diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9e9efbdd8d..3b0927f632 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -443,9 +443,11 @@ See [LCD Clients](#lcd-clients) for more info.
| `rpcClients.enabledServices` | which services to enable | [`Msg`,`Query`,`Service`] |
| `rpcClients.instantOps` | will generate instant rpc operations in the file `service-ops.ts` under root folder, which contains customized classes having selected rpc methods | `undefined` |
| `rpcClients.serviceImplement` | assign implement type of rpc methods, `Query` or `Tx`, by setting patterns under service types. | `undefined` |
- `rpcClients.combinedClient.name` | assign the client name like `{name}AminoConverters`, `get{name}SigningClient` etc | `undefined`
-| `rpcClients.combinedClient.fileName` | assign the file name of generated client in root directory | `undefined`
-| `rpcClients.combinedClient.include.patterns` | determine which proto files will be imported for the current client such as `cosmos.gov.v1beta1.**` | `undefined`
+ `rpcClients.clientStyle.useUpdatedClientStyle` | The default value is `false`, which sets the generated client to use the legacy style. Setting it to `true` applies the updated style and activates the remaining options in clientStyle. | `false`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.type` | A string array containing possible values: `all-client`, `sdk-module-client`, and `custom-client`. The value `all-client` generates an all-module-client file. The value `sdk-module-client` generates a client for the module specified by the `sdkModuleClientOption`. The value `custom-client` generates a customized client as specified by `customClientOption` | `undefined`
+`rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.name` | assign the client name like `{name}AminoConverters`, `get{name}SigningClient` etc | `undefined`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.fileName` | assign the file name of generated client in root directory | `undefined`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.include.patterns` | determine which proto files will be imported for the current client such as `cosmos.gov.v1beta1.**` | `undefined`
See [RPC Clients](#rpc-clients) for more info.
@@ -1063,44 +1065,41 @@ export class CosmosAuthAccount {
-## Combined Clients Methods
+## Client Style Methods
-Using combined option to generate multiple module clients
+Use client style to define the client file generated according to the config
For example, for this config:
- combinedClient: [
- {
- name: "CosmosIbc",
- fileName: "cosmos-ibc-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
- "cosmos.gov.v1*",
- "ibc.core.channel.*",
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- name: "AkashCosmos",
- fileName: "akash-cosmos-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.group.v1*",
- "cosmos.nft.v1beta1*",
- "akash.**.v1beta2",
- "akash.audit.v1beta1*",
- ],
+clientStyle: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle: true,
+ type: ['all-client', 'sdk-module-client', 'custom-client'],
+ customClientOption: [
+ {
+ name: "custom",
+ fileName: "custom-client.ts",
+ include: {
+ patterns: [
+ "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
+ "cosmos.gov.v1*",
+ "ibc.core.channel.*",
+ ],
+ },
- },
- ],
+ ],
+ sdkModuleClientOption: [
+ 'akash',
+ 'osmosis',
+ 'cosmos',
+ ],
+ },
-There'll be client files (`cosmos-ibc-client.ts`, `akash-cosmos-client.ts`) generated in the root folder according to fileName in the setting.
-The combined client will import proto files accroding to include.patterns. (The protos can come from different modules)
-For example the cosmos-ibc-client.ts will be like:
+There'll be client files (`all-module-client.ts`, `akash-sdk-module-client.ts`, `osmosis-sdk-module-client.ts`, `cosmos-sdk-module-client.ts`, `custom-client.ts`) generated in the root directory according to the setting.
+The `all-module-client.ts` file consolidates all proto imports into one file and exports them as a single client.
+All sdk module client files will be identical to the legacy `client.ts` files generated in each module directory, except they will be located in the root directory.
+The custom client imports proto files based on `include.patterns`, allowing protos to originate from different modules.
+For example the custom-client.ts will be like:
export const cosmosIbcAminoConverters = {
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/akash-sdk-module-client.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/akash-sdk-module-client.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..503b57a67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/akash-sdk-module-client.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { GeneratedType, Registry, OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
+import { defaultRegistryTypes, AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
+import { HttpEndpoint } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
+import { createRpcClient } from "./extern";
+import { DeliverTxResponse, EncodeObject, StdFee, TxRpc, SigningClientParams } from "./types";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta1AuditRegistry from "./akash/audit/v1beta1/audit.registry";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta2AuditRegistry from "./akash/audit/v1beta2/audit.registry";
+import * as akashCertV1beta2CertRegistry from "./akash/cert/v1beta2/cert.registry";
+import * as akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceRegistry from "./akash/deployment/v1beta2/service.registry";
+import * as akashMarketV1beta2ServiceRegistry from "./akash/market/v1beta2/service.registry";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta1ProviderRegistry from "./akash/provider/v1beta1/provider.registry";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta2ProviderRegistry from "./akash/provider/v1beta2/provider.registry";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta1AuditAmino from "./akash/audit/v1beta1/audit.amino";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta2AuditAmino from "./akash/audit/v1beta2/audit.amino";
+import * as akashCertV1beta2CertAmino from "./akash/cert/v1beta2/cert.amino";
+import * as akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceAmino from "./akash/deployment/v1beta2/service.amino";
+import * as akashMarketV1beta2ServiceAmino from "./akash/market/v1beta2/service.amino";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta1ProviderAmino from "./akash/provider/v1beta1/provider.amino";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta2ProviderAmino from "./akash/provider/v1beta2/provider.amino";
+export const akashAminoConverters = {
+ ...akashAuditV1beta1AuditAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashAuditV1beta2AuditAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashCertV1beta2CertAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashMarketV1beta2ServiceAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashProviderV1beta1ProviderAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashProviderV1beta2ProviderAmino.AminoConverter
+export const akashProtoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [...akashAuditV1beta1AuditRegistry.registry, ...akashAuditV1beta2AuditRegistry.registry, ...akashCertV1beta2CertRegistry.registry, ...akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceRegistry.registry, ...akashMarketV1beta2ServiceRegistry.registry, ...akashProviderV1beta1ProviderRegistry.registry, ...akashProviderV1beta2ProviderRegistry.registry];
+export const getSigningAkashClientOptions = ({
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+} = {}): {
+ registry: Registry;
+ aminoTypes: AminoTypes;
+} => {
+ const registry = new Registry([...defaultTypes, ...akashProtoRegistry]);
+ const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes({
+ ...akashAminoConverters
+ });
+ return {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ };
+export const getSigningAkashClient = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer,
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ rpcEndpoint: string | HttpEndpoint;
+ signer: OfflineSigner;
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+}) => {
+ const {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ } = getSigningAkashClientOptions({
+ defaultTypes
+ });
+ const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {
+ registry: (registry as any),
+ aminoTypes
+ });
+ return client;
+export const getSigningAkashTxRpc = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: SigningClientParams) => {
+ let txRpc = (await createRpcClient(rpcEndpoint) as TxRpc);
+ const signingClient = await getSigningAkashClient({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+ });
+ txRpc.signAndBroadcast = (signerAddress: string, messages: EncodeObject[], fee: number | StdFee | "auto", memo?: string) => {
+ return (signingClient.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, messages, fee, memo) as Promise);
+ };
+ return txRpc;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/all-module-client.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/all-module-client.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f30b417031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/all-module-client.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+import { GeneratedType, Registry, OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
