(status)},
+ status
+ ],
+ ],
+ ["button",
+ {"onclick": "let evt = new Event('__test_restart'); " +
+ "let canceled = !window.dispatchEvent(evt);" +
+ "if (!canceled) { location.reload() }"},
+ "Rerun"]
+ ]];
+ if (harness_status.status === harness_status.ERROR) {
+ rv[0].push(["pre", {}, harness_status.message]);
+ if (harness_status.stack) {
+ rv[0].push(["pre", {}, harness_status.stack]);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ },
+ ["p", {}, "Found ${num_tests} tests"],
+ function() {
+ var rv = [["div", {}]];
+ var i = 0;
+ while (Test.prototype.status_formats.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ if (status_number.hasOwnProperty(Test.prototype.status_formats[i])) {
+ var status = Test.prototype.status_formats[i];
+ rv[0].push(["div", {},
+ ["label", {},
+ ["input", {type:"checkbox", checked:"checked"}],
+ status_number[status] + " ",
+ ["span", {"class":status_class(status)}, status]]]);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ },
+ ];
+ log.appendChild(render(summary_template, {num_tests:tests.length}, output_document));
+ forEach(output_document.querySelectorAll("section#summary label"),
+ function(element)
+ {
+ on_event(element, "click",
+ function(e)
+ {
+ if (output_document.getElementById("results") === null) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return;
+ }
+ var result_class = element.querySelector("span[class]").getAttribute("class");
+ var style_element = output_document.querySelector("style#hide-" + result_class);
+ var input_element = element.querySelector("input");
+ if (!style_element && !input_element.checked) {
+ style_element = output_document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "style");
+ style_element.id = "hide-" + result_class;
+ style_element.textContent = "table#results > tbody > tr.overall-"+result_class+"{display:none}";
+ output_document.body.appendChild(style_element);
+ } else if (style_element && input_element.checked) {
+ style_element.parentNode.removeChild(style_element);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // This use of innerHTML plus manual escaping is not recommended in
+ // general, but is necessary here for performance. Using textContent
+ // on each individual adds tens of seconds of execution time for
+ // large test suites (tens of thousands of tests).
+ function escape_html(s)
+ {
+ return s.replace(/\&/g, "&")
+ .replace(/ {
+ if (!asserts_run_by_test.has(assert.test)) {
+ asserts_run_by_test.set(assert.test, []);
+ }
+ asserts_run_by_test.get(assert.test).push(assert);
+ });
+ function get_asserts_output(test) {
+ var asserts = asserts_run_by_test.get(test);
+ if (!asserts) {
+ return "No asserts ran";
+ }
+ rv = "";
+ rv += asserts.map(assert => {
+ var output_fn = "" + escape_html(assert.assert_name) + "(";
+ var prefix_len = output_fn.length;
+ var output_args = assert.args;
+ var output_len = output_args.reduce((prev, current) => prev+current, prefix_len);
+ if (output_len[output_len.length - 1] > 50) {
+ output_args = output_args.map((x, i) =>
+ (i > 0 ? " ".repeat(prefix_len) : "" )+ x + (i < output_args.length - 1 ? ",\n" : ""));
+ } else {
+ output_args = output_args.map((x, i) => x + (i < output_args.length - 1 ? ", " : ""));
+ }
+ output_fn += escape_html(output_args.join(""));
+ output_fn += ')';
+ var output_location;
+ if (assert.stack) {
+ output_location = assert.stack.split("\n", 1)[0].replace(/@?\w+:\/\/[^ "\/]+(?::\d+)?/g, " ");
+ }
+ return "" +
+ "" +
+ Test.prototype.status_formats[assert.status] + " | " +
+ "" +
+ output_fn +
+ (output_location ? "\n" + escape_html(output_location) : "") +
+ " | ";
+ }
+ ).join("\n");
+ rv += " ";
+ return rv;
+ }
+ log.appendChild(document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "section"));
+ var assertions = has_assertions();
+ var html = "Details" +
+ "Result | Test Name | " +
+ (assertions ? "Assertion | " : "") +
+ "Message | " +
+ "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
+ var test = tests[i];
+ html += '' +
+ '' +
+ test.format_status() +
+ " | " +
+ escape_html(test.name) +
+ " | " +
+ (assertions ? escape_html(get_assertion(test)) + " | " : "") +
+ escape_html(test.message ? tests[i].message : " ") +
+ (tests[i].stack ? "" +
+ escape_html(tests[i].stack) +
+ " ": "");
+ if (!(test instanceof RemoteTest)) {
+ html += "Asserts run" + get_asserts_output(test) + " "
+ }
+ html += " | ";
+ }
+ html += " ";
+ try {
+ log.lastChild.innerHTML = html;
+ } catch (e) {
+ log.appendChild(document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "p"))
+ .textContent = "Setting innerHTML for the log threw an exception.";
+ log.appendChild(document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, "pre"))
+ .textContent = html;
+ }
+ };
+ /*
+ * Template code
+ *
+ * A template is just a JavaScript structure. An element is represented as:
