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File metadata and controls

102 lines (87 loc) · 3.22 KB

Day 5

Today went well, we started with some refactoring to simplify our state, and in the process discovered that it fixed a bug allowing us to rotate the piece while rows were collapsing. Elaine and Luis took the helm on the coding today. The game over animation was straight-forward. We got pretty tired at the end.

  1. We started today by reviewing a recent splitting of our files:

    • core.cljs (game state)
    • board.cljs (board constants and pure functions)
    • paint.cljs (drawing related)
    • repl.cljs (connecting the browser repl)
    • socket.cljs (connecting to server)
    • vcr.cljs (recording gif)
  2. We replaced the :animating state flag with a nil condition check on :piece state.

  3. We prevented controls when piece is nil.

  4. We detected game over before spawning a new piece.

    (defn try-spawn-piece!
      "Checks if new piece can be written to starting position."
      (let [piece (get-rand-piece)
            [x y] start-position
            board (:board @state)]
        (if (piece-fits? piece x y board)
          (spawn-piece! piece)
  5. We added game over animation.

    (defn go-go-game-over!
      "Kicks off game over routine. (and get to the chopper)"
        (doseq [y (reverse (range n-rows))
                x (range n-cols)]
          (if (even? x)
            (<! (timeout 2)))
          (swap! state update-in [:board] #(write-to-board x y :I %)))))
  6. We added a custom game over map spelling "The End", but discarded it.

  7. Sync draws with browser's requestAnimationFrame callback:

    (defn make-redraw-chan
      "Create a channel that receives a value everytime a redraw is requested."
      (let [redraw-chan (chan)
            request-anim #(.requestAnimationFrame js/window %)]
        (letfn [(trigger-redraw []
                  (put! redraw-chan 1)
                  (request-anim trigger-redraw))]
          (request-anim trigger-redraw)
    (defn go-go-draw!
      "Kicks off the drawing routine."
      (let [redraw-chan (make-redraw-chan)]
          (loop [board nil]
            (<! redraw-chan)
            (let [new-board (drawable-board)]
              (when (not= board new-board)
                (draw-board! new-board)
                (if (:recording @vcr)
              (recur new-board))))))
  8. We added score state, and incremented it when collapsing rows.

    (defn collapse-rows!
      "Collapse all filled rows."
      (let [board (:board @state)
            cleared-board (remove #(every? cell-filled? %) board)
            n (- (count board) (count cleared-board))
            new-board (into (vec (repeat n empty-row)) cleared-board)
            points (get-points n 1)]
        (swap! state assoc :board new-board)
        (swap! state update-in [:score] + points)))
    (defn get-points
      "Determine how many points were scored."
      [rows-cleared level]
      (case rows-cleared
        1 (* 40 level)
        2 (* 100 level)
        3 (* 300 level)
        4 (* 1200 level)))