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196 lines (164 loc) · 9.22 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (164 loc) · 9.22 KB


Helper for building a path for MacOS. Most of my effort in writing this has been tied to making sure I did things in the proper order and did checking of paths. The code is iterative with no goroutines or channels since the paths need to be read in a predictable and repeatable order.

For any zsh specific examples in this README there are straightforward bash and csh equivalents.

I wrote this to better understand how the PATH and MANPATH variables are set in MacOS. I ended up learning a lot about how shell start up and how they define variables for a login session. The /usr/libexec/path_helper binary runs on my laptop in about 6 msec. pathhelper takes about 12 msec to run on my laptop. Given that the load time for my zsh environment is 500 msec this is at the moment acceptable. path_helper is written in C and does not from what I can see do any validation of the paths found. Not checking for the existence of the directories pointed bo by the path elements found could partly explain its faster execution.

Linux distributions do not store system paths as lists of files in /etc/paths, /etc/manpaths or in /etc/paths.d/, or /etc/manpaths.d, so this would not really work to set the path in a .zshrc file. It would work as a user path setting tool but that is limited. In theory the system parts would gracefully fail in Linux but the user paths could be helpful to add to the PATH variable. The issue would be that one would have to mess around with the system path and that is not recommented. A modification of this would just give a list of additional path elements and leave it up to the user to append them to the main PATH.

In addition to the work that /usr/libexec/path_helper does on MacOS pathhelper also looks in ~/.config/pathhelper/ for files in paths.d and manpaths.d.

Here is the list of entries for /etc/paths.d

$ ls -1 /etc/paths.d

Looking at several of the above entries, it can be seen that some installers such as the installer for Golang add to this list. This likely makes for many fewer complaints that "go can't be found". Homebrew takes a different approach and adds a call with an exact path to the end of .zprofile that prepends to the path.


The convention is that there will be one path per line in the main paths and manpaths and in files in the paths.d and manpaths.d directories. More than one line in files is permitted, and lines started with # are ignored.

What is processed

path_helper does not verify the paths it processes. It does escape characters, including ", ', $, and \. pathhelper aslso escapes these characters as well as !. I initially set pathhelper to by default check for the existence of all paths that it comes across. I have switched that to being done if the flag, -V is used. If you want to check paths and get a report on what paths do not exist, use pathhelper -z -V -v to verify all paths and report things found. Skipping the verification of each path saves about a millisecond.

Here is an error for a path entry put in /etc/paths.d for a tool no longer installed. That also strikes me as something that should not be in /etc/paths.d. This invalid path was highlighted by running pathhelper -z -V -v.

ERROR stat /Users/ian/.dotnet/tools: no such file or directory

Use in .zshenv

Here is a sample setup in .zshrc with an attempt at a failsafe if pathhelper fails.

# Use pathhelper to get system paths plus user paths
if [ -x ~/bin/pathhelper ]; then
    eval $(~/bin/pathhelper -z)
elif [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
    echo "using fallback path building"
    eval $(/usr/libexec/path_helper -s)

# Just in case use system path_helper if things went wrong
if [ "$PATH" = "" ]; then
    if [ -x /usr/libexec/path_helper ]; then
        eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`


Paths made as a result of a call, such as with go when calling go env GOPATH in .zshrc must be added to the main PATH separately. If you put them in a path file the entry will be rejected as it would not evaluate to a valid path. Here is an example.

export GOPATH="$(go env GOPATH)"
export PATH

Note that in both bash and zsh there are several files that are run at the start of a new terminal session. For bash this is bash_profile and for zsh this is .zshprofile. Homebrew installs a line to ~/.zprofile that runs eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv). This adds homebrew dirs to the path.

If desired, user directories can be put first using the -u flag. This could be to allow overriding of system commands. This is essentially what homebrew does with its invocation (eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)).


Here is the help output for pathhelper

 pathhelper -h
Usage: pathhelper [--bash] [--zsh] [--csh] [--verify] 
                  [--verbose] [--trace] [--init] [--user-first]

  --bash, -s             get bash format path settings
  --zsh, -z              get zsh format path settings
  --csh, -c              get csh format path settings
  --verify, -V           verify paths' existence before adding
  --trace, -t            show paths evaluated and time do evaluate
  --init, -i             check and build user path dirs if necessary
  --verbose, -v          display issues as paths evaluated
  --user-first, -u       put user directories first
  --help, -h             display this help and exit

Note that formats compatible with csh, bash, and zsh are available using flags. If there is no specifier bash format will be used, which also works for zsh. There is also an init (-i) method which will make .config/.. directories if they do not exist. Using the -v (verbose) flag will show entries that were rejected because they did not exist.

Here is a sample of the extra output to stderr when using the -v flag. It is reasonably straightforward to use any errors in the output in combination with the previous lines to track down invalid paths.

$ pathhelper -z -v
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /etc/paths
INFO checking /etc/paths
INFO checking /usr/local/bin
INFO checking /usr/bin
INFO checking /bin
INFO checking /usr/sbin
INFO checking /sbin
INFO processing /etc/paths took 706.334µs
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /etc/paths.d
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/100-rvictl
INFO checking /Library/Apple/usr/bin
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/40-XQuartz
INFO checking /opt/X11/bin
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/TeX
INFO checking /Library/TeX/texbin
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/dotnet-cli-tools
INFO checking /Users/ian/.dotnet/tools
ERROR stat /Users/ian/.dotnet/tools: no such file or directory
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/exiftool
INFO checking /usr/local/bin
INFO checking /etc/paths.d/go
INFO checking /usr/local/go/bin
INFO processing /etc/paths.d took 3.160583ms
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/paths.d
INFO checking /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/paths.d/homebrew
ERROR skipping line in homebrew "# Note that brew sets its paths in ~/.zprofile or ~/.bash_profile"
INFO checking /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/paths.d/localbin
INFO checking /Users/ian/bin
INFO checking /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/paths.d/ops
INFO checking /Users/ian/.ops/bin
INFO processing /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/paths.d took 1.101458ms
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /etc/manpaths
INFO checking /etc/manpaths
INFO checking /usr/share/man
INFO checking /usr/local/share/man
INFO processing /etc/manpaths took 147.375µs
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /etc/manpaths.d
INFO checking /etc/manpaths.d/40-XQuartz
INFO checking /opt/X11/share/man
INFO checking /etc/manpaths.d/TeX
INFO checking /Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Man
INFO processing /etc/manpaths.d took 980µs
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO processing /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/manpaths.d
INFO processing /Users/ian/.config/pathhelper/manpaths.d took 270.75µs
INFO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The original path_helper is about 182 lines of code. This project's code is

$ gocloc cmd
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
Go                               5            122             84            529
Markdown                         1             32              0            164
TOTAL                            6            154             84            693