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Draft: Communication concepts and goals

Charlie Meister edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 3 revisions


communicate risk in taking a certain medication regarding side effects or lack of desired effect

concept: genetic profile influences drug reaction / PGx concept: metabolization can involve enzymes with increased, decreased, normal, or no function gist: are you expected to experience side effects, a lack of desired effect, or both? I gist: does your genetic profile imply that you should not be taking this medication? gist: are there other factors involved in the metabolization of a certain drug? verbatim: what type of metabolizer are you? I verbatim: what other factors are involved in the metabolization of a certain drug? I screens: onboarding, medication detail page communicate adequate risk management

concept: this is a risk communication app, risk communication vs. decision support gist: should you take action without consulting your care provider (doctor, pharmacist, etc)? I verbatim: what dose of this drug is recommended solely based on your genetic profile? I verbatim: what alternative drugs could you take, solely based on your genetic profile? (multiple choice including wrong answers) screens: onboarding, medication detail page communicate risks when dealing with genetic data

concept: local storage of genetic data concept: genotyping: not whole genome gist: do we have all your genetic data? gist (/verbatim?): where is your genetic data stored? multiple choice: lab's server, locally on smartphone, our database, iCloud/ Google Drive verbatim: how many percent of genes are examined? (depending on onboarding) I screens: onboarding, loading screens remaining questions: 4 verbatim and 2 gist questions per goal or all together?

  • number of questions may change
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