- Add UIC option for FFT analysis #1261
- Improve wire editing #1253
- Fix crash when deleting shorted devices #1254
- Fix removing labels #1255
- Russian translation update #1246
- Update Gentoo ebuidl #1252
- The .OPTIONS and .FUNC devices not working properly. Use the INCLUDE SCRIPT instead. See #1260
- Component properties dialog redesign #1054
- CDL netlist export #1165
- Implemented plotting XSPICE digital nodes #1138
- Add individual CLI oparameters setting for each simulator #1152
- Add .CSPARAM virtual device #1136
- Add Qt aplication style selection #1118
- Add default graph line thickness setting #1066
- Add setting for grid visibility #1065
- Allow parameter passing for SPICE file device #1197
- S-parameter files viewer improvements #1133
- Added background when renderign DC bias labels #1121
- Added possibility to create libraries from SpiceLibraryDevice components #944 #1210
- Added two new wire forms #1232
- CI improvement #1103 #1091 #1086
- Fixed graph renderign performance #984
- Fixed SPICE models processing bugs #861 #1055 #1090 #1142
- Default shorted resistance changed from 0 Ohms to 1/GMIN #1116
- Fixed diagram memory leak #1139
- Added offset parameter for AC current source #1218
- Fixed schematic editing issues #1159 #1134
This release contains a massive library extention:
- Added libraries for 74HC, 74LV, CD4000 digital ICs for analog mode #1034 #1160
- Added XSPICE generic logic gates library for analog mode #1199
- Added XSPICE digital auxillary devices #1193
- Added Laser diode library #942
- Added generic triac device in Thyristor.lib #924
- Added vaccum tubes extended library #846 #1216
- Added neon bulb model #846 #1216
- Added MOC3063/MOC3062 optocouple models #846 #1216
- Added Analog ICs and dual gate MOSFET libraries #1229
- Added RC with parasitics library #1240
- Qt5 build deprecated; switch to Qt6 by default #938
- Windows package improvements #1123
- Update Turkish translation #1094
- Improved diagrams rendering speed #1042
- Fixed hardcoded version in LC Cauer filter #1039
- Fixed pulsed current source issues #1059
- Fixed show exit status if Ngspice crashes #1001
- Russian translation update #1038
- Prepare for Flatpak package #51
- Implemnted touchstone (S2P) files viewer tool #936
- VC resistor made available for SPICE and ADMS-independent #959
- Added SPICE_Tline library containing transmission lines for Ngspice #896
- Don't resolve paths to relaive if document is not saved and not belong to project #951
- Allow variables for potentiometer and diode device properties #1021 #1013
- Fixed simulation properties editing #968
- Fixed disbale simulation for XYCE #965
- Fixed running simulation in CLI mode #962
- Fixed memory leaks #960
- Fixed BJTsub and diode devices #983
- Fixed Schottky diode symbol appearence #1027
- Fixed crash if no simulator found on the first start #979
- Fixed artifacts when selecting elliptic arc #987
- Fixed text rendiering for Qt6.8.0 #1002
- QucsatorRF updated to v1.0.3. See the release notes.
- Fixed editing of File-type properties #948
- Implemented @model[param] syntax recognition for Parameter sweep #948
- Stable release packages are now generated autmatically using Github CI #871
- QucsatorRF updated to v1.0.2; See the release notes
- Improved temperature sweep using unified devices #925
- Fixed library manger always substitute absoute path #923
- Fixed stars/circles/arrows plots rendering #892
- Fixed library devices symbol text rendering #873
- Fixed touchstones files export from GUI #910
- Fixed mathicng circuit tool issues #905
- Implemented SPICE entry for DC block and DC feed #889
- Fixed Octave start #883
- Fixed right scroll issue #884
- Fixed wires selection issue #875
- Fixed decimal separators processing in attenuator tool #864
- Fixed shortcut conflict #930
- Schematic version check checks only major version #931
- Update Optocoupler.lib #846
- Updated Russian translation #885
- SpiceLibComp redesign. This device is renamed to Spice Library Device and provides an easy way to add SPICE model to schematic and assign symbol to it. See #679
- Added possibity to import SPICE model for Diode, BJT, MOSFET, and JFET unified devices (blue) #795
- Implemeted symbol files (
) editing mode. These files are needed to attach symbol to SPICE devices #700 - Redesign of schematic rendering engine. Improve rendering quality on HiDPI displays #723
- Improved Qucsconv GUI to reflect new converter features #826
- Improved libraries portability, relative path support for libraries, show libraries from project directory #567
- Added a global setting for Ngspice compatibility mode (LTspice, HSPICE, etc.) #851
- Add global Ngspice compatibility mode (LTspice/HSPICE/S3) setting #851
- QucsatorRF updated to version 1.0.1
- The
binary archives are not supported anymore. Use system archivers to pack the projects instead #811 - The
property of Parameter Sweep simulaiton has been deprecated. It is not needed anymore after Ngspice has added variable sweep feature. Use variable sweep instead #839 - Toolbars and status bar made always visible #852
- Icons theme settings removed from settings dialog. These settings have no effect since v2.1.0 when unified and auto-generated icons were introduced.