+import { defaultRegistryTypes, AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
+import { HttpEndpoint } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
+import { createRpcClient } from "./extern";
+import { DeliverTxResponse, EncodeObject, StdFee, TxRpc, SigningClientParams } from "./types";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta1AuditRegistry from "./akash/audit/v1beta1/audit.registry";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta2AuditRegistry from "./akash/audit/v1beta2/audit.registry";
+import * as akashCertV1beta2CertRegistry from "./akash/cert/v1beta2/cert.registry";
+import * as akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceRegistry from "./akash/deployment/v1beta2/service.registry";
+import * as akashMarketV1beta2ServiceRegistry from "./akash/market/v1beta2/service.registry";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta1ProviderRegistry from "./akash/provider/v1beta1/provider.registry";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta2ProviderRegistry from "./akash/provider/v1beta2/provider.registry";
+import * as cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/authz/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosBankV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/crisis/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGroupV1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/group/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosNftV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/nft/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosStakingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/staking/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosVestingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/vesting/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmwasmWasmV1TxRegistry from "./cosmwasm/wasm/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as evmosErc20V1TxRegistry from "./evmos/erc20/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as evmosFeesV1TxRegistry from "./evmos/fees/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as evmosVestingV1TxRegistry from "./evmos/vesting/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as ibcApplicationsTransferV1TxRegistry from "./ibc/applications/transfer/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as ibcCoreChannelV1TxRegistry from "./ibc/core/channel/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as ibcCoreClientV1TxRegistry from "./ibc/core/client/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as ibcCoreConnectionV1TxRegistry from "./ibc/core/connection/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/balancer/tx/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/stableswap/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammV1beta1TxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisIncentivesTxRegistry from "./osmosis/incentives/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisLockupTxRegistry from "./osmosis/lockup/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisSuperfluidTxRegistry from "./osmosis/superfluid/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxRegistry from "./osmosis/tokenfactory/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta1AuditAmino from "./akash/audit/v1beta1/audit.amino";
+import * as akashAuditV1beta2AuditAmino from "./akash/audit/v1beta2/audit.amino";
+import * as akashCertV1beta2CertAmino from "./akash/cert/v1beta2/cert.amino";
+import * as akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceAmino from "./akash/deployment/v1beta2/service.amino";
+import * as akashMarketV1beta2ServiceAmino from "./akash/market/v1beta2/service.amino";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta1ProviderAmino from "./akash/provider/v1beta1/provider.amino";
+import * as akashProviderV1beta2ProviderAmino from "./akash/provider/v1beta2/provider.amino";
+import * as cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/authz/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosBankV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/crisis/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGroupV1TxAmino from "./cosmos/group/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosNftV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/nft/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosStakingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/staking/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosVestingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/vesting/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmwasmWasmV1TxAmino from "./cosmwasm/wasm/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as evmosErc20V1TxAmino from "./evmos/erc20/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as evmosFeesV1TxAmino from "./evmos/fees/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as evmosVestingV1TxAmino from "./evmos/vesting/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as ibcApplicationsTransferV1TxAmino from "./ibc/applications/transfer/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as ibcCoreChannelV1TxAmino from "./ibc/core/channel/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as ibcCoreClientV1TxAmino from "./ibc/core/client/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as ibcCoreConnectionV1TxAmino from "./ibc/core/connection/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/balancer/tx/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/stableswap/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisGammV1beta1TxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisIncentivesTxAmino from "./osmosis/incentives/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisLockupTxAmino from "./osmosis/lockup/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisSuperfluidTxAmino from "./osmosis/superfluid/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxAmino from "./osmosis/tokenfactory/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+export const allAminoConverters = {
+ ...akashAuditV1beta1AuditAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashAuditV1beta2AuditAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashCertV1beta2CertAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashMarketV1beta2ServiceAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashProviderV1beta1ProviderAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...akashProviderV1beta2ProviderAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosBankV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGovV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGroupV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosNftV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosStakingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosVestingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmwasmWasmV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...evmosErc20V1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...evmosFeesV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...evmosVestingV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...ibcApplicationsTransferV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...ibcCoreChannelV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...ibcCoreClientV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...ibcCoreConnectionV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisGammV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisIncentivesTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisLockupTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisSuperfluidTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter
+export const allProtoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [...akashAuditV1beta1AuditRegistry.registry, ...akashAuditV1beta2AuditRegistry.registry, ...akashCertV1beta2CertRegistry.registry, ...akashDeploymentV1beta2ServiceRegistry.registry, ...akashMarketV1beta2ServiceRegistry.registry, ...akashProviderV1beta1ProviderRegistry.registry, ...akashProviderV1beta2ProviderRegistry.registry, ...cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosBankV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGovV1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGroupV1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosNftV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosStakingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosVestingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmwasmWasmV1TxRegistry.registry, ...evmosErc20V1TxRegistry.registry, ...evmosFeesV1TxRegistry.registry, ...evmosVestingV1TxRegistry.registry, ...ibcApplicationsTransferV1TxRegistry.registry, ...ibcCoreChannelV1TxRegistry.registry, ...ibcCoreClientV1TxRegistry.registry, ...ibcCoreConnectionV1TxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisGammV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisIncentivesTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisLockupTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisSuperfluidTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxRegistry.registry];
+export const getAllSigningClientOptions = ({
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+} = {}): {
+ registry: Registry;
+ aminoTypes: AminoTypes;
+} => {
+ const registry = new Registry([...defaultTypes, ...allProtoRegistry]);
