A demo which produces its own source.
Replicate the code by running ./quine.hs.
Learn more about Quine (computing).
Here is the less-minified version:
#!/usr/bin/env runghc
-- | quine expanded
-- Copyright 2023, Tristan de Cacqueray
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
newLine, quote, backSlash :: Char
newLine = toEnum 10
quote = toEnum 34
backSlash = toEnum 92
sep, comment, license :: String
sep = "-- ^ 10 " ++ ['-' | _ <- [0..66]] ++ " 80> --"
comment = "{- prelude-10-80/quine (tristanC)"
license = "SPDX: CC0-1.0" ++ newLine : "-}"
fmt :: String -> String
-- Insert last quote and comment
fmt [] = quote : newLine : sep ++ newLine : comment ++ newLine : license
-- Insert initial quote
fmt ('#': '!': y) = quote : '#' : '!': fmt y
fmt (c:rest)
| -- Escape new line
c == newLine = backSlash : 'n' : backSlash : newLine : backSlash : fmt rest
| -- Escape quote
c == quote = backSlash : quote : fmt rest
| otherwise = c : fmt rest
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn (src ++ fmt src)
src = "<insert output of (fmt <$> readFile quine.hs)>"