All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
4.19.0 (2025-01-08)
4.18.70 (2025-01-06)
4.18.69 (2025-01-06)
- Select - check options maxIndex (e02e024)
4.18.68 (2025-01-05)
- Select- isSearchable - manage searchVal when isFocused or not (f9cb40d)
4.18.67 (2024-11-20)
- Input type=textarea - allow override scrollProps (779b504)
4.18.66 (2024-11-20)
- Button - checked - :hover :focus - styles (907c4a9)
4.18.65 (2024-11-20)
- Icon - star, flyover, clearAll (611c027)
4.18.64 (2024-11-18)
- Icon - custom element (9afa645)
4.18.63 (2024-11-11)
- Select - props.searchValue to control search input value (33fd34c)
4.18.62 (2024-11-11)
- Icon - route (eb74aa6)
4.18.61 (2024-11-03)
- Select (isSearchable) - onSeachChange (6526ade)
4.18.60 (2024-11-03)
- Select -> Popup - disasbled prop (de634e8)
4.18.59 (2024-09-27)
4.18.58 (2024-09-27)
4.18.57 (2024-09-21)
- Scroll - draw fade only when has offset (3986db8)
4.18.56 (2024-09-20)
- Button - variant=text (0a63c2a)
4.18.55 (2024-09-19)
- IconButton - contentBefore/contentAfter (03b54a2)
4.18.54 (2024-09-19)
- IconButton (fe03413)
4.18.53 (2024-09-14)
- Tabs - allowEmpty - initial state (9c4d6b6)
4.18.52 (2024-09-14)
- build: .npmignore - include dist/node_modules/ (ec24a69)
4.18.51 (2024-09-14)
- Icons - syncArrows (2c00231)
- Tabs - allowEmpty (26d067c)
- testing: Set up Jest configuration and add Button component tests (1ce006f)
- Build(webpack/rollup) - svgr - exportType:default (eb811f7)
4.18.50 (2024-08-05)
- Icon - map (6e4e577)
4.18.49 (2024-08-05)
- Icon - camera, image (eca43b0)
4.18.48 (2024-07-22)
- Icon - search (52e7344)
4.18.47 (2024-07-20)
- Icon - geolocation (a280170)
4.18.46 (2024-07-01)
- Router - popstate - sync to store with query (b7bbc7a)
4.18.45 (2024-06-16)
4.18.44 (2024-06-09)
- Icon - folder, folderOpen (620b62a)
4.18.43 (2024-06-08)
- Icon - type=play, pos:center (5ca3204)
4.18.42 (2024-06-08)
- Icon - play, pause, forward, rewind (985de46)
4.18.41 (2024-06-07)
- Icon - play, pause, forward, rewind (4e51a45)
4.18.40 (2024-05-15)
- Input - pass className to controllerWrapper (ceabcbc)
4.18.39 (2024-05-15)
- Input - pass className to controllerWrapper (5e8aacb)
4.18.38 (2024-05-12)
- Input - textarea height (15b6b50)
4.18.37 (2024-05-09)
- Select - conditional chaining (2c8d5a1)
4.18.36 (2024-05-09)
- Router - setParams({}) (0205d46)
- Scroll - allow control autoHide delay via CSS prop --hide-delay (c9ec1ca)
4.18.35 (2024-05-07)
- Select - showSelectedCount, disableLable (f710239)
4.18.34 (2024-05-07)
- Input - textarea - padding-right for scroller (68293ad)
4.18.33 (2024-05-07)
- Input - textarea - padding-right for scroller (012d524)
4.18.32 (2024-05-07)
- justorm - update version (478fef1)
4.18.31 (2024-05-06)
- Router - match by query param (15dd8ca)
4.18.30 (2024-05-06)
- Router.go() - strict "query" param (f033b97)
4.18.29 (2024-05-06)
- Router.go() (58f9303)
4.18.28 (2024-05-06)
- Router - applyQueryParams() (73fa6d3)
4.18.27 (2024-05-06)
4.18.26 (2024-05-06)
- Router - types (89c20bb)
4.18.25 (2024-05-06)
- Router - go(path, query, {replace:boolean}) (0749eed)
4.18.24 (2024-05-04)
- Tabs - hideTabsIfSingle - default: false (6b88196)
4.18.23 (2024-05-02)
- Tabs - update when props.activeId changed (fee9d6c)
4.18.22 (2024-05-02)
