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openHASP APDS-9930 proximity sensor Custom Code documentation v1.01

APDS-9930 DIL package APDS-9930 board module Sunton connnectors


  • 1.01 (2023-05-01) Improved documentation
  • 1.00 (2023-04-29) Initial Custom Code release

APDS-9930 proximity sensor properties:

The APDS-9930 Digital Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor is a cheap, realiable and very small sensor perfectly suited for near display proximity detection on any openHASP device. The actual sensors measurements (appx. 4 x 2 mm) makes it very suitable to install behind the glass display edge on e.g. the T3E device or in the enclosure frame for e.g. Sunton devices. Opposite to typical PIR sensors, this sensor will only detect very close proximity within 100 mm. This makes the sensor a perfect candidate to instantly wake up an openHASP device before user actually touch the display

Data Sheet description:

  • The APDS-9930 provides digital Ambient Light Sensing (ALS), IR LED and a complete proximity detection system in a single 8 pin package
  • The proximity function offers plug and play detection to 100 mm (without front glass) thus eliminating the need for factory calibration of the end equipment or sub-assembly
  • The proximity detection feature operates well from bright sunlight to dark rooms
  • The wide dynamic range also allows for operation in short distance detection behind dark glass such as a cell phone.

openHASP Custom Code for APDS-9930 proximity sensor

  • Custom code for issuing idle_off command locally in openHASP code upon proximity detection
  • Supports custom brightness level (low or high) depending on APDS-9930 sensors ambient light lux value. This feature will make it possible to wake up the openHASP device at low brightness level upon proximity detection at night
  • Custom brightness- and ambient light threshold levels are configurable at runtime via MQTT commands
  • All proximity detection events, distance value and ambient light lux level are written to log and published via MQTT custom topic. Typical time consumption for entire detection, ambient light lux reading, issuing commands / MQTT messages and log writes are some 115 milliseconds

Custom MQTT message example:

topic: hasp/sunton_02/state/custom
payload: {"proximity":620,"lux":5}

Log example - Proximity detection on openHASP plate from idle_long state:

[19:53:46.848][61428/73772 16][22028/24228 10] MSGR: idle=off
[19:53:46.863][61428/70340 12][22028/24228 10] MQTT PUB: idle => off
[19:53:46.878][59380/68408 13][22028/24228 10] CUST: Proximity detected. Level: 817
[19:53:46.894][57332/66468 13][22028/24228 10] CUST: Ambient light lux: 20
[19:53:46.909][55284/66132 16][22028/24228 10] MSGR: backlight={'state':1,'brightness':191}
[19:53:46.924][61428/72176 14][22028/24228 10] HASP: First touch Disabled
[19:53:46.942][59380/68648 13][22028/24228 10] MQTT PUB: backlight => {"state":"on","brightness":191}
[19:53:46.959][59380/70592 15][22028/24228 10] MQTT PUB: custom => {"proximity":817,"lux":20}
[19:53:48.683][61428/73772 16][22028/24228 10] CUST: Clear proximity throttle flag
  • Proximity detection throttle flag is set upon detection and is reset in the void custom_every_5seconds() loop. This effectively reduces time consumption in code for continuous proximity detection to max. once every five seconds
  • Ambient light lux value is read every 60 seconds and written to log. Sensor value is also added to- and exposed with openHASPs generic sensor MQTT message (TelePeriod settings define the interval)

openHASP sensors MQTT publish example:

topic: hasp/sunton_02/state/sensors
payload: {"time":"2023-04-28T21:23:10","uptimeSec":2700,"uptime":"0T00:45:00","lux":5}

brightness_low, brightness_high and ambient_light_threshold variables can all be set via custom MQTT command and hence controlled dynamically at runtime 🚀

Usage scheme upon proximity detection:

Ambient light level <= ambient_light_threshold Ambient light level > ambient_light_threshold
brightness_low value used for brightness setting brightness_high value used for brightness setting

Example - Setting brightness_low via HA Developer tools:

service: mqtt.publish
  topic: hasp/sunton_02/command/custom/brightness_low
  payload: 25

When proximity is registered above defined threshold value, an idle_off command is instantly fired internally in the openHASP code (wake up device). This is followed by a backlight={'state':1,'brightness':xx} command, where brightness value is set to either brightness_low or brightness_high, depending on what ambient light lux level has been read upon proximity detection


When using openHASP Home Assistant Custom Component, the idle_off command will also trigger a state and brightness command from the CC. As the brightness level from CC is fixed, this will unfortunately instantly owerwrite any brightness setting done in custom code. So until this gets fixed in the CC, a hack is needed in openHASP Custom Components file in order to ignore actions on idle_off commands for specific openHASP devices

Hack example - openHASP Custom Component file:

   async def async_listen_idleness(self):
        """Listen to messages on MQTT for HASP idleness."""

        async def idle_message_received(msg):
            """Process MQTT message from plate."""
            message = HASP_IDLE_SCHEMA(msg.payload)

            if message == HASP_IDLE_OFF:
                brightness = self._awake_brightness
                backlight = 1
            elif message == HASP_IDLE_SHORT:
                brightness = self._idle_brightness
                backlight = 1
            elif message == HASP_IDLE_LONG:
                brightness = self._awake_brightness
                backlight = 0
            # Skip IDLE_OFF commands for specific openHASP devices
            # skip device = device MQTT nodename
            skip_device ="sunton_02"     
            if == skip_device + " backlight" and message == HASP_IDLE_OFF:
                new_state = {"state": backlight, "brightness": brightness}

                "Idle state for %s is %s - Dimming to %s; Backlight to %s",

Pin connection example between APDS-9930 module board and a 7" Sunton 8048S070C device

openHASP device APDS-9930 Board Function
3.3V VCC Power
3.3V VL Power
GND GND Ground
GPIO20 SCL I²C Clock
NC INT Interrupt


The APDS-9930 library shares the global Wire object with the openHASP device touch controller using default I²C bus. This restricts the APDS-9930 sensors SDA/SCL GPIO pins to be identical with the openHASP device defined touch controller GPIO pins ! On the 5- and 7" Sunton devices all needed pins are easily accessible via the P3 and P4 JST connectors. Interrupt pin (INT) is not connected nor used in this Custom Code.


The APDS-9930 sensor is not 5V tolerant - Connect to 3.3V only !!

Config keywords:

  • Add git+ to lib-deps in platformio.ini file
  • Copy my_custom.h and my_custom.ccp files to openhasp/src/custom folder
  • Revise platformio_override.ini and user_config_override.h files
  • Patch openHASP Custom Config file in Home Assistant or copy file from this repo instead

Suggestions, improvements, error reporting etc. are very welcome ! 🙂

April, 2023 @htvekov