This is a simple guide on how to run the Build Your First Network (BYFN) sample with HCS-based ordering service. The steps in this guide have been validated on Mac OSX (Catalina) and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The sample is built on the official fabric-samples first-network sample.
- Toolchain: git, make, gcc, go, docker, and docker-compose. Please refer to Prerequsites for Hyperledger Fabric v2.2 for the complete list with detailed instructions to set up the build environment for Hyperledger Fabric.
- The pluggable-hcs repo. Please follow the instructions below to get the source, and hereafter
the repo directory will be referred to as FABRIC_REPO_DIR.
$ git clone $ cd pluggable-hcs
- A Hedera testnet account. Please go to Hedera Portal to register an account if you don't have one. Please note down your account id and private key.
Follow the instructions in this section to build the required fabric binaries and docker images.
$ make clean
$ make configtxgen configtxlator cryptogen orderer peer docker
Edit hedera_env.json
and fill in the values for operatorId
and operatorKey
with your hedera testnet
account id and private key.
Edit orderer.yaml
and fill in the values for Hcs.Operator.Id
and Hcs.Operator.PrivateKey.Key
with your hedera
testnet acccount id and private key.
Run the sample:
$ cd $FABRIC_REPO_DIR/first-network
$ ./ up -t 20
Please note it's necessary to set the timeout to 20 seconds since otherwise some checks in the script may fail due to the nature that HCS has a larger consensus delay than raft/kafka based ordering service.
The sample is almost identical with the upstream first-network sample as of 2.0.0 release. In summary, the modifications are:
- Updated docker compose files to use hcs-based orderers.
- Added a function in
to use the hcscli tool for HCS topic creation and mapping topics to fabric channels.
A successful run will end with the following message:
========= All GOOD, BYFN execution completed ===========
_____ _ _ ____
| ____| | \ | | | _ \
| _| | \| | | | | |
| |___ | |\ | | |_| |
|_____| |_| \_| |____/
To tear down the environment and clean up intermediate files,
$ ./ down
Optional cleanup of HCS topics after each run. The
script automatically creates two HCS topics. You can find the topic IDs at the beginning of
the console output,
generated HCS topics: 0.0.179950 0.0.179951
then run the command below with the topic IDs to delete them,
$ ../build/bin/hcscli topic delete 0.0.179950 0.0.179951