Throughout the JavaScript ages, modules have been stored one a files. While it has long been considered good practice to have one module per file, CommonJS made that a must. ES6 also specifies that there is exactly one module per file and one file per module.
- In the beginning, there were script tags
- Procedurally oriented scripts like LabJS (
$LAB .script("framework.js").wait() .script("plugin.framework.js") .script("myplugin.framework.js").wait() .script("init.js").wait();
</script>``` 3. RequireJS / AMD
<script src="scripts/require.js"></script>
require(['framework'], function() {
// Configuration loaded now, safe to do other require calls
// that depend on that config.
require(['myplugin'], function(foo) {
define(["./cart", "./inventory"], function(cart, inventory) {
//return an object to define the "my/shirt" module.
return {
color: "blue",
size: "large",
addToCart: function() {
- Node / Browserify / CommonJS
require('framework') module.exports = require('myplugin')
- Webpack / CommonJS++
module.exports = require('-!raw!./')
- Static import + export / CommonJS--
import 'framework'
import myplugin from 'myplugin'
export default myplugin
- SystemJS?
<script type="module">
// loads the 'q' export from 'mymodule.js' in the same path as the page import { q } from 'mymodule';
new q(); // -> 'this is an es6 class!' </script>
<script> System.import('some-module').then(function(m) { console.log(m.p); }); </script>