diff --git a/Obsidian.alfredworkflow b/Obsidian.alfredworkflow index 3370ff4..1ee19a4 100644 Binary files a/Obsidian.alfredworkflow and b/Obsidian.alfredworkflow differ diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2833ed9..10e4dc3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,81 +4,84 @@ # Alfred workflow for Obsidian -This simple [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com/) workflow uses [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/)'s [URI scheme](https://publish.obsidian.md/help/Advanced+use/Using+obsidian+URI) (available in version 0.8.15 and above) and JXA actions/scripts (thanks to [@hjklapp](https://github.com/hjklapp)) to open notes in their vaults. This workflow has been tested in Obsidian 0.9.7. +This simple [Alfred](https://www.alfredapp.com/) workflow uses [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/)'s [URI scheme](https://publish.obsidian.md/help/Advanced+use/Using+obsidian+URI) and JXA actions/scripts (thanks to [@hjklapp](https://github.com/hjklapp)) to open notes in their vaults. This workflow has been tested in Obsidian 0.9.17. Available Alfred features/keywords (contributors in parentheses) - Open a vault: `ov`,`oo` ([@hjklapp](https://github.com/hjklapp)) - Search in vault(s): `os`, `or`, `ot` +- Create a new empty note and open in selected vault: `on` - Open a daily note in a vault: `od` ([@technicalpickles](https://github.com/technicalpickles), [@luckman212](https://github.com/luckman212)) + - You can also use a Hotkey to open your daily note. - Fallback search when there are no results ([@technicalpickles](https://github.com/technicalpickles)) +- Get help by opening [help vault](https://publish.obsidian.md/help/Index) and [forum](https://forum.obsidian.md/): `o?` -Future features -- Use workflow/environment variables to save vault names, daily note vault, date-time format etc., so there's no need to configure/edit the osascripts. See [issue](https://github.com/hauselin/obsidian-alfred/issues/8#issue-747087640). Will replace Alfred file filters with script filters. +## Installation -# Installation +Download the [latest release](https://github.com/hauselin/obsidian-alfred/archive/v0.2.0.zip). Unzip and add the workflow to Alfred. Only tested in Alfred 4. -Download the [Obsidian.alfredworkflow](https://github.com/hauselin/obsidian-alfred/raw/master/Obsidian.alfredworkflow) file. Add to Alfred and enjoy the workflow! Only tested in Alfred 4. +## Features that require no set-up -**If you want to to try a newer version I'm currently testing, check out [this branch](https://github.com/hauselin/obsidian-alfred/tree/scriptfilter).** +### Open a vault: `ov` -## Features that work out-of-the-box +To open one of your many Obsidian vaults, type `ov your_vault_name`. If you vault name is `my notes`, you type `ov my notes`. You can change the keyword input subtext to remind yourself of the names of your vaults. Double-click **ov Keyword** to change the Subtext field. -### Open a vault: `ov` +All other features require a one-time set-up (v0.2.0 onward). + +## Set up -To open one of your many Obsidian vaults, type `ov your_vault_name`. You can change the keyword input subtext to remind yourself of the names of your vaults. Double-click **ov Keyword** to change the Subtext field. +This version (≥ v0.2.0) of the workflow requires a one-time set-up. -## Features that require some simple setting up +- Add your vaults, one at a time: `oaddvault` + - Note that Obsidian's help vault has been added by default. +- To clear all vaults other than Obsidian's help vault: `oclearvaults` -If you see **CONFIG** anywhere in the workflow, it means you need to modify that part of the workflow slightly to set things up. +If you use Obsidian's Daily notes plugin, you'll also need to set it up. -![](img/config.png) +- Specify daily vault: `odailyvault` +- Specify daily note format: `odailyformat` + - Example: The date is 1st March 1990. + - If your date format is `1990-3-1`, enter `yyyy-m-d` + - If your date format is `900301`, enter `yymmdd` + - If your date format is `1_3-90`, enter `d_m-yy` +- Specify daily note directory/path: `odailypath` +- Specify daily note template: `odailytemplate` + - Required only if you have a template for daily notes. + +## Features available after set-up ### Open a vault with autocomplete: `oo` -To autofill and autocomplete Obsidian vaults: Type `oo your_vault_name`. -- Double-click **oo List Filter** to add all your vaults. See screenshots below. -- This feature is suggested by [@hjklapp](https://github.com/hjklapp). +- To autofill and autocomplete Obsidian vaults (suggested by [@hjklapp](https://github.com/hjklapp)): `oo your_vault_name` ![](img/oo.gif) -![](img/oo.png) + ### Open daily note: `od` - The Daily notes Obsidian plugin must be enabled. -- Notes and