The following are a few basic examples of common usage in the Cake Toolkit.
Create a HTML div object and add it to the View.
$myDiv = $this->Html->Div();
Create a HTML div object and add a HTML span object as a child.
$myDiv = $this->Html->Div();
$mySpan = $this->Html->Span();
Create various objects as children of each other in a sequence.
IMPORTANT: When chaining objects, the last object in the chain is returned. Also, only objects of the common factory can be called.
Set a unique ID on an object, by default all objects have a unique ID assigned to them.
Set the "text" configuration parameter on a HTML div object, this will render as text inside the element.
$myDiv = $this->Html->Div(array(
'text' => __('Hello World')
$myDiv->text = 'Updated';
A collection of special configuration parameters available on all objects.
$mySpan = $this->Html->Span(array(
'_id' => 'myId',
'_parent' => $myDiv,
'_children' => array(
'Strong' => array(
'text' => __('Hello World')
'_events' => array(
'click' => $this->Js->Alert(array(
'text' => __('Hello World')
IMPORTANT: The special parameters available are shortcuts to common actions on an object.
Make a copy of an object, the unique ID is automatically updated.
$myDivCopy = $myDiv->copy();
Add multiple objects as children.
'Strong' => array(
'text' => __('Hello World')
Add objects before or after a specific child.
$myDiv->addBefore($newSpan, $mySpan);
$myDiv->addAfter($newSpan, $mySpan);
Add an object based upon a condition, which will only be added if the condition resolves to true.
$myDiv->addIf($condition === true, $mySpan);
Add an object from a callback function, any "callable" function in PHP is valid.
$myDiv->addWhile(function(&$parent, &$view, &$data, $i) {
if ($i <= 9) {
'text' => 'I was added'
Inherit the children from another object, these are not duplicated but moved to the new parent.
Replace or remove children.
$myDiv->replaceChild($mySpan, $otherSpan);
Various methods for traversing parents and children.
$parent = $myUl->getParent();
$children = $myUl->getChildren();
$firstChild = $myUl->getFirst();
$lastChild = $myUl->getLast();
$previousChild = $lastChild->getPrevious();
$nextChild = $firstChild->getNext();
$myUl->each(function(&$child, &$parent, &$view, &$data, $i) {
$child->text = 'Updated';
Bind a JavaScript alert event to an object.
$myButton->bind('click', $this->Js->Alert(array(
'text' => __('Hello World')
Bind a JavaScript redirection event to an object.
$myButton->bind('click', $this->Js->Redirect(array(
'location' => Router::url(array(
'controller' => 'Example',
'action' => 'index'
Load the content of an object via Ajax.
$myButton->bind('click', $this->Js->Element(array(
'node' => $myDiv
'controller' => 'Example',
'action' => 'index'
Include a CakePHP element in a CTK based View.
$myDiv = $this->Html->Div();
$exampleElement = $this->element('example');
IMPORTANT: The content of elements are returned as an object. This allows you to add elements to other objects, however, elements do not accept children.
Append a HTML script to the "script" view block.
$this->append('script', $this->Html->Script(array(
'src' => 'example.js'
Use an example helper in a CTK based View.
$myDiv = $this->Html->Div();
$something = $this->ExampleHelper->something();
IMPORTANT: The output of a helper method is returned as an object. Objects returned from helpers are automatically converted to their original value if passed to other helpers.