- Tabs - hideTabsIfSingle (6271fea)
4.18.21 (2024-05-02)
4.18.20 (2024-05-02)
- Tabs (ebc4f42)
4.18.19 (2024-04-23)
- Select - update/re-render options label (50db460)
4.18.18 (2024-02-24)
4.18.17 (2024-02-05)
4.18.16 (2024-02-04)
- Icon - gear - fill=none (ce51791)
4.18.15 (2023-11-30)
- Select - missing props.optionClassName (1ef9b2f)
4.18.14 (2023-11-30)
- Icon - link (bd78d81)
4.18.13 (2023-11-30)
- Icon - output (7b186b6)
4.18.12 (2023-11-30)
- Icon - output (46ea47d)
4.18.11 (2023-11-30)
- Icon - import type=group (1f6e450)
4.18.10 (2023-11-30)
- Icon - eye, function, group, table (72523cb)
4.18.9 (2023-11-28)
- Input - variant=clean (fb6ce48)
4.18.8 (2023-11-26)
- LightBox - className (c6102b2)
4.18.7 (2023-11-25)
- tools/resizeObserver - check elem param (cc0a3a1)
4.18.6 (2023-11-25)
4.18.5 (2023-11-25)
- Input - height and ommiting wrong props (dfa1dde)
4.18.4 (2023-11-14)
- Input type=textarea - layout fixes (ca62de6)
4.18.3 (2023-11-12)
- Input, Select - refined paddings (22ac9a3)
4.18.2 (2023-11-07)
4.18.1 (2023-11-05)
- Input - control width (5c8935f)
4.18.0 (2023-09-15)
4.17.2 (2023-07-23)
- Calendar - isDayDisabled (53f943c)
4.17.1 (2023-07-23)
- tools/date.ts - strToDate() (d3d8cc9)
4.17.0 (2023-07-22)
- DatePickerInput (bfa218c)
- Input - do not focus numberArrows (3ec616f)
4.16.0 (2023-07-22)
- Calendar - hideOtherMonthDays (a65f433)
4.15.0 (2023-07-22)
- Calendar - do not render last full week of next month (71ed9b6)
4.14.0 (2023-07-22)
- Select - isTree flag (eb141b4)
4.13.0 (2023-07-20)
4.12.1 (2023-07-16)
4.12.0 (2023-07-16)
- Input - back to full width by default (bbc757c)
4.11.1 (2023-06-17)
- package.json - dist/esm/types (c99f177)
4.11.0 (2023-06-12)
- InputFile - desugn update (0775f23)
4.10.4 (2023-05-29)
4.10.3 (2023-05-29)
- Icon - save (51af3e8)
- Icon - copy (5fa2fb7)
4.10.2 (2023-05-29)
- Icon - copty (35f88b8)
4.10.1 (2023-05-29)
- Input type=textarea - paste (c32c32f)
4.10.0 (2023-05-27)
- Input type=textarea - paste plain text, keep cursor position (83a87cc)
4.9.7 (2023-05-27)
- service/i18n - expose store (af513e4)
4.9.6 (2023-05-27)
- service/i18n - expose store (b00707b)
4.9.5 (2023-05-26)
- Input type=number - initial value=0 (3583cb5)
4.9.4 (2023-05-22)
- Icon - lazy load without spinner (by default) (2836bfc)
4.9.3 (2023-05-21)
- Icon - social_: email/instagram/telegram (246df54)
4.9.2 (2023-05-21)
- Draggable - support additional children (48187f6)
- InputFile - add button is not a draggable item (63172b2)
4.9.1 (2023-05-21)
4.9.0 (2023-05-21)
- Draggable (14ab844)
- Draggable - onDragStart/onDragEnd (0d81fe7)
- Icon - history (715b3bf)
- InputFile - draggable - allow change files order by dragging it (4840624)
- improved touches - use elementFromPoint() instead of pointerover event (76c7742)
- InputFile - variant=default styles (b3e2880)
- Label - vertical position (f47d2b1)
- Scroll - fadeSize - update sizes (87e2d53)
4.8.6 (2023-05-19)
- Icon - type=edit (c16ae7b)
4.8.5 (2023-05-16)
- Popup - elevation shadow (7096ba6)
4.8.4 (2023-05-14)
- Icon - shoppingBag (dbefe32)
4.8.3 (2023-05-14)
- Icon - minus (a6bc2dc)
4.8.2 (2023-05-14)
- Icon - shoppingBag (3bfecf3)
4.8.1 (2023-05-14)
- Gallery - dots (400e625)
- Gallery - props.cover - show items as covers (504cb3d)