- Linux DEB and RPM packages switched to Qt6
- Windows package switched to Qt6
- Introduced continous release of Linux, Windows, and Mac packages #719
- Added MacOS package build #797 and homebrew support #804
- The TEMP and TEMPER variables are recognized by parameter sweep to apply temperature sweep #816
- Fixed ASCO optimization with QucsatorRF #830
- Enabled variables as parameters for unified nonlinear devices and pulsed source #838 and #808
- Fixed issues with XYCE simulation #701
- Improved attenuator synthesis tool #722
- Improved filter synthesis tool #715 #673
- Redesign File->Open examples menu. Show open dialog instead of file manager #672
- Qucs-S now follows XDG standard for cached data location #145
- Apply .OPTION INTERP when simulating transient with parameter sweep; prevent broken par. sweep data #766
- Implemented relative paths support for library devices #567
- Added PWM controllers (TL494, UC384x, etc.) library #846
- Added Germanium diodes library #846
- Added Mixer IC library containing SA612 model #846
- Added Diodes extended library containing different USSR diodes models
- Added new Varactor library #759
- Added new PIN diode library #764
- Russian translation update
This release contains no new features except the fixing of the critical bugs.
- Fixed zero output on DC bias simulation (F8) #667
- Fixed build failure of the Fedora RPM becuase of RPATH in qucsator_rf
- QucsatorRF is now a part of the package; No need to compile and install qucsator manually #370
- Qucs-RFLayout tool could be launched from Tools menu #465; this tool must be installed separated
- Redesign of the Qucsconv GUI #647
- Matching tool backported from Qucs-0.0.20 #401
- Added RF devices group; backported different RF devices for Qucsator #607
- Fixed parameter sweep step issues #186 @ivandi69
- Fixed SPICE devices bounding box #590 #637
- Fixed netlist export from CLI #639
- Fixed parameter sweep simulation with Xyce #624
- Revert explicit WITH_QT6 compile flag because of cmake bug #592
- Fixed tuner issues for German locale #416
- Refactoring in schematic editor #626 #618 @wawuwo
- Russian translation update
- Versioning switched to CalVer. The first digit means year, the second digit means the release number, the third digit means patch number #328
- Added 3-pin RCD devices #349 to improve support of microelectronics PDKs
- Improvements of Ngspice support; allowed multiple simulation of the same type #463 by @ivandi69
- Automatic extraction of THD from FOURIER simulation #525 @ivandi69
- Nutmeg equations improvements; implemented simulation selection from drop-down list #463 #519
- Improvements of Nutmeg script simulation type; implemented custom prefixes for plots #476 #435 @ivandi69
- Export DC OP simulation data to dataset #463 #140 @ivandi69
- Implemented zoom by selection on the rectangular plots #305
- Implemeted potentiometer device #122
- Switched digital simulation from FreeHDL to GHDL #395 @iwbnwif
- Status bar improvements #493
- Added RCLG device support for SPICE #564
- Added YLIN device support for XYCE #451
- Fixed touchstone simulation issues for Ngspice #392
- Added BiasT device support for SPICE #374
- Added option to disable transient model for RF port #410
- Fixed different issues related to creating libraries #432
- Added audio IC library
- Added loudspeaker library #421
- Added comparators library #436
- Modified voltage regulators library #433
- Added voltage references library #439
- Added thermistor library #538
- Fixed ideal library #258 #428
- Fixed transformers library #362
- Added new devices in SpiceOpamp library #501
- Fixed different tuner issues
- Schematic zooming improvements #502
- Different improvements on schematic look and control
- Added schematic pan mode with the middle mouse button #488
- HiDPI support improvements including grid rendering
- Fixed schematic glitches using Wayland #227
- Added text document zoom and font setting #534
- Added new examples
- Added Ngspice templates #441
- The readthdocs documentantion is a candidate for deprecation #554
- Added Chinese translation #453 by @hvwyl
Thanks @wawuwo and @iwbnwif for providing refactoring PRs! Many thanks to @tomhajjar for providing libraries, examples and testing.