comments are provided in the workflow/script to help you set things up. Double-click the **/usr/bin/osascript Run Script** associated with **od Keyword** to set it up. You need to specify your daily note date format (step 1 in script) and the vault name (step 2 in script). Click Save when you're done. - - New in v0.1.3: Specify your date format in the /usr/bin/osacript by using yyyy, mm, dd. See screenshot below (steps 1 and 2). - - New in v0.1.5: Create a new daily note if it doesn't exist yet (see step 3, OPTIONAL step). Specify the absolute path to the directory (`fulldir_daily`) containing your daily notes; specify the template path (if you have a template) for your daily note (`fullpath_template`). If you don't specify these paths properly, Obsidian won't find your daily note and won't create it if the note doesn't exist yet. - - This feature addresses this [issue](https://github.com/hauselin/obsidian-alfred/issues/6), where you get the "File not found message." if your daily note doesn't exist. - -![](img/odaily.png) +- `od` opens today's daily note. Alternatively, you can use a hotkey. If you've successfully followed all the set-up steps, `od` will also create today's daily note if it doesn't exist yet. If you see error messages, most likely you haven't set things up properly. Follow the set-up instructions carefully and try again. ### Search Obsidian vaults with Alfred File Filters; `os`, `or`, `ot` -You'll have to edit the Scope of each File Filter to tell Alfred where to search for files on your computer. Double-click **os File Filter**, **or File Filter**, and **ot File Filter**. You can also change other settings via Basic Setup, Scope, Fields, Limit and Sort tabs. - -- Search for all files with the term `xyz`, type `os xyz`. -- Search for recent files (last 3 days) with the term `xyz`, type `or xyz`. -- Search for files modified today, `xyz`, type `ot xyz`. - -![](img/or.gif) +- Search for all files with the term `xyz`: `os xyz` +- Search for recent files (last 3 days) with the term `xyz`: `or xyz` +- Search for files modified today, `xyz`: `ot xyz` +### Create a new note: `on` +- `on` will ask you to select a vault. Then you'll enter the note name/title. The new note will open in the selected Obsidian vault. +- If you don't enter a note name, the default note name will look something like `20201121_151123`, which is generated using [Alfred's dynamic placeholders](https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/advanced/placeholders/): `{date:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}`. ### Alfred fallback search -New in v0.1.5. Alfred supports [fallback searches](https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/default-results/fallback-searches/) (i.e., "Fallback searches are the list of search options you see when you search for a keyword that doesn't match a result on your local Mac."; see screenshot below). +Supports Alfred [fallback searches](https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/default-results/fallback-searches/) (i.e., "Fallback searches are the list of search options you see when you search for a keyword that doesn't match a result on your local Mac."; see screenshot below). Thanks [@technicalpickles](https://github.com/technicalpickles) for suggesting this feature. ![](img/fallback.png) When a fallback search is invoked, the workflow will ask which vault you want to search in. To set it up, follow these steps: -- Specify the vaults Alfred will suggest (as with the `oo` list filter). - -- Go to Alfred's Features pane, click Setup fallback results, click the + icon, add a Workflow Trigger, add Search Obsidian for {query}, reorder the fallback searches however you like, and click Save. - - +- Go to Alfred's **Features** pane, click **Default Results pane**, click **Setup fallback results** at the bottom, click the **+** icon, add a **Workflow Trigger**, add **Search Obsidian for {query}**, reorder the fallback searches however you prefer, and click **Save**. - ![](img/fallback1.png) ![](img/fallback2.gif) diff --git a/img/config.png b/img/config.png deleted file mode 100644 index fb15b86..0000000 Binary files a/img/config.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/img/fallback1.png b/img/fallback1.png deleted file mode 100644 index da2adf0..0000000 Binary files a/img/fallback1.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/img/odaily.png b/img/odaily.png deleted file mode 100644 index b064545..0000000 Binary files a/img/odaily.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/img/oo.png b/img/oo.png deleted file mode 100644 index a129a78..0000000 Binary files a/img/oo.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/img/or.gif b/img/or.gif deleted file mode 100644 index 7d8515b..0000000 Binary files a/img/or.gif and /dev/null differ