- Lazy - hideSpinner (ec3e204)
4.8.0 (2023-05-14)
- Gallery - gestures support (6db2988)
4.7.7 (2023-05-13)
- tools/debounce (da835bd)
4.7.6 (2023-05-08)
- Button - props.onRef (e1e7800)
4.7.5 (2023-05-07)
- Router - initial 'query' state (9bde5e0)
4.7.4 (2023-05-07)
4.7.3 (2023-05-07)
- Icon - 'home', update 'colors' (e44dab5)
4.7.2 (2023-05-07)
- Router - no match Route (without props.path) (b6a61d2)
- Gallery - items.length < 3 (b723df4)
4.7.1 (2023-05-06)
- Virtualized - contentBefore - immediately update height on mount (4c13ed9)
4.7.0 (2023-05-06)
- Select - props.trigger - custom trigger elem (27cd557)
4.6.12 (2023-05-04)
- Link - open in new tab if Ctrl/Meta key is pressed on click (c275082)
4.6.11 (2023-04-20)
- Icon - colors, draft (9d4da5d)
- Disabled state for form controls (e6c3326)
4.6.10 (2023-04-19)
- Router - exact path='/' (8e282d0)
4.6.9 (2023-04-17)
- services/i18n - fallback to key (28c57a5)
4.6.8 (2023-04-17)
- services/i18n - withI18N() hook (2084556)
4.6.7 (2023-04-17)
- Select - disabled style (997a5cf)
4.6.6 (2023-04-17)
- Select - disabled state (5c311bb)
4.6.5 (2023-04-16)
- Select - auto disable (1f43feb)
4.6.4 (2023-04-16)
- Select - maxIndex, automatically disabled when no options (82e5bef)
4.6.3 (2023-04-16)
- Icon - gear, loader, undo, redo, settings (20a6ca2)
4.6.2 (2023-04-15)
- Input - texarea and placeholder (126a056)
4.6.1 (2023-04-15)
- Input textareat - placeholder (0ce3ea4)
4.6.0 (2023-04-15)
- build dist - postcss (f4c3647)
4.5.0 (2023-04-15)
4.4.2 (2023-04-15)
4.4.1 (2023-04-15)
4.4.0 (2023-04-09)
4.3.0 (2023-04-07)
- Notification - refactor and style update (7281d67)
- Scroll - nested sizes (bb51123)
4.2.1 (2023-04-05)
- Input - textarea height, autoComplete id - suppressHydrationWarning (5502c8a)
- Popup - offset styles - sync from state (7bdd416)
4.2.0 (2023-04-02)
- Portal - component that cover SSR diff HTML problem (d57f066)
- Popup - improved set visible position logic (b7a2e13)
4.1.1 (2023-03-30)
- Component keys and suppressHydrationWarning (0b30827)
4.1.0 (2023-03-29)
- Input - keys, rename adormnmend => addon (e3e63f8)
4.0.11 (2023-03-29)
- Input - clipPath - suppressHydrationWarning (1896922)
4.0.10 (2023-03-29)
- Input - clipPath - suppressHydrationWarning (3a2bce7)
4.0.9 (2023-03-29)
- Select - typings (93fe6ee)
4.0.8 (2023-03-29)
- Scroll - innerElem typings (a9bdeff)
4.0.7 (2023-03-28)
- Scroll - autoHide (2dbc693)
4.0.6 (2023-03-26)
4.0.5 (2023-03-26)
- Virtualized/List/ListScroll - innerElem ref (255b737)
4.0.4 (2023-03-26)
- Scroll smooth - dragging (1ba4787)
4.0.3 (2023-03-26)
- Lazy - spinner timeout - 500ms, pass props.size to Node (b846547)
4.0.2 (2023-03-26)
- services/1i8n - changeLang() to previous (1f64fbf)
4.0.1 (2023-03-26)
- services/i18n - accept already loaded object in language config (e6468f0)
4.0.0 (2023-03-25)
- service/i18n (+ used in docs) (9ab4980)
- Scroll - resubscribe ResizeObserver to innerElem (0530df2)
3.11.0 (2023-03-19)
- Gallery - dynamic startIndex (9dbf244)
3.10.3 (2023-03-19)
- 'blur' are optional now (169d3c0)
- Heading - anchor (1f60269)
3.10.2 (2023-03-19)
- Gallery - arrows styles (22e6456)
- LightBox - props.isOpen - updates (e73d822)
3.10.1 (2023-03-19)
- Scroll - fire props.onScroll() (d0693ee)
3.10.0 (2023-03-16)
