From 0a3d8e3e01aa4a1760917b127b8d6079d74ead2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: achingbrain <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2024 08:19:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] http-routing: add "get closest peers" operation

Adds a new HTTP endpoint that can be used to request records for the
closest peers to a given key that the routing implementation knows

The use-case for this is browser nodes performing random walks to
find peers that they can make a circuit relay reservation on, without
having to be DHT clients to perform the walk which can be undesirable
given all the connection/processing overhead that entails.
 src/routing/ | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/routing/ b/src/routing/
index edd30cea..350c68e3 100644
--- a/src/routing/
+++ b/src/routing/
@@ -106,6 +106,60 @@ Each object in the `Providers` list is a record conforming to a schema, usually
 ## Peer Routing API
+### `GET /routing/v1/closest-peers/{peer-id}?[closerThan]&[count]`
+#### Path Parameters
+- `peer-id` is a [Peer ID]( represented as a CIDv1 encoded with `libp2p-key` codec.
+#### Query Paramters
+- `closerThan` is an optional [Peer ID]( represented as a CIDv1 encoded with `libp2p-key` codec.
+  - Returned peer records must be closer to `peer-id` than `closerThan`.
+  - If omitted the routing implementation should use it's own [Peer ID](
+- `count` is an optional number that specifies how many peer records the requester desires.
+  - Minimum 1, maximum 100, default 20.
+#### Response Status Codes
+- `200` (OK): the response body contains peer records.
+- `404` (Not Found): must be returned if no matching records are found.
+- `422` (Unprocessable Entity): request does not conform to schema or semantic constraints.
+#### Response Headers
+- `Content-Type`: the content type of this response, which MUST be `application/json` or `application/x-ndjson` (see [streaming](#streaming)).
+- `Last-Modified`: an HTTP-date timestamp ([RFC9110, Section 5.6.7]( of the resolution, allowing HTTP proxies and CDNs to support inexpensive update checks via `If-Modified-Since`
+- `Cache-Control: public, max-age={ttl}, public, stale-while-revalidate={max-ttl}, stale-if-error={max-ttl}`: meaningful cache TTL returned with the response.
+  - When present, `ttl` SHOULD be shorter for responses whose resolution ended in no results (e.g. 15 seconds),
+    and longer for responses that have results (e.g. 5 minutes).
+  - Implementations SHOULD include `max-ttl`, set to the maximum cache window of the underlying routing system.
+    For example, if Amino DHT results are returned, `stale-while-revalidate` SHOULD be set to `172800` (48h, which at the time of writing this specification, is the provider record expiration window).
+- `Vary: Accept`: allows intermediate caches to play nicely with the different possible content types.
+#### Response Body
+  "Peers": [
+    {
+      "Schema": "<schema>",
+      "Protocols": ["<protocol-a>", "<protocol-b>", ...],
+      "ID": "bafz...",
+      "Addrs": ["/ip4/..."],
+      ...
+    },
+    ...
+  ]
+The number of peer records in the responses SHOULD be limited to the `count` query parameter, which defaults to 20 if unspecified.
+The client SHOULD be able to make a request with `Accept: application/x-ndjson` and get a [stream](#streaming) with more results.
+Each object in the `Peers` list is a record conforming to the [Peer Schema](#peer-schema).
 ### `GET /routing/v1/peers/{peer-id}`
 #### Path Parameters