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Cucumber-js with sync, callable steps and parsed arguments.

Quick features:

  • Sync step definitions, no more callbacks;
  • Call other step from step definitions;
  • Parse values such as arrays, objects and decimals;

You should first understand official cucumber before using this library, because it might be confusing at first.


npm install cucumberry --save-dev


Check the full API here.


Call steps from other steps

// Feature:
Feature: Test
Scenario: Test
    Given a
    Given b 2

// Step defintions:
this.addStep('a', /^a$/, function(){
    this.callStep('b', 1);

this.addStep('b', /^b (\d+)$/, function(n){
    console.log('b', n);

// Output:
// a
// b 1
// b 2

No more async steps, all your steps are sync and non blocking

Using fibers your steps now can be sync and also non-blocking. Is suggested to use together with the selenium-sync library.

// Step defintions:
this.addStep('a', /^a$/, function(){
    // Using the selenium-sync library
    var browser = this.getBrowser();
    var facebookW = this.getBrowser().getWindowByTitle('Facebook');
    var test = this.getUserDataByName('test');
    // No need to call any callback because when reaches this line
    // the above code has already been done. Is sync, remember?

Parse values automatically

Everything is considered to be a pure JavaScript value.

// Feature:
Feature: Test
Scenario: Test
    Given A simple number 2
    Given A complex object {a: 'abc', b: 3}
    Given An array [1, 2, 3]

// Step defintions:
this.addStep('simpleNumber', /^A simple number (\d+)$/, function(n){
    console.log('simpleNumber', n * 2); // logs: simpleNumber 4
this.addStep('complexObject', /^A complex object (.*)$/, function(obj){
    console.log('complexObject', obj.a);     // logs: complexObject abc
    console.log('complexObject', obj.b * 2); // logs: complexObject 6
this.addStep('anArray', /^An array (.*)$/, function(array){
    console.log('anArray', array); // logs: anArray [ 1, 2, 3 ]


To use this library you have to make several steps.

Install dependencies

Will install the dependencies for your example:

npm install cucumber cucumberry lodash --save-dev

Add a before hook

This will make the world instance to know about the test context. This is required to make the core.plugins.addStepMethod plugin to work. This enables you to call other steps from step definitions.

// In your "support/hooks.js" file:
var hooks = function(){
    // You have to save the context here.
    var testContext = this;
        // And then send it to the world instance
        // with the `setTestContext` method.

Patch the test context

All patches have place in the *.steps.js (step definition) files. An example can be shown here:

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Use all plugins effortlessly

If you want to use all plugins here is the code:

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Or you can use individually in this exact order only:

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Parse values

Your tests feature will send JavaScript objects to the steps definition. For example an 1.1 argument will be automatically converted into a decimal number, but "1.1" will be a string.

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Make methods sync with fibers

Make all the Given methods sync with fibers. After you do this the steps will run sync and no need to call the callback function when the step ends.

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Call other step from step definitions

In order to have the new addStep method in the step test context you need to do this. This is required to call the step from another step.

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

Inherit your world from cucumberry's world

This will add a method to your world instance named callStep which enables you to call a step.

// In your `support/World.js` file:
// Load cucumber and lodash.
var cucumberry      = require('cucumberry');
var cucumberryWorld = cucumberry.World;
var _                = require('lodash');

// Create your own constructor.
var World = function(cb){
    // Call the cucumberryWorld constructor. Is required!
    cucumberryWorld.apply(this, arguments);

// Inherit the static methods.
_.extend(World, cucumberryWorld);
// Add here your own static World methods.
World.myStaticMethod = function(){
    // Do something!

// Inherit the instance methods.
_.extend(World.prototype, cucumberryWorld.prototype, {
    // Add here your own static World methods.
    myInstanceMethod: function(){
        // Do something!

module.exports = {
    World : World,

Define some steps

Your step definition should look like this:

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

    this.addStep('a', /^a$/, function(){

The API is like this:

this.addStep(uniqueStepName, regexMatch, function);

Notice that the function will not get any callback argument at the end as it's an sync function.

Call other step from step definitions

Let's add another step b and change step a to call step b (notice the this.callStep('b', 1); part):

// in your `all.steps.js`
module.exports = function(){
    var cucumberryPlugins = require('cucumberry').plugins;

    this.addStep('a', /^a$/, function(){
        this.callStep('b', 1);

    this.addStep('b', /^b (\d+)$/, function(n){
        console.log('b', n);

The callStep API looks like this:

this.callStep(uniqueStepName, arguments);

Create a feature

Create a file named test.feature

Feature: Test
Scenario: Test
    Given a
    Given b 2

Run it

Run it with your cucumber-js command and the output will be:

a    // From a called from the test.feature directly
b 1  // From b but called by step a
b 2  // From b called from the test.feature directly

More info