touch index.html
echo "<h1>Hello from http://{{site}}</h1>" >> index.html
curl http://{{site}}/
While connected to zephyrnet wifi, go to http://{{site}}/ (slash is important!) in your browser.
##...or run a server
touch server.js
echo "const PORT = process.env.PORT; /* place server code here */" >> server.js
touch entrypoint.js
echo 'node server.js' >> entrypoint.js
git add -A
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push deploy
While connected to zephyrnet wifi, go to http://{{site}}/ (slash is important!) in your browser.
##...or run a build on each push
echo "yarn install" >>
git add
git commit -m "Add build script"
git push deploy
##...or work from your laptop
git clone{{site}}/.git
cd {{site}}/
git remote add deploy [email protected]:/opt/zephyr/watcher/repos/{{site}}
##...or push an existing repo from the command line
# in this folder
# on your laptop
git remote add origin [email protected]:/opt/zephyrnet/{{site}}/.git
git remote add deploy [email protected]:/etc/zephyr/watcher/repos/{{site}}
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main # this pushes to this repo
git push deploy # this deploys your dynamic server