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File metadata and controls

340 lines (230 loc) · 15.1 KB


A smart library app for memes


A Mac app designed to store, organize, analyze, and categorize still and animated meme images. Its goal is to put the perfect reaction gif for any situation at your fingertips.

Right now, I'm storing this sort of content in Pocket, which is risky: if the original link dies, I lose the gif.

Feature Wishlist

Content Acquisition

What I want is an app where I can simply paste the link to an animated GIF, and it will copy the actual image into the library.

It should also integrate with Pocket and Twitter, to spider the user's feed for content.


Images should be stored in a file hierarchy, named with a hash of the content.

Core Data should be used to build a database with all the metadata for the content: its hash, when and where it was obtained, tags, analysis results, etc.


All images will be taggable so that, for example, you can look for images tagged "funny+cat". Ideally, the tags someone uses for content, plus a hash of the content, should be sent upstream to a server so the same tags can be suggested to other users who curate the same content


It's not feasible to thoroughly tag everything, though. The app should do what it can to help connect things. This is the analysis phase, where the content is visually inspected (frame by frame if animation):

  • Cat recognition
  • Smile and frown recognition
  • Facial recognition
  • Optical character recognition
  • Neural network classification based on tags
    • i.e., build Haar

The text of tweets that reference the same image should be added as metadata to them.

A filter chain needs to be established that can run independent analyses in parallel, but with the option of running filters in serial when so desired.


The app needs to support uploading to image sharing services like imgur.

Version 1.0 Milestones: Minimum Viable Product

Version 0.1: Image storage and presentation

  • I want to be able to enter URLs of images so that I can store copies of them locally
  • I want to be able to see a list of stored images so that I can view them

Version 0.2: MVVM

  • I want to break up presentation logic from presentation model logic.

Version 0.3: Tagging

  • I want to be able to tag images so that I can find them later
  • I want to be able to search the images via tags so that I can find appropriate images for a given situation

Version 0.4: Spit-polish and deletion

  • I want the look and feel to better match the 10.10 Spotlight UI, with etching to separate sections and reduced chrome.
  • I want to be able to delete items

Version 0.5: Sharing

  • I want to be able to share existing links to the images

Version 0.5.5: More Polish

  • I want to etching to separate sections
  • I want the image view to have slightly rounded corners
  • Icon
  • Auto-refresh tableview when image downloads complete
  • Delete url from omnibar when image downloads complete
  • Progress indicator for download so the user knows something is happening
  • timeouts for downloads
  • Validate URLs are to supported file formats (let's say .gif, .jpg, and .png)
  • When the arrangedObjects of the item entity list change (for example, when a tag is added or removed) the topmost item should be selected. Right now, that happens when tags are added, but not when they're deleted.
  • focus on text field at launch
  • fix bug with links showing "Optional()"
  • help text for when the app is empty
  • resize image view when gif changes instead of only when frame is redrawn for resizing
  • faster display help for when the app is empty

Version 0.6: Basic Single User Syncing

  • I want to be able to uniquely identify users by CloudKit ID
  • I want to use iCloud to share my database
  • I want to be able to redownload images referenced in my database if they don't exist on the local device

Version 0.7: Strong search and imgur

  • I want to be able to generate complex search predicates based on tags so that I can do searches other than tagA AND tagB. For example, (tagA AND tagB) NOT (tagC OR tagD).
  • I want to be able to upload images to imgur for sharing so that I don't have to depend on the original image URL still being around.
  • I want to be able to check on known image URLs to see if they're still around

Version 0.8: Twitter and Pocket integration

  • I want to be able to automatically import images from my Twitter feed so that I don't have to manually add them
  • I want to be able to automatically import images from my Pocket library so that I don't have to manually add them
  • I want to be able to post images to Twitter
  • I want to be able to save images to Pocket

Version 0.9: More Polish

  • I want the table view to be resizable horizontally
  • I want the image table views to have slightly rounded corners
  • I want to document the codebase
  • Don't update table selection when the new one would be the same as the old one, to prevent jerky looking reloads
    • This actually has a lot of overhead--since the table is populated with bindings, the only way to know if the predicate query results will be different is to do a trial run against the moc before assigning the predicate to the array controller.
  • make the image table scroll up underneath the translucent unified toolbar.

Version 1.0: Crowd-tagging

  • I want to be able to send tags to a server so that every unique piece of content has a centralized record of every tag applied to it by every user
  • I want to be able to receive tags from the server so that I can see what other tags other users have applied to an image
  • I want to be able to search my library by tags other users have applied to images in my library
  • I want to be able to see other tags users have applied to a particular image in my library and apply those tags myself
    • To encourage tagging, maybe this should only be available on images I give at least 3 three tags?

Version 2.0 Milestones: Analysis

  • I want to be able to add plugins that analyze images in my library and associate them with characteristics, so that I can build up metadata about my images, like OCR'd text
  • I want to be able to see what characteristics other users have found for my images
  • I want to be able to search based off these characteristics

Model Schema

Items have many-to-many users, tags, and characteristics.

Because different users can tag different items and different tags can relate to lots of different items, items, tags, and users also have many UserItemTags. Each UserItemTag relates one tag to one user for one item.

