litestore [ command ] [ option1, option2, ... ]
- run — Start LiteStore server (default if no command specified).
- delete — Delete a previously-imported specified directory (requires -d).
- execute — Execute an operation on data stored in the datastore (requires -o, -u, and in certain cases -f or -b and -t).
- import — Import the specified directory into the datastore (requires -d).
- export — Export the previously-imported specified directory to the current directory (requires -d).
- optimize — Optimize search indexes.
- vacuum — Vacuum datastore.
- -a, --address — Specify server address (default:
- --auth — Specify an authorization configuration file.
- -b, --body — Specify a string containing input data for an operation to be executed.
- -c, --config — Specify a configuration file.
- -d, --directory — Specify a directory to serve, import, export, delete, or mount.
- -f, --file — Specify a file containing input data for an operation to be executed.
- -h, --help — Display program usage.
- -l, --log — Specify the log level: debug, info, warn, error, none (default: info)
- -m, --mount — Mirror database changes to the specified directory on the filesystem.
- -o, --operation — Specify an operation to execute via the execute command: get, put, delete, patch, post, head, options.
- -p, --port —Specify server port number (default: 9500).
- -r, --readonly — Allow only data retrieval operations.
- -s, --store — Specify a datastore file (default: data.db)
- --system — Set the system flag for import, export, and delete operations
- --import-tags — During import read tags from '_tags' file and apply them to imported documents from the same directory.
- --not-searchable — During import exclude content of files and folders starting with '_' from full text search.
- -t, --type — Specify a content type for the body an operation to be executed via the execute command.
- -u, --uri — Specify an uri to execute an operation through the execute command.
- -v, --version — Display the program version.
- -w, --middleware — Specify a path to a folder containing middleware definitions
with default settings:
loading configuration from a configuration file called config.json:
litestore -c:config.json
loading middleware definition files stored in a directory called myMiddleware:
litestore -w:myMiddleware
with custom port (9700) and address (
litestore -p:9700 -a:
in read-only mode with logging level set to debug:
litestore -r -l:debug
serving the contents of a directory called admin:
litestore -d:admin
mouting a directory called admin (changes will be mirrored to filesystem, directory contents will be served):
litestore -d:admin -m
Import a directory called admin:
litestore import -d:admin
Import all documents stored in a directory called system as system documents:
litestore import -d:system --system
Import all documents stored in a directory called media (including subdirectories):
+ media
+ cars
| + _tags
| + Lamborghini.jpg
| + VW.jpg
| ` BMW.jpg
+ planes
| + _tags
| + 767.jpg
| + F-16.jpg
| ` B-1.jpg
` trains
+ TGV.jpg
` Eurostar.jpg
litestore import -d:media --import-tags
Every _tags file contains a list of tags, one per line, which are applied to all imported documents from the same directory. In the example above all cars and planes images will be tagged on import. The trains images however will not as there is no _tags file in the trains directory.
The individual _tags files are also imported. When the --import-tags option is not set the _tags files are ignored and not imported.
Import all documents stored in a directory called media (including subdirectories):
+ media
+ _css
| + style1.css
| ` style2.css
+ cars
| + _index.html
| +
| +
| `
+ planes
| + _index.html
| +
| +
| `
` trains
+ _index.html
* _script.js
litestore import -d:media --not-searchable
All documents are imported but the files whose name starts with underscore and files inside a folder which name starts with underscore are excluded from full text search. The idea is that these files have special meaning for the application:
- they should be accessible via regular URLs (unlike system files)
- but they content should not be searchable.
Export all documents tagged with $dir:admin to a local directory called admin:
litestore export -d:admin
Delete all documents tagged with $dir:admin:
litestore delete -d:admin
vacuum SQlite database:
litestore vacuum
optimize search index:
litestore optimize
Retrieve all documents tagged with
:litestore execute -o:get -u:docs?tags=$subtype:json
Add a new document from a JSON file:
litestore execute -o:put -u:docs/test-doc -f:test.json -t:application/json