+ *
+ * [tag_name, {attr_name:attr_value}, child1, child2]
+ *
+ * the children can either be strings (which act like text nodes), other templates or
+ * functions (see below)
+ *
+ * A text node is represented as
+ *
+ * ["{text}", value]
+ *
+ * String values have a simple substitution syntax; ${foo} represents a variable foo.
+ *
+ * It is possible to embed logic in templates by using a function in a place where a
+ * node would usually go. The function must either return part of a template or null.
+ *
+ * In cases where a set of nodes are required as output rather than a single node
+ * with children it is possible to just use a list
+ * [node1, node2, node3]
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *
+ * render(template, substitutions) - take a template and an object mapping
+ * variable names to parameters and return either a DOM node or a list of DOM nodes
+ *
+ * substitute(template, substitutions) - take a template and variable mapping object,
+ * make the variable substitutions and return the substituted template
+ *
+ */
+ function is_single_node(template)
+ {
+ return typeof template[0] === "string";
+ }
+ function substitute(template, substitutions)
+ {
+ if (typeof template === "function") {
+ var replacement = template(substitutions);
+ if (!replacement) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return substitute(replacement, substitutions);
+ }
+ if (is_single_node(template)) {
+ return substitute_single(template, substitutions);
+ }
+ return filter(map(template, function(x) {
+ return substitute(x, substitutions);
+ }), function(x) {return x !== null;});
+ }
+ function substitute_single(template, substitutions)
+ {
+ var substitution_re = /\$\{([^ }]*)\}/g;
+ function do_substitution(input) {
+ var components = input.split(substitution_re);
+ var rv = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i += 2) {
+ rv.push(components[i]);
+ if (components[i + 1]) {
+ rv.push(String(substitutions[components[i + 1]]));
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ function substitute_attrs(attrs, rv)
+ {
+ rv[1] = {};
+ for (var name in template[1]) {
+ if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ var new_name = do_substitution(name).join("");
+ var new_value = do_substitution(attrs[name]).join("");
+ rv[1][new_name] = new_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function substitute_children(children, rv)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i] instanceof Object) {
+ var replacement = substitute(children[i], substitutions);
+ if (replacement !== null) {
+ if (is_single_node(replacement)) {
+ rv.push(replacement);
+ } else {
+ extend(rv, replacement);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ extend(rv, do_substitution(String(children[i])));
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ var rv = [];
+ rv.push(do_substitution(String(template[0])).join(""));
+ if (template[0] === "{text}") {
+ substitute_children(template.slice(1), rv);
+ } else {
+ substitute_attrs(template[1], rv);
+ substitute_children(template.slice(2), rv);
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ function make_dom_single(template, doc)
+ {
+ var output_document = doc || document;
+ var element;
+ if (template[0] === "{text}") {
+ element = output_document.createTextNode("");
+ for (var i = 1; i < template.length; i++) {
+ element.data += template[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ element = output_document.createElementNS(xhtml_ns, template[0]);
+ for (var name in template[1]) {
+ if (template[1].hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ element.setAttribute(name, template[1][name]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 2; i < template.length; i++) {
+ if (template[i] instanceof Object) {
+ var sub_element = make_dom(template[i]);
+ element.appendChild(sub_element);
+ } else {
+ var text_node = output_document.createTextNode(template[i]);
+ element.appendChild(text_node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ function make_dom(template, substitutions, output_document)
+ {
+ if (is_single_node(template)) {
+ return make_dom_single(template, output_document);
+ }
+ return map(template, function(x) {
+ return make_dom_single(x, output_document);
+ });
+ }
+ function render(template, substitutions, output_document)
+ {
+ return make_dom(substitute(template, substitutions), output_document);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Utility functions
+ */
+ function assert(expected_true, function_name, description, error, substitutions)
+ {
+ if (expected_true !== true) {
+ var msg = make_message(function_name, description,
+ error, substitutions);
+ throw new AssertionError(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @class
+ * Exception type that represents a failing assert.