- Added tuner simulation mode #123 (used implementation by @tipofthesowrd)
- Added support for touchstone s2p file devices for Ngspice #233 (implementation by @transmitterdan)
- Redesign of the simulation window #309
- Diagrams are placed on schematic and
files are disabled by default #309 - Backport of the active Legendre filter synthesis from Qucs-0.0.20rc2 #318
- Added SPICE entry for MUT and MUT2 devices
- Backported circular waveguide and tapered line symbols from Qucs-0.0.20rc2
- Added zoom to selection mode #327
- Toolbar icons replaced by SVG; improved look for HiDPI #323 #304
- Implemented automatic generation of high resolution device icons #334 #304
- Added Tstart option for Spectrum simulaiton #336
- Added low voltage for VRect source #310
- Russian translation update #292 #324
- Added SPICE group for project tree
- Fixed simulation of the files with double extension #311
- Fixed simulation of the files containing unicode symbols #312
- Fixed display of the Xanalogue.lib library #308
- Fixed show checker errors for Xyce
- Fixed load symbol for Verilog-A device #321
- Fixed component rotation with right mouse button
- Added thyristor library #212
- Added optocoupler library #213
- Added photovoltaic relays library #222
- Added subcircuit symbol templates to
(by @tomhajjar) - Added sections on tuner mode and RF simulation to the Qucs-S tutorial
- Windows 32-bit package is not provided anymore
- Implemented quick switch of the simulator without application restart #274 (thanks @Zergud)
- Linux AppImage build switched to Github workflow #281
- Added Windows 64-bit installer with Ngspice
- Fixed issues in Transformers library #228 and #231
- Finished Qt6 porting #190
- Show warning if the directory protected by Windows UAC #282
- Fixed PDF print on Windows #285
- Added option to export grayscale image #288
- Fixed setting initial conditions in wire labels #291
- Fixed missing ground warning
- Qucs-S supports digital simulation mode using IcarusVerilog or FreeHDL backends #97
- Added analog model for digital source #265
- Qucs-S runs DC bias simulation mode if schematic contains DC simulation only #271
- Selection rectangle update #276
- XSPICE CodeModel synthesiszer has been deprected since v1.0.3. The precompiled CM libraries are still supported using spiceinit virtual device. See #204
- Digital buses are not supported;
- Digital simulation represents its state as of Qucs-0.0.20-RC1; No new features added
- Added XSPICE flip-flop digital devices #262 (thanks @Radvall)
- Added INDQ and CAPQ devices representing inductor and capacitor with Q-factor #143
- Added .LIB directive support #242
- Added SPICE entries for I and V file sources #254
- Added symbols for 4 and 5 terminal BJT device #198
- Added behavioral XSPICE 555 timer model #252
- Added option to save SPICE netlist without simulation #225
- Improved Qt6 compatibility (thanks @Zergud)
- Improved MacOS compatibility (thanks @nanoant) #214
- CMake build system update to bring features of the modern CMake (thanks @dsm) #216
- Added support for Verilog-A defined devices using Ngspice+OpenVAF #197. Old Qucsator+ADMS workflow is marked as deprecated. Ngspice >=39 is required to support OpenVAF.
