Releases: hpi-studyu/studyu
Releases · hpi-studyu/studyu
Bug Fixes
- add sizedbox at bottom of designer lists to make sure the add button doesn't block the user from seeing the element he is editing (243973d)
- Cleanup of study_designer gen i10n (06b8d1e)
- Correct tranlsation (a8740d1)
- Disable notifications on web (51fde32)
- Do not call notifications for web (593342b)
- Fix compatibility with newest beta (7cfd163)
- Fix contact not displaying correctly (b6330f9)
- Fix installation-id for back4app (b62e8d3)
- Fix release build web: Remove type.toString (bb74ee3)
- json_serializer DateTime.parse needs toString (57ab660)
- Make compatible with beta (cbd0a85)
- Masterkey needed to create a user (f6c7375)
- Scaffold.of deprecated (ba88113)
- spelling (9203658)
- Upgrade packages to beta channel (9ad5395)
- Use dart conform names (b507149)
- security: Use clientKey instead of masterKey (fb08290)
- Return null rather than failing to parse (7404eba)
- text is not shown at include baseline button because of wrong text label (39e372c)
- Typo not kIsWeb (217dd18)
- Use ParseHTTPClient for web bc faster (6c616dd)
- Use TextField instead of buggy PhoneField (50554f2)
- Add IRB contact field (1e8aff1)
- Define generate localizations (d07219b)
- Enable editing published studies locally (3dc4174)
- app: Add FAQ and contact to Welcome page (5facadc)
- app: Color Study publisher header (41228e5)
- app: Display support contact (77e0593)
- app: Remove support/contact overview page (adcf205)
- app: Restructure contact screen (c103786)
- app: Separate study publisher contact (4219cdb)
- designer: Add copy JSON to app bar in debug (0b8310f)
- designer: Upload of JSON support in debug (8c86717)
Bug Fixes
- add sizedbox at bottom of designer lists to make sure the add button doesn't block the user from seeing the element he is editing (243973d)
- Correct tranlsation (a8740d1)
- Disable notifications on web (51fde32)
- Do not call notifications for web (593342b)
- Fix contact not displaying correctly (b6330f9)
- Fix installation-id for back4app (b62e8d3)
- Masterkey needed to create a user (f6c7375)
- Return null rather than failing to parse (7404eba)
- text is not shown at include baseline button because of wrong text label (39e372c)
- Typo not kIsWeb (217dd18)
- app: Add FAQ and contact to Welcome page (5facadc)
- app: Color Study publisher header (41228e5)
- app: Display support contact (77e0593)
- app: Remove support/contact overview page (adcf205)
- app: Restructure contact screen (c103786)
- app: Separate study publisher contact (4219cdb)
- designer: Add copy JSON to app bar in debug (0b8310f)
- designer: Upload of JSON support in debug (8c86717)