diff --git a/Section #1 - Basics/Resize_and_Rescale.py b/Section #1 - Basics/Resize_and_Rescale.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476c2e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Section #1 - Basics/Resize_and_Rescale.py	
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Resizing and Rescaling can be done for images/videos/live videos
+# Resizing and rescaling is needed to prevemt computational strain due to large files
+# Resize is basically modifying height and width to a particular scale. Generally we downscale coz our devices are generally incapable of going higher, say from 720p to 1080p
+import cv2 as cv
+img = cv.imread('../Resources/Photos/cat.jpg')
+cv.imshow('Cat', img)
+def rescaleFrame(frame, scale=0.75):
+    # Images, Videos and Live Videos
+    width = int(frame.shape[1]*scale)
+    height = int(frame.shape[0]*scale)
+    dimensions = (width,height)
+    return cv.resize(frame,dimensions, interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
+def changeRes(width,height):
+    # Live Videos
+    # These integer arguments are the properties of capture class.
+    # 3 references width
+    # 4 references height
+    # 10 references brightness
+    capture.set(3, width)   
+    capture.set(4, height)
+resized_image = rescaleFrame(img,scale=0.2)
+cv.imshow('Image resized', resized_image)
+#Reading Videos
+capture = cv.VideoCapture('../Resources/Videos/dog.mp4')
+while True:
+    isTrue, frame = capture.read()
+    frame_resized = rescaleFrame(frame,scale=0.2)
+    cv.imshow('video', frame)
+    cv.imshow('video Resized', frame_resized)
+    if cv.waitKey(20) & 0xFF==ord('d'):
+        break