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File metadata and controls

210 lines (156 loc) · 9.55 KB


This connector is published as a Docker Image. The image name is The Docker Image accepts the following environment variables that can be used to alter its functionality.

Supported Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Required Example Value
NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI The URI to your Open API Document. If you're using a file instead of a HTTP link, please ensure that it is named swagger.json and is present in the root directory of the volume being mounted to /etc/connector false
NDC_OAS_BASE_URL The base URL of your API. false
NDC_OAS_FILE_OVERWRITE A Boolean flag to allow previously generated files to be over-written. Defaults to false. false
HASURA_PLUGIN_LOG_LEVEL The log level. Possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic. Defaults to info false info
NDC_OAS_LAMBDA_PRETTY_LOGS A Boolean flag to print human readable logs instead of JSON. Defaults to false false true

Adding Custom Headers to APIs

You can use either of the following ways to add additional headers to the OpenAPI Connector which will be forwarded to your APIs

Via HML Files

Since the OpenAPI Connector is simply a codegen mechnism on top of the NodeJS Connector, header forwarding works similarly for both. The OpenAPI Connector defines an optional headers variable of type hasuraSdk.JSONValue for every function in the functions.ts file. This variable, when configured in HML files, can recieve headers that are forwarded to it from the DDN Engine. Read more about HTTP Header Forwarding in DDN.


Add header forwarding to your OpenAPI Connector's DataConnectorLink

kind: DataConnectorLink
version: v1
  name: myopenapi
      valueFromEnv: APP_MYOPENAPI_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER # this header is received and consumed by the OpenAPI Connector. It is not forwarded to functions / API calls

  # setup header forwarding
    - argument: headers # the variable in functions that will receive headers
            - my-dynamic-header # a header whose value can be set at the time of making the GraphQL Request (eg. from the DDN Console)
            auth: # a static header added to every request
              literal: "Bearer my-bearer-token" # static value of the header
            auth-from-env: # a static header added to every request
              valueFromEnv: MY_HEADER_ENV_VAR # value of the header that will be read from the specified env var in the project .env file

Via Typescript (functions.ts) File

The api constant in the functions.ts file can be modified to add additional headers to every API request in the following way:

const api = new Api({
  baseUrl: `${process.env.NDC_OAS_BASE_URL}`,
  baseApiParams: {
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "x-api-key": `${process.env.MY_X_API_KEY}`,

Saving User Changes

When re-introspecting the connector, user changes in functions.ts can be preserved by adding an @save JS Doc Tag to the documentation comment of a statement. @save is currently supported for the following statements:

  • functions
  • variable/constant declarations
  • types
  • interfaces
  • classes

This will ensure that the statements marked with @save are not overwritten and the saved statements will be added if missing in the newly generated functions.ts


 * Dummy function that mutates an API response
 * @save
function mutateResponse(response: ApiResponseObject) {
  response.description = "This API does some work. I hope that's helpful";

 * localhost url for testing APIs
 * @save
const localApiBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"

 * an article
 * @save
type Article = {
  title: string;
  text: string;

 * @save
interface Author {
  name: string;
  email: string;

 * @save
class Publisher {
  publish() {}

Usage without the DDN CLI

The Docker Image can be used without the DDN CLI as a codegen tool for the NDC NodeJS Lambda Connector. Please see the Examples section on how to do that.

The Docker Container will output the generated files at /etc/connector. Please ensure that a volume mount is present at that directory while using the docker run command


The Docker Container uses the NDC Open API Lambda Connector CLI internally, so -h on any command will print the help for that command. Also, env vars can be substituted with CLI flags passed to the docker run command


# get command documentation/help
docker run --rm update -h

# run the code generation (using env vars)
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ -e NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI=${url to open API document} update

# run the code generation (using CLI flags)
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ update --open-api ${url to open API document}

# with baseUrl (using env vars)
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ -e NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI=${url to open API document} -e NDC_OAS_BASE_URL= update

# with baseUrl (using CLI flags)
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ update --open-api ${url to open API document} --base-url

Build and Run

You can use the Open API Connector via Docker or via the bundled CLI.

Using Docker

Clone the repository and run the following commands to build the Docker image that can then be used for code generation.

cd ndc-open-api-lambda

# build the docker image with the name `ndc-oas-lambda` and tag `latest`
docker build -t ndc-oas-lambda:latest .

# get command documentation/help
docker run --rm ndc-oas-lambda:latest update -h

# when running the code generation, the container will expect either of the following two things
# 1. The OpenAPI document is mounted at `/etc/connector/` as `swagger.json`. OR
# 2. The link to the OpenAPI document is provided via the env var `NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI`
# Please note that mounting a directory at /etc/connector/ is required in both cases, since that is where the code is generated

# **** START: Examples ****
# run the code generation
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ -e NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI=${url to open API document} ndc-oas-lambda:latest update

# with baseUrl
docker run --rm -v ./:/etc/connector/ -e NDC_OAS_DOCUMENT_URI=${url to open API document} -e NDC_OAS_BASE_URL= ndc-oas-lambda:latest update

# **** END: Examples ****

# start the NodeJS Lambda Connector
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -v ./:/etc/connector ndc-oas-lambda:latest

NOTE: You can also pass CLI flags with values to the Docker Container instead of environment variables

Using the CLI

You can install the OpenAPI Connector as a CLI on your system. Please ensure you have NPM and Node 20+ installed. You can install and run the CLI using the following commands

cd ndc-open-api-lambda

# install dependencies and then install the CLI
npm i
npm run install-bin

# print help for update command
ndc-oas-lambda update -h

# **** Examples ****
# run the update command to generate code
ndc-oas-lambda update --open-api ${link/path to open api swagger document}
# with headers
ndc-oas-lambda update --open-api ${link/path to open api swagger document} -H key1=value -H key2=value2 -H keyN=valueN
# with baseurl and headers
ndc-oas-lambda update --open-api ${link/path to open api swagger document} -H key1=value -H key2=value2 -H keyN=valueN -b http://localhost:8081

# start the NodeJS Lambda Connector
npm run watch