+ *
+ * @param {string} message - Error message.
+ */
+ function AssertionError(message)
+ {
+ if (typeof message == "string") {
+ message = sanitize_unpaired_surrogates(message);
+ }
+ this.message = message;
+ this.stack = get_stack();
+ }
+ expose(AssertionError, "AssertionError");
+ AssertionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
+ const get_stack = function() {
+ var stack = new Error().stack;
+ // 'Error.stack' is not supported in all browsers/versions
+ if (!stack) {
+ return "(Stack trace unavailable)";
+ }
+ var lines = stack.split("\n");
+ // Create a pattern to match stack frames originating within testharness.js. These include the
+ // script URL, followed by the line/col (e.g., '/resources/testharness.js:120:21').
+ // Escape the URL per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561493/is-there-a-regexp-escape-function-in-javascript
+ // in case it contains RegExp characters.
+ var script_url = get_script_url();
+ var re_text = script_url ? script_url.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') : "\\btestharness.js";
+ var re = new RegExp(re_text + ":\\d+:\\d+");
+ // Some browsers include a preamble that specifies the type of the error object. Skip this by
+ // advancing until we find the first stack frame originating from testharness.js.
+ var i = 0;
+ while (!re.test(lines[i]) && i < lines.length) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Then skip the top frames originating from testharness.js to begin the stack at the test code.
+ while (re.test(lines[i]) && i < lines.length) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Paranoid check that we didn't skip all frames. If so, return the original stack unmodified.
+ if (i >= lines.length) {
+ return stack;
+ }
+ return lines.slice(i).join("\n");
+ }
+ function OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError(message)
+ {
+ AssertionError.call(this, message);
+ }
+ OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError.prototype = Object.create(AssertionError.prototype);
+ expose(OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError, "OptionalFeatureUnsupportedError");
+ function make_message(function_name, description, error, substitutions)
+ {
+ for (var p in substitutions) {
+ if (substitutions.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+ substitutions[p] = format_value(substitutions[p]);
+ }
+ }
+ var node_form = substitute(["{text}", "${function_name}: ${description}" + error],
+ merge({function_name:function_name,
+ description:(description?description + " ":"")},
+ substitutions));
+ return node_form.slice(1).join("");
+ }
+ function filter(array, callable, thisObj) {
+ var rv = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ var pass = callable.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
+ if (pass) {
+ rv.push(array[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ function map(array, callable, thisObj)
+ {
+ var rv = [];
+ rv.length = array.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ rv[i] = callable.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
+ }
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ function extend(array, items)
+ {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(array, items);
+ }
+ function forEach(array, callback, thisObj)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+ if (array.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ callback.call(thisObj, array[i], i, array);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Immediately invoke a "iteratee" function with a series of values in
+ * parallel and invoke a final "done" function when all of the "iteratee"
+ * invocations have signaled completion.
+ *
+ * If all callbacks complete synchronously (or if no callbacks are
+ * specified), the ``done_callback`` will be invoked synchronously. It is the
+ * responsibility of the caller to ensure asynchronicity in cases where
+ * that is desired.