- Scroll - fadeSize, +fix on inner resize (17d46f0)
3.9.3 (2023-03-15)
3.9.2 (2023-03-15)
3.9.1 (2023-03-14)
3.9.0 (2023-03-11)
- Select - keyboard control (f2b6ebc)
3.8.0 (2023-03-10)
- Scroll - improved performance (7f51e02)
- Select - custom scrollbar, hoverControl when focused (858bb90)
3.7.0 (2023-03-08)
- Add style variants for form controls (ae28d9d)
- Popup <-> Select - focus/blur integrations (3002ea0)
3.6.2 (2023-03-08)
- Popup - do not close if srolled inside content (da395fc)
3.6.1 (2023-03-07)
- Popup positioning (ea50acd)
3.6.0 (2023-03-06)
- Table (2d633e4)
3.5.1 (2023-03-05)
3.5.0 (2023-03-05)
- Tabs - support props.size (6725ec0)
3.4.1 (2022-08-07)
- Router - Redirect fire on mount (9b6e0ad)
3.4.0 (2022-08-07)
3.3.1 (2022-08-06)
3.3.0 (2022-08-06)
3.2.0 (2022-07-26)
- SSR support (4741638)
3.1.2 (2022-07-24)
- types & .npmignore (d7fd4e7)
3.1.1 (2022-07-24)
3.1.0 (2022-07-24)
3.0.0 (2022-06-04)
2.0.3 (2022-05-19)
2.0.2 (2022-05-19)
2.0.1 (2022-05-04)
- tools/rangeMap (f5199a8)
2.0.0 (2022-05-04)
2.0.0-beta (2022-05-04)
1.3.7 (2022-05-01)
- Link - external colors (3f7a1b4)
1.3.6 (2022-04-30)
1.3.5 (2022-04-30)
- Button - isLoading => loading (31e6da6)
- isCHecked => checked (9beba01)
- isSquare => square (8733599)
- tools/uid - clean id (7b54f48)
1.3.4 (2022-04-10)
- Icon - fullscreen, fullscreenExit (8631baf)
1.3.3 (2022-04-10)
- tools/localStorage, LS (6947d01)
- Notifications - backdrop-filter on animation (df5f8a0)
1.3.2 (2022-04-08)
1.3.1 (2022-04-08)
- Popup - outline (c81ba03)
1.3.0 (2022-04-08)
- popup lighter contrast & blur (a408da3)
- Link - external icon color (9226666)
1.2.8 (2022-04-07)
- Form - validationSchema - custom field.message (eb04a09)
1.2.7 (2022-04-03)
- InputFile - replace item (481f9f5)
1.2.6 (2022-04-03)
- InputFile - single (3a3ca4d)
- SubmitButtons - props.className (4ce42a3)
1.2.5 (2022-04-02)
- LightBox - subscribe keydown capture (8219f73)
1.2.4 (2022-04-01)
- Gallery - start at first, recenter() (94b3f31)
1.2.3 (2022-03-31)
- Router - getWeightestRoute() (62f7e1f)
1.2.2 (2022-03-31)
1.2.1 (2022-03-30)
1.2.0 (2022-03-30)
1.1.1 (2022-03-29)
- Gallery - do not stop propagation if no matched key (27290f2)
- Input - textarea - clip area under label (when scrolling) (fd20116)
- Scroll - omit extraWide prop for DOM props (de0dd38)
- Virtualized - lastScrollEndIndex not highter than totalCount (10101cb)
1.1.0 (2022-03-28)
- Input - textarea (a155eba)
1.0.7 (2022-03-27)
- Scroll - extraWide prop (7dbd3d7)
1.0.6 (2022-03-27)
1.0.5 (2022-03-27)
- Virtualized - getLastIndex() - 'total-1' (1ee5e49)
1.0.4 (2022-03-27)
- Virtualized - when initial data already total, +example (07fc048)
1.0.2 (2022-03-27)
- Notifications - width (4d58ba2)
- Router - getWeightestRoute() considering rootPath (0a2a8fd)
- Virtualized - last maximum totalCount, +examples routing (977737d)
1.0.1 (2022-03-26)
1.0.0 (2022-03-26)
- App - ui fixes, touch/modile improvements (a41dab8)
- Notifications - swipe, ui, , +example (e3a61fc)
- Router - nested, +examples (2d678f8)
- Virtualized (937f305)
0.0.60 (2022-03-23)
- InputFile - full width if single item (944afe1)
- mobile layout (07c50a6)
- Notifications - mobile layout & swipe to close (e6e86e3)
0.0.59 (2022-03-23)
