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File metadata and controls

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Below are excerpts from the private ZephyrNET planning repository created to work through deploy flows—initially, we created a captive-portal based authentication flow on an open network, then moved to a private-network based deploy flow.

These notes were done by @zrl, @zfogg, @rishiosaur and @msw.

Hotspot popup

  1. I connect to a network named "ZephyrNET" on my MacBook Air
  2. There is a popup, like what I see on airport WiFi networks, that says "Welcome to the ZephyrNET" and has a directory of all the different things on the ZephyrNET (kind of like the Hidden Wiki)
  3. I am able to access everything on the ZephyrNET without having to click "Approve" or "Accept" anywhere on the popup. It doesn't actually block access to the rest of the ZephyrNET, like other captive portals do.

Non-git deploy flow for static sites

  1. I connect to a network named "ZephyrNET"
  2. I SSH into the ZephyrNET using my user account
  3. I notice a directory called zephyrnet in my home directory
  4. I cd into zephyrnet/ and see a bunch of folders with names like deploy.zephyr and max-homepage.zephyr
  5. I create a new folder called zrl.zephyr
  6. I create a file called index.html in the new zrl.zephyr folder with the contents <h1>Hello!</h1>
  7. In my web browser, I go to https://zrl.zephyr and see "Hello!" in heading text
  8. Over SSH, I run ls -al in the zrl.zephyr folder and see a folder called .git, noticing that a git repo has been initialized
  9. I run git log and see a commit was automatically made from my user account with the commit message "Direct edits within /opt/zephyrnet"

git deploy flow for static sites

  1. I connect to a network named "ZephyrNET"
  2. On my local machine, I create a git repo and commit a static site with three files: index.html, styles.css, and main.js
  3. I run git remote add origin zrl@mothership:treasure-hunt.zephyr inside the git repo, and then run git push --set-upstream origin master. My push succeeds.
  4. In my web browser, I go to https://treasure-hunt.zephyr and see my index.html served
  5. I SSH into the ZephyrNET using my user account, run ls zephyrnet/, and notice a directory called treasure-hunt.zephyr has been created
  6. I run ls zephyrnet/treasure-hunt.zephyr/ and see three files printed: index.html, styles.css, and main.js