Release notes for PowerShell module psaptgetupdate
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2018
- Import-Module on clean system does not throw an error (no changes in functionality)
- Update-Module properly checks for local module version
Date: Monday, November 26, 2018
- Import-Module is not running
- Help system added
- Module icon added
- Module tested on Linux build server
For a full list of completed issues in this release, please check this page.
0.9.4 - Just re-upload to PS Gallery with reduced number of files, code the same as 0.9.3
Date: Friday, November 2, 2018
- Find command returns all commands that start with given string instead of exact match (#17)
0.9.2 - Just re-upload to PS Gallery with reduced number of files, code the same as 0.9
0.9.1 - Just re-upload to PS Gallery with reduced number of files, code the same as 0.9
Date: Thursday, November 1, 2018
- First, initial release