+ const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes({
+ ...allAminoConverters
+ });
+ return {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ };
+export const getAllSigningClient = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer,
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ rpcEndpoint: string | HttpEndpoint;
+ signer: OfflineSigner;
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+}) => {
+ const {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ } = getAllSigningClientOptions({
+ defaultTypes
+ });
+ const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {
+ registry: (registry as any),
+ aminoTypes
+ });
+ return client;
+export const getAllSigningTxRpc = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: SigningClientParams) => {
+ let txRpc = (await createRpcClient(rpcEndpoint) as TxRpc);
+ const signingClient = await getAllSigningClient({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+ });
+ txRpc.signAndBroadcast = (signerAddress: string, messages: EncodeObject[], fee: number | StdFee | "auto", memo?: string) => {
+ return (signingClient.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, messages, fee, memo) as Promise);
+ };
+ return txRpc;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/cosmos-sdk-module-client.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/cosmos-sdk-module-client.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3711879440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/cosmos-sdk-module-client.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import { GeneratedType, Registry, OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
+import { AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
+import { HttpEndpoint } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
+import { createRpcClient } from "./extern";
+import { DeliverTxResponse, EncodeObject, StdFee, TxRpc, SigningClientParams } from "./types";
+import * as cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/authz/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosBankV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/crisis/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGroupV1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/group/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosNftV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/nft/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosStakingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/staking/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosVestingV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/vesting/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/authz/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosBankV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/bank/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/crisis/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGroupV1TxAmino from "./cosmos/group/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosNftV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/nft/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosStakingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/staking/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosVestingV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/vesting/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+export const cosmosAminoConverters = {
+ ...cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosBankV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGovV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGroupV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosNftV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosStakingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosVestingV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter
+export const cosmosProtoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [...cosmosAuthzV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosBankV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosCrisisV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosDistributionV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosEvidenceV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosFeegrantV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGovV1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGroupV1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosNftV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosSlashingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosStakingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosUpgradeV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosVestingV1beta1TxRegistry.registry];
+export const getSigningCosmosClientOptions = (): {
+ registry: Registry;
+ aminoTypes: AminoTypes;
+} => {
+ const registry = new Registry([...cosmosProtoRegistry]);
+ const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes({
+ ...cosmosAminoConverters
+ });
+ return {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ };
+export const getSigningCosmosClient = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: {
+ rpcEndpoint: string | HttpEndpoint;
+ signer: OfflineSigner;
+}) => {
+ const {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ } = getSigningCosmosClientOptions();
+ const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {
+ registry: (registry as any),
+ aminoTypes
+ });
+ return client;
+export const getSigningCosmosTxRpc = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: SigningClientParams) => {
+ let txRpc = (await createRpcClient(rpcEndpoint) as TxRpc);
+ const signingClient = await getSigningCosmosClient({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+ });
+ txRpc.signAndBroadcast = (signerAddress: string, messages: EncodeObject[], fee: number | StdFee | "auto", memo?: string) => {
+ return (signingClient.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, messages, fee, memo) as Promise);
+ };
+ return txRpc;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/custom-client.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/custom-client.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..825cd91f8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/custom-client.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+import { GeneratedType, Registry, OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
+import { defaultRegistryTypes, AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
+import { HttpEndpoint } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
+import { createRpcClient } from "./extern";
+import { DeliverTxResponse, EncodeObject, StdFee, TxRpc, SigningClientParams } from "./types";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as ibcCoreChannelV1TxRegistry from "./ibc/core/channel/v1/tx.registry";
+import * as cosmosGovV1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1/tx.amino";
+import * as cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino from "./cosmos/gov/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as ibcCoreChannelV1TxAmino from "./ibc/core/channel/v1/tx.amino";
+export const customAminoConverters = {
+ ...cosmosGovV1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...ibcCoreChannelV1TxAmino.AminoConverter
+export const customProtoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [...cosmosGovV1TxRegistry.registry, ...cosmosGovV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...ibcCoreChannelV1TxRegistry.registry];
+export const getCustomSigningClientOptions = ({
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+} = {}): {
+ registry: Registry;
+ aminoTypes: AminoTypes;
+} => {
+ const registry = new Registry([...defaultTypes, ...customProtoRegistry]);
+ const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes({
+ ...customAminoConverters
+ });
+ return {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ };
+export const getCustomSigningClient = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer,
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ rpcEndpoint: string | HttpEndpoint;
+ signer: OfflineSigner;
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+}) => {
+ const {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ } = getCustomSigningClientOptions({
+ defaultTypes
+ });
+ const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {
+ registry: (registry as any),
+ aminoTypes
+ });
+ return client;
+export const getCustomSigningTxRpc = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: SigningClientParams) => {
+ let txRpc = (await createRpcClient(rpcEndpoint) as TxRpc);
+ const signingClient = await getCustomSigningClient({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+ });
+ txRpc.signAndBroadcast = (signerAddress: string, messages: EncodeObject[], fee: number | StdFee | "auto", memo?: string) => {
+ return (signingClient.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, messages, fee, memo) as Promise);
+ };
+ return txRpc;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/index.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/index.ts
index 1e773172b3..9cc88aafe9 100644
--- a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/index.ts
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/index.ts
@@ -4,22 +4,21 @@
* and run the transpile command or npm scripts command that is used to regenerate this bundle.