+ *
+ * @param {array} value Zero or more values to use in the invocation of
+ * ``iter_callback``
+ * @param {function} iter_callback A function that will be invoked
+ * once for each of the values min
+ * ``value``. Two arguments will
+ * be available in each
+ * invocation: the value from
+ * ``value`` and a function that
+ * must be invoked to signal
+ * completion
+ * @param {function} done_callback A function that will be invoked after
+ * all operations initiated by the
+ * ``iter_callback`` function have signaled
+ * completion
+ */
+ function all_async(values, iter_callback, done_callback)
+ {
+ var remaining = values.length;
+ if (remaining === 0) {
+ done_callback();
+ }
+ forEach(values,
+ function(element) {
+ var invoked = false;
+ var elDone = function() {
+ if (invoked) {
+ return;
+ }
+ invoked = true;
+ remaining -= 1;
+ if (remaining === 0) {
+ done_callback();
+ }
+ };
+ iter_callback(element, elDone);
+ });
+ }
+ function merge(a,b)
+ {
+ var rv = {};
+ var p;
+ for (p in a) {
+ rv[p] = a[p];
+ }
+ for (p in b) {
+ rv[p] = b[p];
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ function expose(object, name)
+ {
+ var components = name.split(".");
+ var target = global_scope;
+ for (var i = 0; i < components.length - 1; i++) {
+ if (!(components[i] in target)) {
+ target[components[i]] = {};
+ }
+ target = target[components[i]];
+ }
+ target[components[components.length - 1]] = object;
+ }
+ function is_same_origin(w) {
+ try {
+ 'random_prop' in w;
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Returns the 'src' URL of the first ' + '<' + `script>
+const ael = window.addEventListener;
+window.addEventListener = function (evt, callback) {
+ if (evt !== 'load') return ael(evt, callback);
+ let first = true;
+ ael(evt, e => {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (window.log && window.log.length > 0)
+ window.log = window.log.filter(log => log !== 'unexpected');
+ callback(e);
+ });
+(async () => {
+try {
+ await import('./fixtures/tla.js');
+} catch (e) {
+ // Does not support TLA -> skip test
+ await fetch('/TLA UNSUPPORTED');
+ fetch('/done');
+setup({ allow_uncaught_exception: true });
+add_completion_callback((tests, status, asserts) => {
+ const err = tests.find(test => test.status !== 0);
+ if (!err && tests.length > 0)
+ fetch('/done');
+ else
+ fetch('/error?' + encodeURI(err ? err.message : 'no tests'));
diff --git a/resources/testharnessreport.js b/resources/testharnessreport.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5cb40fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/testharnessreport.js
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* global add_completion_callback */
+/* global setup */
+ * This file is intended for vendors to implement code needed to integrate
+ * testharness.js tests with their own test systems.
+ *
+ * Typically test system integration will attach callbacks when each test has
+ * run, using add_result_callback(callback(test)), or when the whole test file
+ * has completed, using
+ * add_completion_callback(callback(tests, harness_status)).
+ *
+ * For more documentation about the callback functions and the
+ * parameters they are called with see testharness.js
+ */
+function dump_test_results(tests, status) {
+ var results_element = document.createElement("script");
+ results_element.type = "text/json";
+ results_element.id = "__testharness__results__";
+ var test_results = tests.map(function(x) {
+ return {name:x.name, status:x.status, message:x.message, stack:x.stack}
+ });
+ var data = {test:window.location.href,
+ tests:test_results,
+ status: status.status,
+ message: status.message,
+ stack: status.stack};
+ results_element.textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
+ // To avoid a HierarchyRequestError with XML documents, ensure that 'results_element'
+ // is inserted at a location that results in a valid document.
+ var parent = document.body
+ ? document.body // is required in XHTML documents
+ : document.documentElement; // fallback for optional in HTML5, SVG, etc.
