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v13 Local Testnet Upgrade

These instructions will help you simulate the v13 upgrade on a single validator node testnet as follows:

  • Start with gaia version: v12.0.0
  • After the upgrade: Gaia release v13.0.0-rc0

We will use a modified genesis file during this upgrade. This modified genesis file is similar to the one we are running on the public testnet, and has been modified in part to replace an existing validator (Coinbase Custody) with a new validator account that we control. The account's mnemonic, validator key, and node key are provided in this repo.
For a full list of modifications to the genesis file, please see below.

If you are interested in running v10 without going through the upgrade, you can download one of the binaries in the Gaia releases page follow the rest of the instructions up until the node is running and producing blocks.

Set up with Ansible Playbook

Use the example inventory file from the cosmos-ansible repo to set up a local testnet node:

git clone
cd cosmos-ansible
ansible-playbook node.yml -i examples/inventory-local-genesis.yml -e 'target=SERVER_IP_OR_DOMAIN'

The playbook will set up Cosmovisor with auto-download enabled.

For additional information, visit the examples page.

Upgrade proposal requirements

Log into the target machine and switch to the gaia user with su gaia.

export CHAIN_ID=local-testnet
export NODE_HOME=$HOME/.gaia
export USER_MNEMONIC="abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art"
export USER_KEY_NAME=my-validator-account
echo $USER_MNEMONIC | gaiad --home $NODE_HOME keys add $USER_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test

Manual setup


Follow the installation instructions to understand build requirements. You'll need to install Go 1.20.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git build-essential

curl -OL
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xvf go1.20.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Modify your paths

echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

Build gaia

cd $HOME
git clone
cd gaia
git checkout v12.0.0
make install

Configure the chain

First initialize your chain.

export CHAIN_ID=local-testnet
export NODE_MONIKER=my-local-validator # whatever you like
export BINARY=gaiad
export NODE_HOME=$HOME/.gaia

$BINARY config chain-id $CHAIN_ID --home $NODE_HOME
$BINARY config keyring-backend test --home $NODE_HOME
$BINARY config broadcast-mode block --home $NODE_HOME
$BINARY init $NODE_MONIKER --home $NODE_HOME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID

Then replace the genesis file with our modified genesis file.

gunzip latest_v12.json.gz
mv latest_v12.json $NODE_HOME/config/genesis.json

Replace the validator and node keys.

mv priv_validator_key.json $NODE_HOME/config/priv_validator_key.json
mv node_key.json $NODE_HOME/config/node_key.json

Now add your user account. This account has over 75% tokens bonded to your validator.

export USER_MNEMONIC="abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon art"
export USER_KEY_NAME=my-validator-account
echo $USER_MNEMONIC | $BINARY --home $NODE_HOME keys add $USER_KEY_NAME --recover --keyring-backend=test

Set minimum gas prices.

sed -i -e 's/minimum-gas-prices = ""/minimum-gas-prices = "0.0025uatom"/g' $NODE_HOME/config/app.toml

Set block sync to be false. This allow us to achieve liveness without additional peers. See this issue for details.

sed -i -e '/fast_sync =/ s/= .*/= false/' $NODE_HOME/config/config.toml


First download Cosmovisor.

export GO111MODULE=on
go install[email protected]

Setup the Cosmovisor directory structure. There are two methods to use Cosmovisor:

  1. Manual: Node runners can manually build the old and new binary and put them into the cosmovisor folder (as shown below). Cosmovisor will then switch to the new binary upon upgrade height.
  1. Auto-download: Allowing Cosmovisor to auto-download the new binary at the upgrade height automatically.

Cosmovisor directory structure

├── current -> genesis or upgrades/<name>
├── genesis
│   └── bin
│       └── gaiad
└── upgrades
    └── v13
        ├── bin
        │   └── gaiad
        └── upgrade-info.json

For both methods, you should first start by creating the genesis directory as well as copying over the starting binary.

mkdir -p $NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
cp $(which gaiad) $NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin
export BINARY=$NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/gaiad