+export * from "./custom-client";
+export * from "./all-module-client";
export * from "./akash/bundle";
-export * from "./akash/client";
+export * from "./akash-sdk-module-client";
export * from "./ics23/bundle";
export * from "./cosmos_proto/bundle";
export * from "./cosmos/bundle";
-export * from "./cosmos/client";
+export * from "./cosmos-sdk-module-client";
export * from "./cosmwasm/bundle";
-export * from "./cosmwasm/client";
export * from "./evmos/bundle";
-export * from "./evmos/client";
export * from "./gogoproto/bundle";
export * from "./google/bundle";
export * from "./ibc/bundle";
-export * from "./ibc/client";
export * from "./osmosis/bundle";
-export * from "./osmosis/client";
+export * from "./osmosis-sdk-module-client";
export * from "./tendermint/bundle";
export * from "./service-ops";
export * from "./hooks";
diff --git a/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/osmosis-sdk-module-client.ts b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/osmosis-sdk-module-client.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ed3e3f0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/__fixtures__/v-next/outputinstantrpc/osmosis-sdk-module-client.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import { GeneratedType, Registry, OfflineSigner } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
+import { defaultRegistryTypes, AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
+import { HttpEndpoint } from "@cosmjs/tendermint-rpc";
+import { createRpcClient } from "./extern";
+import { DeliverTxResponse, EncodeObject, StdFee, TxRpc, SigningClientParams } from "./types";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/balancer/tx/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/stableswap/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammV1beta1TxRegistry from "./osmosis/gamm/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisIncentivesTxRegistry from "./osmosis/incentives/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisLockupTxRegistry from "./osmosis/lockup/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisSuperfluidTxRegistry from "./osmosis/superfluid/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxRegistry from "./osmosis/tokenfactory/v1beta1/tx.registry";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/balancer/tx/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/pool-models/stableswap/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisGammV1beta1TxAmino from "./osmosis/gamm/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisIncentivesTxAmino from "./osmosis/incentives/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisLockupTxAmino from "./osmosis/lockup/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisSuperfluidTxAmino from "./osmosis/superfluid/tx.amino";
+import * as osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxAmino from "./osmosis/tokenfactory/v1beta1/tx.amino";
+export const osmosisAminoConverters = {
+ ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisGammV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisIncentivesTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisLockupTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisSuperfluidTxAmino.AminoConverter,
+ ...osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxAmino.AminoConverter
+export const osmosisProtoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [...osmosisGammPoolmodelsBalancerTxTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisGammPoolmodelsStableswapTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisGammV1beta1TxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisIncentivesTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisLockupTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisSuperfluidTxRegistry.registry, ...osmosisTokenfactoryV1beta1TxRegistry.registry];
+export const getSigningOsmosisClientOptions = ({
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+} = {}): {
+ registry: Registry;
+ aminoTypes: AminoTypes;
+} => {
+ const registry = new Registry([...defaultTypes, ...osmosisProtoRegistry]);
+ const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes({
+ ...osmosisAminoConverters
+ });
+ return {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ };
+export const getSigningOsmosisClient = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer,
+ defaultTypes = defaultRegistryTypes
+}: {
+ rpcEndpoint: string | HttpEndpoint;
+ signer: OfflineSigner;
+ defaultTypes?: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]>;
+}) => {
+ const {
+ registry,
+ aminoTypes
+ } = getSigningOsmosisClientOptions({
+ defaultTypes
+ });
+ const client = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {
+ registry: (registry as any),
+ aminoTypes
+ });
+ return client;
+export const getSigningOsmosisTxRpc = async ({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+}: SigningClientParams) => {
+ let txRpc = (await createRpcClient(rpcEndpoint) as TxRpc);
+ const signingClient = await getSigningOsmosisClient({
+ rpcEndpoint,
+ signer
+ });
+ txRpc.signAndBroadcast = (signerAddress: string, messages: EncodeObject[], fee: number | StdFee | "auto", memo?: string) => {
+ return (signingClient.signAndBroadcast(signerAddress, messages, fee, memo) as Promise);
+ };
+ return txRpc;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/telescope/README.md b/packages/telescope/README.md
index 9e9efbdd8d..3b0927f632 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/README.md
+++ b/packages/telescope/README.md
@@ -443,9 +443,11 @@ See [LCD Clients](#lcd-clients) for more info.