+ parent.appendChild(results_element);
+/* If the parent window has a testharness_properties object,
+ * we use this to provide the test settings. This is used by the
+ * default in-browser runner to configure the timeout and the
+ * rendering of results
+ */
+try {
+ if (window.opener && "testharness_properties" in window.opener) {
+ /* If we pass the testharness_properties object as-is here without
+ * JSON stringifying and reparsing it, IE fails & emits the message
+ * "Could not complete the operation due to error 80700019".
+ */
+ setup(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.opener.testharness_properties)));
+ }
+} catch (e) {
+// vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4:
diff --git a/src/env.js b/src/env.js
index 3717f0ea..feb400fa 100644
--- a/src/env.js
+++ b/src/env.js
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ if (!nonce && hasDocument) {
export const onerror = globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onerror || noop);
-export const onpolyfill = esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill) : () => {
- console.log('%c^^ Module TypeError above is polyfilled and can be ignored ^^', 'font-weight:900;color:#391');
export const { revokeBlobURLs, noLoadEventRetriggers, enforceIntegrity } = esmsInitOptions;
@@ -39,6 +36,11 @@ const enable = Array.isArray(esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable) ? esmsInitOptions.p
export const cssModulesEnabled = enable.includes('css-modules');
export const jsonModulesEnabled = enable.includes('json-modules');
export const wasmModulesEnabled = enable.includes('wasm-modules');
+export const sourcePhaseEnabled = enable.includes('source-phase');
+export const onpolyfill = esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill ? globalHook(esmsInitOptions.onpolyfill) : () => {
+ console.log(`%c^^ Module error above is polyfilled and can be ignored ^^`, 'font-weight:900;color:#391');
export const edge = !navigator.userAgentData && !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/\d+\.\d+/);
@@ -61,9 +63,9 @@ else if (typeof skip === 'string') {
skip = s => skip.test(s);
-const eoop = err => setTimeout(() => { throw err });
+const dispatchError = error => self.dispatchEvent(Object.assign(new Event('error'), { error }));
-export const throwError = err => { (self.reportError || hasWindow && window.safari && console.error || eoop)(err), void onerror(err) };
+export const throwError = err => { (self.reportError || dispatchError)(err), void onerror(err) };
export function fromParent (parent) {
return parent ? ` imported from ${parent}` : '';
diff --git a/src/es-module-shims.js b/src/es-module-shims.js
index 2127b49c..ac356b20 100755
--- a/src/es-module-shims.js
+++ b/src/es-module-shims.js
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import {
+ sourcePhaseEnabled,
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import {
+ supportsSourcePhase,
} from './features.js';
import * as lexer from '../node_modules/es-module-lexer/dist/lexer.asm.js';
@@ -57,11 +59,12 @@ const resolve = resolveHook ? async (id, parentUrl) => {
return result ? { r: result, b: !resolveIfNotPlainOrUrl(id, parentUrl) && !asURL(id) } : _resolve(id, parentUrl);
} : _resolve;
-// importShim('mod');
-// importShim('mod', { opts });
-// importShim('mod', { opts }, parentUrl);
-// importShim('mod', parentUrl);
-async function importShim (id, ...args) {
+// supports:
+// import('mod');
+// import('mod', { opts });
+// import('mod', { opts }, parentUrl);
+// import('mod', parentUrl);
+async function importHandler (id, ...args) {
// parentUrl if present will be the last argument
let parentUrl = args[args.length - 1];
if (typeof parentUrl !== 'string')
@@ -76,9 +79,28 @@ async function importShim (id, ...args) {
acceptingImportMaps = false;
await importMapPromise;
- return topLevelLoad((await resolve(id, parentUrl)).r, { credentials: 'same-origin' });
+ return (await resolve(id, parentUrl)).r;
+// import()
+async function importShim (...args) {
+ return topLevelLoad(await importHandler(...args), { credentials: 'same-origin' });
+// import.source()
+if (sourcePhaseEnabled)
+importShim.source = async function importShimSource (...args) {