- Container - deptecate 'centere', add 'alignItemsCenter, justifyContentCenter' (7758726)
- LightBox - close button size for mobile - 60px (250c389)
0.0.58 (2022-03-23)
- Router - rebuild state after .back() and .replaceState() (f1c96c6)
0.0.57 (2022-03-23)
- Router - queryString state (dbec641)
0.0.56 (2022-03-23)
- Router - store.path - must not include ?query (21097c0)
0.0.55 (2022-03-23)
- Router - query params (181f52c)
0.0.54 (2022-03-23)
- Router - fire subscribers no only pop/push state, but go() too (36c770f)
0.0.53 (2022-03-23)
- PopupMenu, +examples (c73df87)
- control sizes (6145e3f)
0.0.52 (2022-03-22)
- Paranja - bg - no alpha (71bcaba)
0.0.51 (2022-03-22)
- Router - fix path '' - '/' (0f9f262)
0.0.50 (2022-03-22)
0.0.49 (2022-03-22)
- Gallery - single item style (66ebd3e)
0.0.48 (2022-03-22)
- .npmignore (1a2d275)
0.0.47 (2022-03-22)
0.0.46 (2022-03-22)
- Gallery - image loading state (84a9285)
- Gallery, +examples (39f7fce)
- Icon - avatar (098db9e)
- Icon - brokenImage (746b8cd)
- LightBox, Paranja, +examples (b4b8cd0)
0.0.45 (2022-03-21)
0.0.44 (2022-03-21)
0.0.43 (2022-03-20)
- InputFile - fire onChange after all upload requests are finished (f730c2a)
0.0.42 (2022-03-20)
- InputFile, +example (d041fb6)
- Notifications - empty style (7f7ae54)
0.0.41 (2022-03-17)
- Button - prefixElem, postfixElem (b66c168)
0.0.40 (2022-03-17)
- Button - svg margin (486b317)
0.0.39 (2022-03-17)
- Icon - moreHorizontal, moreVertical (1dba9bd)
0.0.38 (2022-03-17)
- RequiredStar redesign, Form - pass 'required' prop to component based on schmea (dbe55d3)
0.0.37 (2022-03-17)
0.0.36 (2022-03-16)
- Scroll - sizes; all components - default size - m (6bc0009)
0.0.35 (2022-03-16)
- Form - error state (8b1bd49)
- Notifications - Icon size (f82072e)
- Scroll - errors on update (f72d244)
0.0.34 (2022-03-15)
0.0.33 (2022-03-12)
- Router - export RouterStore (2dbe52d)
0.0.32 (2022-03-12)
0.0.31 (2022-03-10)
- remove preact trails (a8a2644)
0.0.30 (2022-03-10)
- Router - fix store usage (127dee4)
0.0.29 (2022-03-10)
- Router - require store (3a62c6b)
0.0.28 (2022-03-10)
- Router typings (c0795bf)
0.0.27 (2022-03-10)
- Router - subscribtions (8bb44d0)
0.0.26 (2022-03-10)
- export RequiredStar (f298925)
0.0.25 (2022-03-10)
0.0.24 (2022-03-09)
0.0.23 (2022-03-09)
- Checkbox (5e6c8fd)
0.0.22 (2022-03-09)
- Notifications, +example (a5a7b08)
0.0.21 (2022-03-08)
- Form - omit onChange (59788ec)
0.0.20 (2022-03-08)
- Checkbox example, fix: Input pass props.type (adfa9f9)
0.0.19 (2022-03-08)
0.0.18 (2022-03-08)
- Select, Popup, Input (771a80a)
0.0.17 (2022-03-08)
- Input props.controlProps (001357b)
0.0.16 (2022-03-07)
0.0.15 (2022-03-07)
0.0.14 (2022-03-07)
0.0.13 (2022-03-03)
0.0.12 (2022-03-02)
- active color picker (9444eca)
- add component - Scroll (+examples) (5b4c2bd)
- add component - Select (+examples) (82798e9)
- change theme button (c818668)
- export component - AssistiveText (0e182eb)
- export component - Container (082fa5f)
- export component - Form (c19fab4)
- export component - Icon (+example) (a2bf22c)
- export component - Input (+example) (3d066d4)
- export component - Popup (+example); +controls style (4590d19)
- export component - Spinner (8d4c74c)
- export component - Theme (e1f0e97)
- npm script docs:deploy (626e3a6)
- typings (181e447)