| `rpcClients.enabledServices` | which services to enable | [`Msg`,`Query`,`Service`] |
| `rpcClients.instantOps` | will generate instant rpc operations in the file `service-ops.ts` under root folder, which contains customized classes having selected rpc methods | `undefined` |
| `rpcClients.serviceImplement` | assign implement type of rpc methods, `Query` or `Tx`, by setting patterns under service types. | `undefined` |
- `rpcClients.combinedClient.name` | assign the client name like `{name}AminoConverters`, `get{name}SigningClient` etc | `undefined`
-| `rpcClients.combinedClient.fileName` | assign the file name of generated client in root directory | `undefined`
-| `rpcClients.combinedClient.include.patterns` | determine which proto files will be imported for the current client such as `cosmos.gov.v1beta1.**` | `undefined`
+ `rpcClients.clientStyle.useUpdatedClientStyle` | The default value is `false`, which sets the generated client to use the legacy style. Setting it to `true` applies the updated style and activates the remaining options in clientStyle. | `false`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.type` | A string array containing possible values: `all-client`, `sdk-module-client`, and `custom-client`. The value `all-client` generates an all-module-client file. The value `sdk-module-client` generates a client for the module specified by the `sdkModuleClientOption`. The value `custom-client` generates a customized client as specified by `customClientOption` | `undefined`
+`rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.name` | assign the client name like `{name}AminoConverters`, `get{name}SigningClient` etc | `undefined`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.fileName` | assign the file name of generated client in root directory | `undefined`
+| `rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.include.patterns` | determine which proto files will be imported for the current client such as `cosmos.gov.v1beta1.**` | `undefined`
See [RPC Clients](#rpc-clients) for more info.
@@ -1063,44 +1065,41 @@ export class CosmosAuthAccount {
-## Combined Clients Methods
+## Client Style Methods
-Using combined option to generate multiple module clients
+Use client style to define the client file generated according to the config
For example, for this config:
- combinedClient: [
- {
- name: "CosmosIbc",
- fileName: "cosmos-ibc-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
- "cosmos.gov.v1*",
- "ibc.core.channel.*",
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- name: "AkashCosmos",
- fileName: "akash-cosmos-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.group.v1*",
- "cosmos.nft.v1beta1*",
- "akash.**.v1beta2",
- "akash.audit.v1beta1*",
- ],
+clientStyle: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle: true,
+ type: ['all-client', 'sdk-module-client', 'custom-client'],
+ customClientOption: [
+ {
+ name: "custom",
+ fileName: "custom-client.ts",
+ include: {
+ patterns: [
+ "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
+ "cosmos.gov.v1*",
+ "ibc.core.channel.*",
+ ],
+ },
- },
- ],
+ ],
+ sdkModuleClientOption: [
+ 'akash',
+ 'osmosis',
+ 'cosmos',
+ ],
+ },
-There'll be client files (`cosmos-ibc-client.ts`, `akash-cosmos-client.ts`) generated in the root folder according to fileName in the setting.
-The combined client will import proto files accroding to include.patterns. (The protos can come from different modules)
-For example the cosmos-ibc-client.ts will be like:
+There'll be client files (`all-module-client.ts`, `akash-sdk-module-client.ts`, `osmosis-sdk-module-client.ts`, `cosmos-sdk-module-client.ts`, `custom-client.ts`) generated in the root directory according to the setting.
+The `all-module-client.ts` file consolidates all proto imports into one file and exports them as a single client.
+All sdk module client files will be identical to the legacy `client.ts` files generated in each module directory, except they will be located in the root directory.
+The custom client imports proto files based on `include.patterns`, allowing protos to originate from different modules.
+For example the custom-client.ts will be like:
export const cosmosIbcAminoConverters = {
diff --git a/packages/telescope/__tests__/telescope-instant-rpc.test.ts b/packages/telescope/__tests__/telescope-instant-rpc.test.ts
index 1d3eb19c9e..fe3f4a3d3e 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/__tests__/telescope-instant-rpc.test.ts
+++ b/packages/telescope/__tests__/telescope-instant-rpc.test.ts
@@ -127,6 +127,28 @@ const options: TelescopeOptions = {
rpcClients: {
enabled: true,
+ clientStyle: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle: true,
+ type: ['all-client', 'sdk-module-client', 'custom-client'],
+ customClientOption: [
+ {
+ name: "custom",
+ fileName: "custom-client.ts",
+ include: {
+ patterns: [
+ "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
+ "cosmos.gov.v1*",
+ "ibc.core.channel.*",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ sdkModuleClientOption: [
+ 'akash',
+ 'osmosis',
+ 'cosmos',
+ ],
+ },
extensions: false,
camelCase: true,
scopedIsExclusive: false,
@@ -213,31 +235,6 @@ const options: TelescopeOptions = {
- combinedClient: [
- {
- name: "CosmosIbc",
- fileName: "cosmos-ibc-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.gov.v1beta1*",
- "cosmos.gov.v1*",
- "ibc.core.channel.*",
- ],
- },
- },
- {
- name: "AkashCosmos",
- fileName: "akash-cosmos-client.ts",
- include: {
- patterns: [
- "cosmos.group.v1*",
- "cosmos.nft.v1beta1*",
- "akash.**.v1beta2",
- "akash.audit.v1beta1*",
- ],
- },
- },
- ],
reactQuery: {
@@ -321,6 +318,9 @@ const options: TelescopeOptions = {
rpcClients: {
inline: true,
+ clientStyle: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle: true
+ },
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/builder.ts b/packages/telescope/src/builder.ts
index 61ae063512..d5c676f2a3 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/src/builder.ts
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/builder.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ import { plugin as createMsgFuncs } from './generators/create-msg-funcs';