+ const url = await importHandler(...args);
+ const load = getOrCreateLoad(url, { credentials: 'same-origin' }, null, null);
+ lastLoad = undefined;
+ if (firstPolyfillLoad && !shimMode && load.n && nativelyLoaded) {
+ onpolyfill();
+ firstPolyfillLoad = false;
+ }
+ await load.f;
+ return importShim._s[load.r];
self.importShim = importShim;
function defaultResolve (id, parentUrl) {
@@ -107,24 +129,49 @@ importShim.addImportMap = importMapIn => {
const registry = importShim._r = {};
-const webAssemblyCache = importShim._w = {};
+const sourceCache = importShim._s = {};
async function loadAll (load, seen) {
- if (load.b || seen[load.u])
- return;
seen[load.u] = 1;
await load.L;
- await Promise.all(load.d.map(dep => loadAll(dep, seen)));
+ await Promise.all(load.d.map(({ l: dep, s: sourcePhase }) => {
+ if (dep.b || seen[dep.u])
+ return;
+ if (sourcePhase)
+ return dep.f;
+ return loadAll(dep, seen);
+ }))
if (!load.n)
- load.n = load.d.some(dep => dep.n);
+ load.n = load.d.some(dep => dep.l.n);
let importMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {} };
let baselinePassthrough;
const initPromise = featureDetectionPromise.then(() => {
- baselinePassthrough = esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable !== true && supportsDynamicImport && supportsImportMeta && supportsImportMaps && (!jsonModulesEnabled || supportsJsonAssertions) && (!cssModulesEnabled || supportsCssAssertions) && (!wasmModulesEnabled || supportsWasmModules) && !importMapSrcOrLazy;
+ baselinePassthrough = esmsInitOptions.polyfillEnable !== true && supportsDynamicImport && supportsImportMeta && supportsImportMaps && (!jsonModulesEnabled || supportsJsonAssertions) && (!cssModulesEnabled || supportsCssAssertions) && (!wasmModulesEnabled || supportsWasmModules) && (!sourcePhaseEnabled || supportsSourcePhase) && !importMapSrcOrLazy;
if (self.ESMS_DEBUG) console.info(`es-module-shims: init ${shimMode ? 'shim mode' : 'polyfill mode'}, ${baselinePassthrough ? 'baseline passthrough' : 'polyfill engaged'}`);
+ if (sourcePhaseEnabled && typeof WebAssembly !== 'undefined' && !Object.getPrototypeOf(WebAssembly.Module).name) {
+ const s = Symbol();
+ const brand = m => Object.defineProperty(m, s, { writable: false, configurable: false, value: 'WebAssembly.Module' });
+ class AbstractModuleSource {
+ get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
+ if (this[s]) return this[s];
+ throw new TypeError('Not an AbstractModuleSource');
+ }
+ }
+ const { Module: wasmModule, compile: wasmCompile, compileStreaming: wasmCompileStreaming } = WebAssembly;
+ WebAssembly.Module = Object.setPrototypeOf(Object.assign(function Module (...args) {
+ return brand(new wasmModule(...args));
+ }, wasmModule), AbstractModuleSource);
+ WebAssembly.Module.prototype = Object.setPrototypeOf(wasmModule.prototype, AbstractModuleSource.prototype);
+ WebAssembly.compile = function compile (...args) {
+ return wasmCompile(...args).then(brand);
+ };
+ WebAssembly.compileStreaming = function compileStreaming(...args) {
+ return wasmCompileStreaming(...args).then(brand);
+ };
+ }
if (hasDocument) {
if (!supportsImportMaps) {
const supports = HTMLScriptElement.supports || (type => type === 'classic' || type === 'module');
@@ -186,6 +233,7 @@ async function topLevelLoad (url, fetchOpts, source, nativelyLoaded, lastStaticL
return dynamicImport(source ? createBlob(source) : url, { errUrl: url || source });
const load = getOrCreateLoad(url, fetchOpts, null, source);
+ linkLoad(load, fetchOpts);
const seen = {};
await loadAll(load, seen);
lastLoad = undefined;
@@ -237,8 +285,10 @@ function resolveDeps (load, seen) {
seen[load.u] = 0;
- for (const dep of load.d)
- resolveDeps(dep, seen);
+ for (const { l: dep, s: sourcePhase } of load.d) {
+ if (!sourcePhase)
+ resolveDeps(dep, seen);
+ }
const [imports, exports] = load.a;
@@ -261,10 +311,20 @@ function resolveDeps (load, seen) {
lastIndex = originalIndex;
- for (const { s: start, ss: statementStart, se: statementEnd, d: dynamicImportIndex } of imports) {
+ for (const { s: start, ss: statementStart, se: statementEnd, d: dynamicImportIndex, t } of imports) {
+ // source phase
+ if (t === 4) {
