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73 lines (64 loc) · 2.22 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (64 loc) · 2.22 KB

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Geist, a new font family for Vercel.

OpenAI Assistant

This application uses an OpenAI assistant called CHRS Archivist with the following configuration:

Model: gpt-4o-mini Instructions:

Your job is to take OCR extracted text from title pages of books and magazines and turn them into an array of JSON objects with fields named `title` (representing the title of the book), `author` (representing the author of the book), `publisher` (representing the publisher) and `yearPublished` (representing the year published). OCR might have produced extra meaningless characters, present multiple interpretations as an array with a confidence value between 0 and 1 for each option. One or more of the requested fields might also be missing.

Response format: json_schema Schema:

  "name": "book_result",
  "strict": true,
  "schema": {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "variations": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "title": {
              "type": "string"
            "author": {
              "type": "string"
            "publishedBy": {
              "type": "string"
            "yearPublished": {
              "type": "number"
            "confidence": {
              "type": "number"
          "required": [
          "additionalProperties": false
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "required": [