We recommend running Cosmovisor as a systemd service. Here's how to create the service:

touch /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service

echo "[Unit]"                               >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Description=cosmovisor-$NODE_MONIKER" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo ""          >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo ""                                     >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "[Service]"                            >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "User=root"                        >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "ExecStart=/root/go/bin/cosmovisor run start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Restart=no"                       >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "LimitNOFILE=4096"                     >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Environment='DAEMON_NAME=gaiad'"      >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Environment='DAEMON_HOME=$NODE_HOME'" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Environment='DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES=true'" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Environment='DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE=true'" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "Environment='DAEMON_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE=512'" >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo ""                                     >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo "[Install]"                            >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service
echo ""           >> /etc/systemd/system/$NODE_MONIKER.service

Set the following environment variables for the Cosmovisor service:

export DAEMON_NAME=gaiad

Before running the service, we recommend reloading the systemctl daemon and restarting the journald service.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald

Run your node

You are now ready to start your node like this:

sudo systemctl enable --now $NODE_MONIKER.service

And view the logs like this:

sudo journalctl -fu $NODE_MONIKER.service

Please make sure your node is running and producing blocks before you proceed further! It can take up to 10 minutes for your node to start up. Once it's producing blocks you'll start seeing log messages like the following:

INF committed state app_hash=99D509C03FDDFEACAD90608008942C0B4C801151BDC1B8998EEC69A1772B22DF height=16188740 module=state num_txs=0

Manually prepare the upgrade binary (if you do not have auto-download enabled on Cosmovisor)

Build the upgrade binary: v13 requires GO v1.20.

wget -q
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.linux-amd64.tar.gz

cd $HOME/gaia
git checkout v13.0.0-rc0
git pull
make install

Copy over the v13 binary into the correct directory.

mkdir -p $NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/v13/bin
cp $(which gaiad) $NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/v13/bin
export BINARY=$NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/v13/bin/gaiad

Submit and vote on a software upgrade proposal

You can submit a software upgrade proposal without specifiying a binary, but this only works for those nodes who are manually preparing the upgrade binary.

gaiad tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade v13 \
--title "v13 Upgrade" \
--deposit 100uatom \
--upgrade-height TBD \
--upgrade-info '{"binaries":{"darwin/amd64":"","darwin/arm64":"","linux/amd64":"","linux/arm64":"","windows/amd64":"","windows/arm64":""}}' \
--description "Upgrade Gaia to v13" \
--gas auto \
--fees 1000uatom \
--from $USER_KEY_NAME \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--home $NODE_HOME \
--node tcp://localhost:26657 \
--yes \
-b block

Get the proposal ID from the TX hash $NODE_HOME/cosmovisor/current/bin/gaiad q tx DB297FDA1DAE700B0155388220703A4074E0C48595635C6A91BBEAF2FF266412

Vote on it.

gaiad tx gov vote <proposal ID> yes \
--from $USER_KEY_NAME \
--keyring-backend test \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--home $NODE_HOME \
--gas auto \
--fees 500uatom \
--node tcp://localhost:26657 \
--yes -b block

After the voting period ends, you should be able to query the proposal to see if it has passed. Like this:

gaiad query gov proposal <proposal ID> --home $NODE_HOME

After PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED, wait until the upgrade height is reached Cosmovisor will now auto-download the new binary specific to your platform and apply the upgrade.

Genesis Modifications

Full list of modifications are as follows:

  • Swapping chain id to local-testnet
  • Increasing balance of cosmos1r5v5srda7xfth3hn2s26txvrcrntldjumt8mhl by 175000000000000 uatom
  • Increasing supply of uatom by 175000000000000
  • Increasing balance of cosmos1r5v5srda7xfth3hn2s26txvrcrntldjumt8mhl by 550000000000000 uatom
  • Increasing supply of uatom by 550000000000000
  • Increasing delegator stake of cosmos1wvvhhfm387xvfnqshmdaunnpujjrdxznr5d5x9 by 550000000000000
  • Increasing validator stake of cosmosvaloper1r5v5srda7xfth3hn2s26txvrcrntldju7lnwmv by 550000000000000
  • Increasing validator power of 973C48DF8B3356C45E44494723A6E0D45DEB8131 by 550000000
  • Swapping min governance deposit amount to 1uatom
  • Swapping tally parameter quorum to 0.000000000000000001
  • Swapping tally parameter threshold to 0.000000000000000001
  • Swapping governance voting period to 60s
  • Swapping staking unbonding_time to 1s

Please note that you will need to set fast-sync to false in your config.toml file and wait for approximately 10mins for a single node testnet to start. This is due to an issue with state export based testnets that can't get to consensus without multiple peered nodes.