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60 lines (51 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (51 loc) · 2.6 KB


  • Consider switching from kinit to k5tart to maintain credential

  • Consider running a mock install before performing the actual install to mitigate silly errors that preventing install from completing and leaving a half-installed state.

  • There is a potential issue/limitation with the MacOS configuration source files that relies on hard coded paths relative to the home direcory. When make install is ran, the HOMEDIR variable can be defined differently than ~, so hardcoded paths on the source files will be different. (It may be easiest to just make this a limiation and throw a warning when HOMEDIR is different than HOME). For instance, in home/.zshrc, export KRB5_CONFIG=~/.kerberos/krb5.conf is a hard coded path.

  • BUG: If .zshrc file already exists, the installer is not able to overwrite the file with the correct symbolic link

  • Should Linux and MacOS configurations both be in this repo?

  • Potential problem with dependencies. The make-configurator-rules used to load make-boxerbird, so when this repo loaded make-configurator-rules, there was an annoying error about the targets getting reloaded. Need to figure out how to manage the dependencies of dependencies. For now, the parent has to load all the child dependencies as well.

  • Support both FNAL.GOV and in the ssh config

  • ssh config should include a local config

  • Would be nice if it checked whether it succeeded when creating a new sessions

  • Default remote port should be the same as the display

  • remote port should have an auto option that allows the next open port to be used (is faster to pull them all or repeated calls to the ss)

  • vnctools should just be it's own seperate program independent of the configuration files. A third tool should install these. ```bash BASE_PORT=1234 INCREMENT=1

      while [ -n "$(ss -tan4H "sport = $port")" ]; do
      echo "Usable Port: $port"
      # Get a list of all listening ports
      listening_ports=$(netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN)
      # Iterate over the list of listening ports and find the highest port number
      for port in $listening_ports; do
        if [[ $port -gt $highest_port ]]; then
      # Increment the highest port number by 1 to find the next available port
      next_available_port=$((highest_port + 1))
      # Print the next available port to the console
      echo $next_available_port