From caae401e569edf6dc445329f2f05c005d5d79d99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tamslo The first part will not be included in the App need to update the more screenshot after content updates need to update the screenshot after content updates
- You can then review and update your current medications with PGx
- (pharmacogenomic) guidelines. Your current medications with PGx
- guidelines from your medical record will be pre-selected here.
+ Please review your current medications with PGx
+ (pharmacogenomic) guidelines that were imported from your medical
+ record.
+ Use the toggle switches to mark a medication as a current medication (on)
+ or remove a medication from current medications (off).
+ You can search for generic medication names and brand names.
- You will also be able to edit your current medications later in the
- App.
- not sure if we should include this here, what do you think?
- If you are taking any of the following medications, please be sure to
- add them. They can change how your body handles other medications.
- PharMe will warn you when these medications interact with other
- medications you are taking:
- From now on this will be included in the App; headings will say "Part I: [heading] (I/N)" Great! You're almost ready to use PharMe. Let's show you how it works.
At the bottom of your screen, you'll find four main buttons:
- "Medications", "Genes", "FAQ", and "More".
The next parts of this app tour will provide further details about these screens. In the App, "again in the App" will be "again later" Want to repeat this tour again in the App? Just go to "More" and tap
- "Repeat App tour". Want to repeat this tour again in the App? You can tap "More" > "Repeat App tour". The "Medications" screen shows all medications in PharMe.
- You can search for medication names (both generic and brand names), look
- for types of medications, and filter the list by how well they work with
- your genes.
- PharMe only includes medications that are known to be affected by genes according to CPIC and FDA guidelines.
+ While only a small percentage of medications have CPIC or FDA guidelines, they are among the most commonly prescribed ones.
+ If you cannot find a medication in PharMe, there may not be enough evidence for meaningful gene interactions.
Each medication has a color and symbol that shows how it might work for
you based on your genes:
@@ -477,6 +521,14 @@ Finding Medications (continued)
+ You can search for medication names (both generic and brand names)
+ and for types of medications. Filter the list by how medications
+ might work for you based on your genes using the button next to the
+ search bar.
- Here you can also mark medications you're taking and save information
- for your pharmacist or doctor.
+ Mark medications you're currently taking by using the
+ toggle switch.
+ Here you can also save information for your pharmacist or doctor
+ by using the share button in the upper right corner.
Keeping Your Information Safe
II. App Tour
@@ -376,9 +408,8 @@
App Intro
- After successfully downloading your data, you will get an overview about
+ After the login, you will get an overview about
what PharMe can do in the App intro (also see the App intro above).
App Intro
Update Current Medications
Update Current Medications
Getting Around
- Finding Medications
Finding Medications
Finding Medications
@@ -491,8 +543,12 @@ Learning About Your Medications
science tells us about this medication and your genes.
Understanding Your Genes
- Want to learn more? Check out the FAQ or go to "More" > "Learn about - genetics". + Want to learn more about genetics? Check out the FAQ or go to + "More" > "Learn about genetics".
@@ -523,10 +579,8 @@need to update the more screenshot after content updates
Need help? Use "More" to get in touch with us or learn about the App, - or check the FAQ for common questions.
+Need help? Check the frequently asked questions (FAQ) for common questions or use "More" to get in touch with us or learn about the App.
Under "More" you can also edit your current medication list.
will adapt the list once I hear back from Aniwaa (probably will remove the government websites)
For more information on PGx:
PharMe helps you understand how your genes affect your medications.
It shows which medications might not work well for you and might cause side effects.
However, please remember:
-Also include "no change wo/ pharmacist or doctor disclaimer in app
PharMe only includes medications that are known to be affected by genes. We get this information from clinical guidelines from CPIC and the FDA.
+PharMe only includes medications that are known to be affected by genes according to CPIC and FDA guidelines.
While only a small percentage of medications have CPIC or FDA guidelines, they are among the most commonly prescribed ones. If you cannot find a medication in PharMe, there may not be enough evidence for meaningful gene interactions. @@ -593,6 +647,15 @@
No. Always talk to your pharmacist or doctor before starting, changing, or stopping your medications. +
PharMe only includes medications that are known to be affected by genes. We get this information from clinical guidelines from CPIC and the FDA.
+PharMe includes medications that are known to be affected by genes. We get this information from clinical guidelines from CPIC and the FDA.
While only a small percentage of medications have CPIC or FDA guidelines, they are among the most commonly prescribed ones. If you cannot find a medication in PharMe, there may not be enough evidence for meaningful gene interactions.