Please also see the contribution guide in the root folder.
- Install
- Install
- Install
- Within this directory, create a file with the name
according to the.env.example
- Start the database by running
docker compose up
in this directory- You can use
docker compose --profile dev up
if you want to start the testing database as well
- You can use
- Start the development server with
yarn dev
- You can now access the annotation interface app on
If you use kitty, you can conveniently run the dev script from this directory to start the database (& testing database), and the development server in split windows and open Anni in your browser.
To deploy Anni, first ensure you have all environment variables set up. See
for help. Then, run the following command from
the repo's root:
docker compose --file anni/docker-compose.yaml --profile production up -d
This will run Anni without the Backupper. To run the Backupper as well, see the Deploying with Backupper section in its README.
The -d
option will start Docker compose in the background.