import { plugin as createReactQueryBundle } from './generators/create-react-query-bundle';
import { plugin as createMobxBundle } from './generators/create-mobx-bundle';
import { plugin as createStargateClients } from './generators/create-stargate-clients';
-import { plugin as createCombinedStargateClients } from './generators/create-combined-stargate-clients';
+import { plugin as createCustomStargateClients } from './generators/create-custom-stargate-clients';
+import { plugin as createAllStargateClients } from './generators/create-all-stargate-clients';
+import { plugin as createSdkModuleStargateClients } from './generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients';
import { plugin as createBundle } from './generators/create-bundle';
import { plugin as createIndex } from './generators/create-index';
import { plugin as createHelpers } from './generators/create-helpers';
@@ -74,7 +76,6 @@ export class TelescopeBuilder {
readonly rpcMsgClients: BundlerFile[] = [];
readonly registries: BundlerFile[] = [];
readonly stateManagers: Record = {};
@@ -84,11 +85,13 @@ export class TelescopeBuilder {
const fixedDirs = protoDirs.map((directory) => {
return toPosixPath(directory);
this.protoDirs = fixedDirs;
this.outPath = resolve(toPosixPath(outPath));
this.options = sanitizeOptions(options);
this.store = store ?? new ProtoStore(fixedDirs, this.options);
context(ref) {
@@ -127,6 +130,7 @@ export class TelescopeBuilder {
[].push.apply(this.converters, files);
async build() {
// check warnings
if (
@@ -154,6 +158,7 @@ export class TelescopeBuilder {
// store bundleFile in filesToInclude
const bundler = new Bundler(this, bundle);
// [x] write out all TS files for package
createTypes(this, bundler);
@@ -172,20 +177,35 @@ export class TelescopeBuilder {
createRPCMsgClients(this, bundler);
createPiniaStore(this, bundler);
- // [x] write out one client for each base package, referencing the last two steps
- createStargateClients(this, bundler);
- if (bundler.registries) {
- allRegistries.push(...bundler.registries)
- }
- if (bundler.converters) {
- allConverters.push(...bundler.converters)
+ if (this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.useUpdatedClientStyle) {
+ // generate sdk-module client file
+ if (this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.type.includes('sdk-module-client') && this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.sdkModuleClientOption.includes(bundler.bundle.base)) {
+ createSdkModuleStargateClients(this, bundler)
+ }
+ // store registry and converter for all/custom client generation
+ if (bundler.registries) {
+ allRegistries.push(...bundler.registries)
+ }
+ if (bundler.converters) {
+ allConverters.push(...bundler.converters)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // [x] write out one client for each base package, referencing the last two steps
+ createStargateClients(this, bundler);
return bundler;
- if (this.options.rpcClients.combinedClient && this.options.rpcClients.combinedClient.length !== 0) {
- createCombinedStargateClients(this, allRegistries, allConverters)
+ if (this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.useUpdatedClientStyle) {
+ // generate cutsom client file
+ if (this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.type.includes('custom-client') && this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption && this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.length !== 0) {
+ createCustomStargateClients(this, allRegistries, allConverters)
+ }
+ // generate all module client file
+ if (this.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.type.includes('all-client')) {
+ createAllStargateClients(this, allRegistries, allConverters)
+ }
// post run plugins
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.ts b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98462b5b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import { Bundler } from '../bundler';
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { join, dirname, relative } from 'path';
+import {
+ importNamespace,
+ GenericParseContext,
+ createStargateClient,
+ createStargateClientOptions,
+ createStargateClientProtoRegistry,
+ createStargateClientAminoRegistry,
+ createGetTxRpc
+} from '@cosmology/ast';
+import { ProtoRef } from '@cosmology/types';
+import { camel, pascal } from 'case';
+import { duplicateImportPathsWithExt, variableSlug, toPosixPath } from '@cosmology/utils';
+import { buildAllImportsFromGenericContext } from '../imports';
+import { writeAstToFile } from '../utils/files';
+import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
+export const plugin = (
+ builder: TelescopeBuilder,
+ allRegistries: BundlerFile[],
+ allConverters: BundlerFile[]
+) => {
+ if (!allRegistries || !allRegistries.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const registryImports = [];
+ const converterImports = [];
+ const clientFile = 'all-module-client.ts'
+ builder.files.push(clientFile);
+ const ctxRef: ProtoRef = {
+ absolute: '/',
+ filename: '/',
+ proto: {
+ imports: [],
+ package: null,
+ root: {},
+ }
+ };
+ const ctx = new GenericParseContext(ctxRef, null, builder.options);
+ const registryVariables = [];
+ const converterVariables = [];
+ allRegistries.forEach(registry => {
+ let rel = relative(dirname(clientFile), registry.localname);
+ if (!rel.startsWith('.')) rel = `./${rel}`;
+ rel = toPosixPath(rel)
+ const variable = variableSlug(registry.localname);
+ registryVariables.push(variable);
+ registryImports.push(importNamespace(variable, rel));
+ });
+ allConverters.forEach(converter => {
+ let rel = relative(dirname(clientFile), converter.localname);
+ if (!rel.startsWith('.')) rel = `./${rel}`;
+ rel = toPosixPath(rel)
+ const variable = variableSlug(converter.localname);
+ converterVariables.push(variable);
+ converterImports.push(importNamespace(variable, rel));
+ });
+ const name = 'get' + pascal('AllSigningClient');
+ const txRpcName = 'get' + pascal('AllSigningTxRpc');
+ const prefix = camel('all');