+ let { l: depLoad } = load.d[depIndex++];
+ pushStringTo(statementStart);
+ resolvedSource += 'import ';
+ lastIndex = statementStart + 14;
+ pushStringTo(start - 1);
+ resolvedSource += `/*${source.slice(start - 1, statementEnd)}*/'${createBlob(`export default importShim._s[${urlJsString(depLoad.r)}]`)}'`;
+ lastIndex = statementEnd;
+ }
// dependency source replacements
- if (dynamicImportIndex === -1) {
- let depLoad = load.d[depIndex++], blobUrl = depLoad.b, cycleShell = !blobUrl;
+ else if (dynamicImportIndex === -1) {
+ let { l: depLoad } = load.d[depIndex++], blobUrl = depLoad.b, cycleShell = !blobUrl;
if (cycleShell) {
// circular shell creation
if (!(blobUrl = depLoad.s)) {
@@ -282,7 +342,7 @@ function resolveDeps (load, seen) {
pushStringTo(start - 1);
- resolvedSource += `/*${source.slice(start - 1, statementEnd)}*/${urlJsString(blobUrl)}`;
+ resolvedSource += `/*${source.slice(start - 1, statementEnd)}*/'${blobUrl}'`;
// circular shell execution
if (!cycleShell && depLoad.s) {
@@ -302,7 +362,7 @@ function resolveDeps (load, seen) {
// dynamic import
else {
pushStringTo(statementStart + 6);
- resolvedSource += `Shim(`;
+ resolvedSource += `Shim${t === 5 ? '.source' : ''}(`;
dynamicImportEndStack.push(statementEnd - 1);
lastIndex = start;
@@ -398,40 +458,46 @@ async function doFetch (url, fetchOpts, parent) {
async function fetchModule (url, fetchOpts, parent) {
const res = await doFetch(url, fetchOpts, parent);
+ const r = res.url;
const contentType = res.headers.get('content-type');
if (jsContentType.test(contentType))
- return { r: res.url, s: await res.text(), t: 'js' };
+ return { r, s: await res.text(), sp: null, t: 'js' };
else if (wasmContentType.test(contentType)) {
- const module = importShim._w[url] = await WebAssembly.compileStreaming(res);
+ const module = await (sourceCache[r] || (sourceCache[r] = WebAssembly.compileStreaming(res)));
+ sourceCache[r] = module;
let s = '', i = 0, importObj = '';
for (const impt of WebAssembly.Module.imports(module)) {
- s += `import * as impt${i} from '${impt.module}';\n`;
- importObj += `'${impt.module}':impt${i++},`;
+ const specifier = urlJsString(impt.module);
+ s += `import * as impt${i} from ${specifier};\n`;
+ importObj += `${specifier}:impt${i++},`;
i = 0;
- s += `const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(importShim._w['${url}'], {${importObj}});\n`;
+ s += `const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(importShim._s[${urlJsString(r)}], {${importObj}});\n`;
for (const expt of WebAssembly.Module.exports(module)) {
s += `export const ${expt.name} = instance.exports['${expt.name}'];\n`;
- return { r: res.url, s, t: 'wasm' };
+ return { r, s, t: 'wasm' };
else if (jsonContentType.test(contentType))
- return { r: res.url, s: `export default ${await res.text()}`, t: 'json' };
+ return { r, s: `export default ${await res.text()}`, sp: null, t: 'json' };
else if (cssContentType.test(contentType)) {
- return { r: res.url, s: `var s=new CSSStyleSheet();s.replaceSync(${
+ return { r, s: `var s=new CSSStyleSheet();s.replaceSync(${
JSON.stringify((await res.text()).replace(cssUrlRegEx, (_match, quotes = '', relUrl1, relUrl2) => `url(${quotes}${resolveUrl(relUrl1 || relUrl2, url)}${quotes})`))
- });export default s;`, t: 'css' };
+ });export default s;`, ss: null, t: 'css' };
throw Error(`Unsupported Content-Type "${contentType}" loading ${url}${fromParent(parent)}. Modules must be served with a valid MIME type like application/javascript.`);
function getOrCreateLoad (url, fetchOpts, parent, source) {
+ if (source && registry[url]) {
+ let i = 0;
+ while (registry[url + ++i]);
+ url += i;
+ }
let load = registry[url];
- if (load && !source)
- return load;
- load = {
+ if (load) return load;
+ registry[url] = load = {
// url
u: url,
// response url
@@ -439,7 +505,7 @@ function getOrCreateLoad (url, fetchOpts, parent, source) {
// fetchPromise
f: undefined,
// source
- S: undefined,
+ S: source,
// linkPromise
L: undefined,
// analysis
@@ -457,54 +523,57 @@ function getOrCreateLoad (url, fetchOpts, parent, source) {
// meta
m: null
- if (registry[url]) {
- let i = 0;
- while (registry[load.u + ++i]);
- load.u += i;
- }
