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198 lines (157 loc) · 6.79 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (157 loc) · 6.79 KB


Please also see the contribution guide in the root folder.

Local Setup

  • Install flutter-logo Flutter
  • Open a terminal in VSCode in the app directory
    • Run dart pub get to fetch all dart dependencies
    • Run flutter pub get to fetch all flutter dependencies and setup all generated code
    • Run dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs or dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs to re-generate code upon file changes while developing

You should now be able to run the app by opening the debug panel on the left and pressing the green triangle at the top (or using the shortcut F5).

Useful Shortcuts

For (cleaning) generated code, you might want to add the following aliases to your shell configuration:

alias flutter-generate='dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs'
alias flutter-clean='find . -maxdepth 20 -type f \( -name "*.inject.summary" -o -name "*.inject.dart" -o  -name "*.g.dart" \) -delete'

Updating Flutter and Android

... can be super painful, because Java, Gradle, and Kotlin versions may be wrong.

Often problems in packages arise that rely on older Gradle versions.

The places to check are:

  • Your Flutter version
  • Your JAVA_HOME version
  • The Gradle version in; the recommended versions are "between 7.3 and 7.6.1." (see Android Java Gradle migration guide)
  • The Java version in android/app/build/gradle
  • The Java version used for Gradle (check in Android Studio)
  • The Kotlin version in settings.gradle


The app consists of multiple so-called modules. Our main modules (usually app screens) correspond to the direct subfolders of lib/.

Common functions used by modules such as models, widgets, and utilities are living in common. All such functions are exported from common/module.dart.

The structure of an example module lib/my_module should look as follows:

  • my_module
    • module.dart (see example below):
      • exports everything that is required by other modules, i.e., page(s) and possibly the cubit
      • declares all routes as functions returning AutoRoute
      • may contain initialization code (initMyModule())
    • widgets:
      • my_widget.dart: contains MyWidget and helpers
    • pages:
      • my_module.dart: contains MyModulePage and helpers
      • my_child_page.dart: contains
      • my_complex_page: create a folder for complex pages (e.g., tabbed ones); might want to create an own module if getting too complex
    • utils.dart: contains utilities used throughout this module
    • cubit.dart: contains MyModuleCubit and MyModuleStates (if needed)

Example for my_module/module.dart; the page is used as a root page in the tab router, which is why the empty router MyModuleRootPage and adding AutoRoute(path: '', page: to children is needed.

import '../common/module.dart';

// For generated routes
export 'cubit.dart';
export 'pages/my_module.dart';
export 'pages/my_child_page.dart';
export 'pages/my_complex_page/page.dart';

class MyModuleRootPage extends AutoRouter {}

AutoRoute myChildRoute() => AutoRoute(
  path: 'my_child',
AutoRoute myComplexRoute() => AutoRoute(
  path: 'my_complex',

AutoRoute myModuleRoute({ required List<AutoRoute> children }) => AutoRoute(
  path: 'my_module',
  children: [
    AutoRoute(path: '', page:,
    ...children, // includes myChildRoute()

Making app icons

Add the icon as assets/icon/icon.png (configured in pubspec.yaml) and run

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

This will generate icons for both iOS as well as Android.

Another option is to use, e.g.,

Updating screencast and screenshots

🙅 Not working yet due to login redirect, but keeping script for Sinai version (login without redirect) – can adopt once different login types are supported.

Check e60efb4f2fc3ba2efa7735ffb06ec5fdb64d7af6 for a rudimentary script version, removed afterwards due to too many merge conflicts.

User Instructions

Currently, the user instructions are a static HTML file that need to be updated manually if changes in the app content occur (at least the screenshots are linked and do not need to be updated after re-generation).

We decided to host a PDF of the user instructions (for the study). To create this PDF, follow these steps:

  1. Open the HTML file in Chrome
  2. Print with "Save to PDF" using default settings, format US Letter
  3. Add page numbers online
    • Position: bottom center
    • Text: {n} of {p}
    • Font size: 10

Adapting test data

If you would like to test with specific test data but you don't have a user with suitable data available, adapt the code that gets the lab results as shown below.

// TODO(after-testing): remove test data adaption
var labResults =<LabResult>(LabResult.fromJson).toList();
final cyp2c19Result = labResults.firstWhere((labResult) => labResult.gene == "CYP2C19");
labResults = labResults.filter((labResult) => labResult.gene != "CYP2C19").toList();
labResults = [...labResults, LabResult(gene: "CYP2C19", variant: "*2/*2", phenotype: "Poor Metabolizer", allelesTested: cyp2c19Result.allelesTested)];
return labResults;

You can use the CPIC API to get reasonable genotype-phenotype pairings, e.g., with,diplotype,generesult.

Some more examples are collected below (this is for testing what is shown for Warfarin):

  UserData.instance.diplotypes!['CYP2C9'] = Diplotype(
    gene: 'CYP2C9',
    resultType: 'Diplotype',
    genotype: '*11/*13',
    phenotype: 'Poor Metabolizer',
    allelesTested: '',
  UserData.instance.diplotypes!['VKORC1'] = Diplotype(
    gene: 'VKORC1',
    resultType: 'Diplotype',
    genotype: '-1639G>A variant carriers',
    phenotype: '-1639G>A variant carriers',
    allelesTested: '',
  UserData.instance.diplotypes!['CYP4F2'] = Diplotype(
    gene: 'CYP4F2',
    resultType: 'Diplotype',
    genotype: 'rs2108622 T carriers',
    phenotype: 'rs2108622 T carriers',
    allelesTested: '',
  UserData.instance.diplotypes!['CYP2C'] = Diplotype(
    gene: 'CYP2C',
    resultType: 'Diplotype',
    genotype: 'rs12777823 A carriers',
    phenotype: 'rs12777823 A carriers',
    allelesTested: '',