+ const aminos = createStargateClientAminoRegistry({
+ context: ctx,
+ aminos: converterVariables,
+ aminoConverters: prefix + 'AminoConverters'
+ });
+ const protos = createStargateClientProtoRegistry({
+ context: ctx,
+ registries: registryVariables,
+ protoTypeRegistry: prefix + 'ProtoRegistry'
+ });
+ const clientOptions = createStargateClientOptions({
+ context: ctx,
+ name: name + 'Options',
+ protoTypeRegistry: prefix + 'ProtoRegistry',
+ aminoConverters: prefix + 'AminoConverters'
+ });
+ const clientBody = createStargateClient({
+ context: ctx,
+ name,
+ options: name + 'Options',
+ });
+ let getTxRpc;
+ if (ctx.pluginValue("stargateClients.addGetTxRpc")) {
+ getTxRpc = createGetTxRpc(ctx, txRpcName, name);
+ }
+ const imports = buildAllImportsFromGenericContext(ctx, clientFile);
+ let importDecls = [...imports, ...registryImports, ...converterImports];
+ importDecls = duplicateImportPathsWithExt(importDecls, builder.options.restoreImportExtension);
+ let cProg = importDecls
+ .concat(aminos)
+ .concat(protos)
+ .concat(clientOptions)
+ .concat(clientBody);
+ // replace all backslash path for windows
+ for (let i = 0; i < cProg.length; i++) {
+ if (cProg[i].source?.value) {
+ cProg[i].source.value = toPosixPath(cProg[i].source?.value)
+ }
+ }
+ if (getTxRpc) {
+ cProg = cProg.concat(getTxRpc);
+ }
+ const clientOutFile = join(builder.outPath, clientFile);
+ writeAstToFile(builder.outPath, builder.options, cProg, clientOutFile);
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-combined-stargate-clients.ts b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.ts
similarity index 97%
rename from packages/telescope/src/generators/create-combined-stargate-clients.ts
rename to packages/telescope/src/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.ts
index 22d1c5e062..ed63b2b4f2 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-combined-stargate-clients.ts
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.ts
@@ -16,14 +16,13 @@ import { duplicateImportPathsWithExt, variableSlug, toPosixPath, isPackageInclud
import { buildAllImportsFromGenericContext } from '../imports';
import { writeAstToFile } from '../utils/files';
import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
-import minimatch from "minimatch";
export const plugin = (
builder: TelescopeBuilder,
allRegistries: BundlerFile[],
allConverters: BundlerFile[]
) => {
- builder.options.rpcClients.combinedClient.map((currentClient) => {
+ builder.options.rpcClients.clientStyle.customClientOption.map((currentClient) => {
if (!allRegistries || !allRegistries.length) {
@@ -33,6 +32,7 @@ export const plugin = (
const converterImports = [];
const clientFile = currentClient.fileName
+ builder.files.push(clientFile);
const ctxRef: ProtoRef = {
absolute: '/',
filename: '/',
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-index.ts b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-index.ts
index 5487bee0da..303593ebf2 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-index.ts
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-index.ts
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ const version = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' ? 'latest' : pkg.version;
export const plugin = (
builder: TelescopeBuilder
) => {
if (!builder.options.bundle.enabled) {
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.ts b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3267fb9414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+import { Bundler } from '../bundler';
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { join, dirname, relative } from 'path';
+import {
+ importNamespace,
+ GenericParseContext,
+ createStargateClient,
+ createStargateClientOptions,
+ createStargateClientProtoRegistry,
+ createStargateClientAminoRegistry,
+ createGetTxRpc
+} from '@cosmology/ast';
+import { ProtoRef } from '@cosmology/types';
+import { camel, pascal } from 'case';
+import { duplicateImportPathsWithExt, variableSlug, toPosixPath } from '@cosmology/utils';
+import { buildAllImportsFromGenericContext } from '../imports';
+export const plugin = (
+ builder: TelescopeBuilder,
+ bundler: Bundler
+) => {
+ if (!bundler.registries || !bundler.registries.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const registryImports = [];
+ const converterImports = [];
+ const clientFile = bundler.bundle.base.concat('-sdk-module-client.ts');
+ bundler.files.push(clientFile);
+ const ctxRef: ProtoRef = {
+ absolute: '/',
+ filename: '/',
+ proto: {
+ imports: [],
+ package: bundler.bundle.base, // for package options
+ root: {},
+ }
+ };
+ const ctx = new GenericParseContext(ctxRef, null, builder.options);
+ const registryVariables = [];
+ const converterVariables = [];
+ bundler.registries.forEach(registry => {
+ let rel = relative(dirname(clientFile), registry.localname);
+ if (!rel.startsWith('.')) rel = `./${rel}`;
+ rel = toPosixPath(rel)
+ const variable = variableSlug(registry.localname);
+ registryVariables.push(variable);
+ registryImports.push(importNamespace(variable, rel));
+ });
+ bundler.converters.forEach(converter => {
+ let rel = relative(dirname(clientFile), converter.localname);
+ if (!rel.startsWith('.')) rel = `./${rel}`;
+ rel = toPosixPath(rel)
+ const variable = variableSlug(converter.localname);
+ converterVariables.push(variable);
+ converterImports.push(importNamespace(variable, rel));
+ });
+ const name = 'getSigning' + pascal(bundler.bundle.base + 'Client');
+ const txRpcName = 'getSigning' + pascal(bundler.bundle.base + 'TxRpc');
+ const prefix = camel(bundler.bundle.base);
+ const aminos = createStargateClientAminoRegistry({
+ context: ctx,
+ aminos: converterVariables,
+ aminoConverters: prefix + 'AminoConverters'
+ });
+ const protos = createStargateClientProtoRegistry({
+ context: ctx,
+ registries: registryVariables,
+ protoTypeRegistry: prefix + 'ProtoRegistry'
+ });
+ const clientOptions = createStargateClientOptions({
+ context: ctx,
+ name: name + 'Options',
+ protoTypeRegistry: prefix + 'ProtoRegistry',
+ aminoConverters: prefix + 'AminoConverters'
+ });
+ const clientBody = createStargateClient({
