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Kafka 0.10+ Collector Auto-configure Module

This module provides support for running the kafak10 collector as a component of Zipkin server. To activate this collector, reference the module jar when running the Zipkin server and configure one or more bootstrap brokers via the KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS environment variable or zipkin.collector.kafka.bootstrap-servers property.

Quick start

JRE 8 is required to run Zipkin server. Note: The Kafka 0.10+ collector and this auto-configure module are compatible with Java 7 and later when used independent of Zipkin server.

Fetch the latest released executable jar for Zipkin server and autoconfigure module jar for the kafka10 collector. Run Zipkin server with the Kafka 0.10+ collector enabled.

For example:

$ curl -sSL | bash -s
$ curl -sSL | bash -s kafka10.jar
    java \
    -Dloader.path='kafka10.jar,kafka10.jar!/lib' \ \
    -cp zipkin.jar \

After executing these steps, the Zipkin UI will be available http://localhost:9411 or port 9411 of the remote host the Zipkin server was started on.

The Zipkin server can be further configured as described in the Zipkin server documentation.

How this works

The Zipkin server executable jar and the autoconfigure module jar for the kafka10 collector are required. The module jar contains the code for loading and configuring the kafka10 collector, and any dependencies that are not already packaged in the Zipkin server jar (e.g. zipkin-collector-kafka10, kafka-clients).

Using PropertiesLauncher as the main class runs the Zipkin server executable jar the same as it would be if executed using java -jar zipkin.jar, except it provides the option to load resources from outside the executable jar into the classpath. Those external resources are specified using the loader.path system property. In this case, it is configured to load the kafka10 collector module jar (zipkin-autoconfigure-collector-kafka10-module.jar) and the jar files contained in the lib/ directory within that module jar (zipkin-autoconfigure-collector-kafka10-module.jar!/lib).

The spring.profiles=kafka system property causes configuration from zipkin-server-kafka.yml to be loaded.

For more information on how this works, see Spring Boot's documentation on the executable jar format. The section on PropertiesLauncher has more detail on how the external module jar and the libraries it contains are loaded.


The following configuration points apply apply when KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS or zipkin.collector.kafka.bootstrap-servers is set. They can be configured by setting an environment variable or by setting a java system property using the command line argument. Some settings correspond to "New Consumer Configs" in Kafka documentation.

Environment Variable Property New Consumer Config Description
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS zipkin.collector.kafka.bootstrap-servers bootstrap.servers Comma-separated list of brokers, ex. No default
KAFKA_GROUP_ID The consumer group this process is consuming on behalf of. Defaults to zipkin
KAFKA_TOPIC zipkin.collector.kafka.topic N/A Comma-separated list of topics that zipkin spans will be consumed from. Defaults to zipkin
KAFKA_STREAMS zipkin.collector.kafka.streams N/A Count of threads consuming the topic. Defaults to 1

Other Kafka consumer properties

You may need to set other Kafka consumer properties, in addition to the ones with explicit properties defined by the collector. In this case, you need to prefix that property name with zipkin.collector.kafka.overrides and pass it as a system property argument.

For example, to override auto.offset.reset, you can set a system property named

    java \
    -Dloader.path='kafka10.jar,kafka10.jar!/lib' \ \ \
    -cp zipkin.jar \


Multiple bootstrap servers:

$ KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=broker1:9092.local,broker2.local:9092 \
    java \
    -Dloader.path='kafka10.jar,kafka10.jar!/lib' \ \
    -cp zipkin.jar \

Alternate topic name(s):

    java \
    -Dloader.path='kafka10.jar,kafka10.jar!/lib' \ \
    -Dzipkin.collector.kafka.topic=zapkin,zipken \
    -cp zipkin.jar \

Specifying bootstrap servers as a system property, instead of an environment variable:

$ java \
    -Dloader.path='kafka10.jar,kafka10.jar!/lib' \ \
    -Dzipkin.collector.kafka.bootstrap-servers= \
    -cp zipkin.jar \

Migration from Kafka < 0.8.1

As explained [on kafka wiki](\ nfluence/display/KAFKA/Committing+and+fetching+consumer+offsets+in+Kafka), offsets were stored in ZooKeeper. This has changed and offsets are now stored directly in Kafka. You need to update offsets in Kafka 0.10 by following the instructions.