Releases: hove-io/navitia
Releases · hove-io/navitia
What's Changed
- [Doc] terminus notes by @stifoon in #4188
- [Distributed/Excluded Zones] Add cache to ZE for stop area by @xlqian in #4264
- [tyr] Delete attribute asgard_language from the table instance in tyr database by @kadhikari in #4121
- feat: call line_reports from Loki by @datanel in #4260
- make jormun uwsgi cahce size configurable by @xlqian in #4269
- Jormun: HSTS activated by @azime in #4266
- NAV-2811: Add logging for whitespace deletion by @adrien3d in #4268
Full Changelog: v15.63.0...v15.64.0
What's Changed
- [FEAT]: street_network backend configuration by user by @kadhikari in #4235
- [TEST]: Tests on loading line_section from a chaos DB by @kadhikari in #4250
- [jormun]: For departure_boards, group_by_destination is activable in config by @kadhikari in #4261
- [jormun]: Fix realtime in departureboard by @kadhikari in #4262
Full Changelog: v15.62.0...v15.63.0
What's Changed
- [Kraken]: Fix since until for line report API by @azime in #4258
- [Distributed/Asgard]: Add destination_only_penalty in Valhalla by @xlqian in #4257
- [Jormun]: set default scenario to distributed by @xlqian in #4259
- [Distributed] Timeout when direct path takes too long by @xlqian in #4251
Full Changelog: v15.61.1...v15.62.0
Test hotfix on freeze branch
Full Changelog: v15.61.1...v15.61.2
What's Changed
- Increase max nb of greenlets in distributed by @xlqian in #4246
- Parallelize matrix calling by @xlqian in #4245
- Optim disable_feedpublisher by @azime in #4244
- [CI] Fix docker builders: download release asset from cosmogony2cities by @xlqian in #4247
- [Graphical Isochrone] Fix isochrone when Asgard is chosen by @xlqian in #4249
Full Changelog: v15.60.2...v15.61.0
What's Changed
- [Jormungandr] Add tags in stats by @azime in #4232
- [Jormungandr] fix: removed stopArea & stopPoint formatting by @adrien3d in #4226
- [kraken]: Load disruptions for chaos db by @kadhikari in #4238
- [Jormungandr] fix _use_excluded_zones by @xlqian in #4237
- [Jormungandr] add_newrelic_event_on_free_access_filtering by @xlqian in #4236
- [Jormungandr] Fix _deactivate_opg_scenario param by @azime in #4240
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v15.59.2...v15.60.0