- Implemented variable parameter sweep analysis #189
- Added possibility to build Qucs-S with Qt6 #190 The -DWITH=QT6=ON option for cmake is required. The source code of the Qucs-S is Qt6 compatible now. Thanks @Zergud !
- Simulator prefixes like "ngspice/" are not show anymore on plot traces if the plot contains data from only one simulator #178
- Added TL071/TL072 opamp models
- Added 555_timer.lib library containing the 555 timer model
- Added extended BJT exteneded and Schottky diodes libraries
- Change default RCL device values and simulation settings to prevent convergence error when putting together device with default values #195
- Fixed auto-scaling issue on Windows 64-bit platform #133
- Added basic support for logic gates simulation (Ngspice >= 38) required #97
- Added possibility to set engineering notation (like 1k, 1M, etc.) for numbers on diagrams #92
- Added symbol preview and search feature for component library in main windows #135
- Backported qucs-attenuator, qucs-transcalc and qucs-powercombining from Qucs-0.0.20 #142
- Added possibility to set dB units for Y-axis on digrams from the diagram properties dialog #92
- Backported advanced features for projects tree from Qucs-0.0.20 #95
- Show warning if schematic file name changed, but dataset/display file name are not updated #111
- Revised examples tree (by Tom Hajjar @tomhajjar); legacy Ngspice-incompatible examples
moved to
- Qucs-lib tool has been removed from the application; all its features are availbale now from the main window left panel #139
- Fixed Tubes.lib and LEDs.lib libraries (by @tomhajjar)
- Fixed numerous bug reports. Thanks @tomhajjar and @Zergud for testing.
- Added 32-bit Windows portable package
- Parameter sweep doesn't work when using the Fourier simulation with XYCE backend #73
- Netlister may produce duplicate .SUBCKT entry when using the same component from user and system library #82
- Auto-scaling on diagram may fail on some conditions for Windows 64-bit platform #133 Other platforms are not affected
- The 1-point AC simulation produce a set of 1x1 plot if ParameterSweep instead of smooth curve is attached #156
- Added S-parameter simulation using Ngspice and Xyce backends; Ngspice>=37 requiered #84, #79
- Added FFT analysis with Ngspice backend #88
- Implemented dark desktop theme support #66
- Implemented manual setting of the X-axis markers postion #92
- Added separate setting for schematic and application font
- Removed QtScript dependency (thanks @Zergud) #77
- Fixed Qt5.15 deprecation warnings #75
- Added quartz crystal library (Crystal.lib); the quartz model is optimized for filter design;
- Added TL431 device in Regulators library;
- Fixed crash on HB simulation with XYCE #28
- Fixed empty path for working directory #86
- Show error when schematic contains only DC simulation (no effect for Ngspice) #83
- Fixed layout in arrow properties dialog #81
- Fixed drag'n'drop operation from left dock to schematic
- Fixed newlines in SPICE resitors #62
- Fixed crash on Wayland #76
- Added offline PDF tutorial; the link for old Qucs tutorial removed from Help menu #78
- Added examples for new S-parameter and FFT simulations
- Fixed distortion simulation example #83
- Parameter sweep doesn't work when using the Fourier simulation with XYCE backend #73
- Netlister may produce duplicate .SUBCKT entry when using the same component from user and system library #82
- The Qucs-S application is now fully ported to Qt5 and could be compiled on modern Linux distributions; #72 #32
- Added two new component libraries: BF998 and Tubes containing two-gate MOSFET and vacuum tubes (triodes and penthodes provided by @olegkapitonov ) models;
- Windows binary switched to 64-bit build. The old 32-bit binaries are not provided anymore;
- Ngspice is now the default simulation kernel on the first application start;
- The Qucs-S doesn't use a shared settings file with Qucs anymore #71
- Fixed "Show last netlists" not showing SPICE netlist when SPICE engine is selected #41
- Use system default sans serif font instead of "Helvetica", because "Helvetica" cannot be rendered correctly on some platforms;
- Fixed .INCLUDE directive support with SpiceOpus #16
- Partially fixed .FOUR simulation support for Xyce backend #73
- Removed warning about experimental feature in the simulation dialog. Qucs-S is considered to be stable now;