+ context: ctx,
+ name,
+ options: name + 'Options',
+ });
+ let getTxRpc;
+ if(ctx.pluginValue("stargateClients.addGetTxRpc")){
+ getTxRpc = createGetTxRpc(ctx, txRpcName, name);
+ }
+ const imports = buildAllImportsFromGenericContext(ctx, clientFile);
+ let importDecls = [...imports, ...registryImports, ...converterImports];
+ importDecls = duplicateImportPathsWithExt(importDecls, builder.options.restoreImportExtension);
+ let cProg = importDecls
+ .concat(aminos)
+ .concat(protos)
+ .concat(clientOptions)
+ .concat(clientBody);
+ // replace all backslash path for windows
+ for (let i = 0; i < cProg.length; i++) {
+ if(cProg[i].source?.value){
+ cProg[i].source.value = toPosixPath(cProg[i].source?.value)
+ }
+ }
+ if (getTxRpc) {
+ cProg = cProg.concat(getTxRpc);
+ }
+ const clientOutFile = join(builder.outPath, clientFile);
+ bundler.writeAst(cProg, clientOutFile);
diff --git a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-stargate-clients.ts b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-stargate-clients.ts
index 807f44d2b1..33ec6bc2a6 100644
--- a/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-stargate-clients.ts
+++ b/packages/telescope/src/generators/create-stargate-clients.ts
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ export const plugin = (
const registryImports = [];
const converterImports = [];
const clientFile = join(`${bundler.bundle.base}`, 'client.ts');
diff --git a/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.d.ts b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ec94a9eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-all-stargate-clients.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
+export declare const plugin: (builder: TelescopeBuilder, allRegistries: BundlerFile[], allConverters: BundlerFile[]) => void;
diff --git a/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.d.ts b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ec94a9eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-custom-stargate-clients.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
+export declare const plugin: (builder: TelescopeBuilder, allRegistries: BundlerFile[], allConverters: BundlerFile[]) => void;
diff --git a/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-scoped-stargate-clients.d.ts b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-scoped-stargate-clients.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ec94a9eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-scoped-stargate-clients.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
+export declare const plugin: (builder: TelescopeBuilder, allRegistries: BundlerFile[], allConverters: BundlerFile[]) => void;
diff --git a/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.d.ts b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5d6971870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-sdk-module-stargate-clients.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { Bundler } from '../bundler';
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+export declare const plugin: (builder: TelescopeBuilder, bundler: Bundler) => void;
diff --git a/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-unified-stargate-clients.d.ts b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-unified-stargate-clients.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ec94a9eb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/telescope/types/generators/create-unified-stargate-clients.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import { TelescopeBuilder } from '../builder';
+import { BundlerFile } from '../types';
+export declare const plugin: (builder: TelescopeBuilder, allRegistries: BundlerFile[], allConverters: BundlerFile[]) => void;
diff --git a/packages/types/src/telescope.ts b/packages/types/src/telescope.ts
index 3fadc45eb7..5547c787f4 100644
--- a/packages/types/src/telescope.ts
+++ b/packages/types/src/telescope.ts
@@ -219,6 +219,18 @@ export interface TelescopeOpts {
rpcClients?: {
type?: "tendermint" | "grpc-web" | "grpc-gateway";
+ clientStyle?: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle?: boolean,
+ type?: ("all-client" | "sdk-module-client" | "custom-client")[],
+ customClientOption?: {
+ name: string;
+ fileName: string;
+ include?: {
+ patterns?: string[];
+ };
+ }[],
+ sdkModuleClientOption?: string[],
+ }
enabled: boolean;
inline?: boolean;
extensions?: boolean;
@@ -227,13 +239,13 @@ export interface TelescopeOpts {
bundle?: boolean;
serviceImplement?: {
- key:
- | "Msg"
- | "Query"
- | "Service"
- | "ReflectionService"
- | "ABCIApplication"
- | string
+ key:
+ | "Msg"
+ | "Query"
+ | "Service"
+ | "ReflectionService"
+ | "ABCIApplication"
+ | string
]: {
include?: {
patterns?: string[];
@@ -278,13 +290,6 @@ export interface TelescopeOpts {
useConnectComet?: boolean;
- combinedClient?: {
- name: string;
- fileName: string;
- include?: {
- patterns?: string[];
- };
- }[];
helperFuncCreators?: {
enabled: boolean;
@@ -480,6 +485,9 @@ export const defaultTelescopeOptions: TelescopeOptions = {
rpcClients: {
type: "tendermint",
+ clientStyle: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle: false,
+ },
enabled: true,
extensions: true,
inline: false,
diff --git a/packages/types/types/telescope.d.ts b/packages/types/types/telescope.d.ts
index c47f9ac396..7be61f43c4 100644
--- a/packages/types/types/telescope.d.ts
+++ b/packages/types/types/telescope.d.ts
@@ -182,6 +182,18 @@ export interface TelescopeOpts {
rpcClients?: {
type?: "tendermint" | "grpc-web" | "grpc-gateway";
+ clientStyle?: {
+ useUpdatedClientStyle?: boolean;
+ type?: ("all-client" | "sdk-module-client" | "custom-client")[];
+ customClientOption?: {
+ name: string;
+ fileName: string;
+ include?: {
+ patterns?: string[];
+ };
+ }[];
+ sdkModuleClientOption?: string[];
+ };
enabled: boolean;
inline?: boolean;
extensions?: boolean;
@@ -225,13 +237,6 @@ export interface TelescopeOpts {
useConnectComet?: boolean;
- combinedClient?: {
- name: string;
- fileName: string;
- include?: {
- patterns?: string[];
- };
- }[];
helperFuncCreators?: {
enabled: boolean;