Pieces Data
- 7 piece types (I,L,J,S,Z,O,T)
- Pick rotation center for each piece
- Pick start rotation and position of each piece
- Board Size (10x22, top two hidden)
Piece Controls
- Move
- Rotate
- Soft Drop (time allowed to rotate/move before registering a drop)
- Hard Drop (immediate drop)
- Themes change per level, as a montage of the game's evolution
- "Ghost" piece to allow easy hard-drops
- Preview of next pieces
- Piece Drop score (some points rewarded for every drop)
- Row Clear score (some points rewarded for # of rows cleared at once, with level multiplier)
- Level Progression (clear n rows to advance a level)
- Drop Speed increases for each level
- Single Player
- Multiplayer
- Server (simple http request/response)
- Lobby (view current players, set name, set color)
- Game (view live bar chart of current scores with finish line at top)
- Round End (show who won, with current tally, and time until next round)
- Game End (show final winner, with end tally, and ability to start new game)