- registry[load.u] = load;
load.f = (async () => {
- if (!source) {
+ if (!load.S) {
// preload fetch options override fetch options (race)
let t;
- ({ r: load.r, s: source, t } = await (fetchCache[url] || fetchModule(url, fetchOpts, parent)));
+ ({ r: load.r, s: load.S, t } = await (fetchCache[url] || fetchModule(url, fetchOpts, parent)));
if (t && !shimMode) {
if (t === 'css' && !cssModulesEnabled || t === 'json' && !jsonModulesEnabled || t === 'wasm' && !wasmModulesEnabled)
- throw Error(`${t}-modules require
diff --git a/test/test-csp.html b/test/test-csp.html
index 38386ab0..192dc611 100644
--- a/test/test-csp.html
+++ b/test/test-csp.html
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
diff --git a/test/test-sp-exported-names.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-exported-names.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16a9c597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-exported-names.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Exported names from a WebAssembly module
diff --git a/test/test-sp-invalid-bytecode.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-invalid-bytecode.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..57f89c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-invalid-bytecode.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Handling of importing invalid WebAssembly modules
diff --git a/test/test-sp-js-wasm-cycle-errors.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-js-wasm-cycle-errors.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f45e06ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-js-wasm-cycle-errors.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Cyclic linking between JavaScript and WebAssembly (JS higher)
diff --git a/test/test-sp-module-parse-error.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-module-parse-error.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e447dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-module-parse-error.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Handling of importing invalid WebAssembly modules
diff --git a/test/test-sp-resolve-export.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-resolve-export.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14688221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-resolve-export.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Check ResolveExport on invalid re-export from WebAssembly
diff --git a/test/test-sp-source-phase.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-source-phase.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..870b16bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-source-phase.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Source phase imports
diff --git a/test/test-sp-wasm-import-wasm-export.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-wasm-import-wasm-export.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3761a22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-wasm-import-wasm-export.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Check import and export between WebAssembly modules
diff --git a/test/test-sp-wasm-import.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-wasm-import.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..243cfd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-wasm-import.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Errors for imports of WebAssembly modules
diff --git a/test/test-sp-wasm-js-cycle.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-wasm-js-cycle.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..231b4e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-wasm-js-cycle.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Check bindings in JavaScript and WebAssembly cycle (Wasm higher)
diff --git a/test/test-sp-wasm-to-wasm-link-error.tentative.html b/test/test-sp-wasm-to-wasm-link-error.tentative.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c43e72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-sp-wasm-to-wasm-link-error.tentative.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Errors for linking WebAssembly module scripts