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Release procedure

Scott Staniewicz edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 6 revisions

We are using setuptools_scm to automate the versioning of dolphin using Git tags. Annotated tags (those which create a commit) can be made from the command line, which was done pre v0.1. Github also lets you make one when you create a release here: . Note that this project uses semantic versioning

Release procedure

  1. Merge the final PRs which will go into the release into main
  2. Create a new branch titled release/<version number>: for example release/0.1.0.
  3. Go to the releases page and click "create a new release" (or directly go to the new release url)
  4. Title the release v<release number>, e.g. v0.1.0
  5. On the "Choose a tag" option, type v0.1.0 and (assuming that the Git tag has not already been created), click "create a new tag" which should add Excellent! This tag will be created from the target when you publish this release. image
  6. Write notes for the release, which can be assisted using the file. The changelog has summaries of changes following , and should have an "Unreleased" section at the top (if it hasn't already been converted to the new version number)
  7. Click "Publish release" to create the tagged release.
  • Note: even though we created a new branch, since this branch is on the same commit as the main branch, the new version will be visible if you run pip install -e dolphin again.
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