Characteristics are universal (if one user applies it, it's valid for all because it's the result of a deterministic image analysis) so they don't have to go through the same process to get associated with a user. This might bite me in the ass, if I ever decide to add support for any non-deterministic analyses, like having different users train different neural networks on different image sets.



  • Username
  • Password hash


  • Items (many)
  • UserItemTags(many)



  • Content ID (this will also serve as the local link to the content binary)
  • Timestamp


  • Tags (many)
  • Characteristics (many)
  • Users (many)
  • UserItemTags (many)



  • Name


  • Items (many)
  • UserItemTags (many)



  • Name
  • Value


  • Items (many)

This design is inherently pretty open. The idea is that everyone shares all their tags with the backend. This is vulnerable to DoS and general fuckery.


  • Import
    • Direct download images from URL
    • Store images on disk
    • Represent the image in Core Data
    • Display the image on screen
  • Filtering
    • Inspect frames and bitmaps
    • Filter chain design
      • Run filters in serial and parallel
    • Filter results reporters to synchronize writing to the database


UI should be like 10.10 Spotlight:

  • Search bar at the upper left, to enter tags or gif urls
  • Tableview to show results on a left sidebar
  • Main view should show gif, with tags below it

So UI wise we're really talking:

  • OmnibarView
    • OmnibarViewController
    • OmnibarViewDelegate
  • ResultsTableView
    • ResultsTableViewController
    • ResultsTableViewDelegate
    • Results TableViewDataSource
  • DetailView
    • ImageView
      • ImageViewDataSource
    • TagView
      • TagViewDelegate
      • TagViewDatasource


An NSTokenField instance. The tokenfield delegate will be the target handling the textDidChange: IBAction. It will use the tokenField's tokens to query the CD store for items matching the comma-separated list of tags.

The view model has the following properties:

  • searchTags (an array of objects (strings), empty by default, updated whenever the textfield textdidChange is fired)
  • placeholder (a placeholder text string, "Search")


An NSTableView instance. Its datasource will be the result of the omnibarview's search. When an item is selected, the delegate will pass it to the imageview datasource for display.

The view model has the following properties:

  • results


The imageview datasource will update the imageview with the URL of a new image to display.

The view model has the following properties:

  • resultImage


This one will be the most complicated. It needs to display a list of tags as blue labels, but also show suggested tags as grayed-out/dotted round labels that can be clicked to assign them and make them blue/solid. And accept text input, separating tags by comma value.

A lot of this is really going to need to go in a category so it can be reused to display tags entered in the search bar as well.

One way to handle it may be to have it in three separate views, at least at first: text field for entering new tags, list of existing tags, list of suggested tags.

This view will need to use NSTokenField.

The view model has the following properties:

  • resultTags

Data Flow

Pulling from ...

View -> ViewController -> ViewModel -> ModelServices -> Service Protocols -> Service Implementations -> Model Collection -> Model

So for example...

Omnibar -> OmbibarViewController -> OmnibarViewModel -> CaturlogServices -> TagSearchServiceProtocol -> TagSearchService -> TagSearchResults -> Item

ResultsTableView -> ResultsTableViewController -> ResultsTableViewDataSource -> TagSearchResults -> Item

DetailView -> DetailViewController -> DetailViewModel -> ItemImage

TagView -> TagViewController -> TagViewModel -> ItemTags


ViewController -> View Model -> Model <binds <binds

After v0.1, there are the following active views:

  • Omnibar (NSTokenfield) (VC is the delegate, turns the objectValue into tags and urls and tries to store them)
  • ItemList (NSTableView) (bound to nsarraycontroller)
  • ImageView (NSImageView) (bound to nsarraycontroller)

But now, instead of having the NSArrayController in the VC, it will live in the view model, where it will continue to interface with the moc to get arranged objects of the Item entity. The item list and image view in the VC will bind to the VM for their contents. for display data (the view model will also be responsible for the value transform to produce the image view's image). The VC will continue to be the delegate to the omnibar, but it will forward results as they come in back to the View Model, for parsing and storage/search.

The CaturlogViewModel will expose methods to:

  • receive omnibar text
  • bind to the array controller arrangedobjects
  • bind to the array controller's selectedobject

Then the VC will send it the omnibar text, and request bindings of the tableview to the arranged objects and the image view to the selected object.

A gap here, for now, is that the omnibar text is not bound to the view model, but rather uses more of a delegate pattern. But why can't this be handled by bindings as well? Bind all the things!

First, set up two new arraycontrollers in the VM for the tags and urls. Then, bind them to the tokenfield objects, with two different transformers to extract either tags or urls. finally, bind the items array controller's predicate to those, with a transformer to convert them into a query string. But how to recombine the signals from both controllers? or should their just be a single tagandurl array controller, that splits out the predicate based on both? of course, this will have to be bound to something else to handle downloading urls not already in the db, and associating tags with any urls entered at the same time...the tag part can wait until 0.3 though.

Image Downloading

Image downloading will be handled by a member of CaturlogServices, ResourceLoader, which will implement a ResourceLoadingServiceProtocol.


  • Has a property that's an object adhering to the ResourceLoadingServiceProtocol.

ResourceLoadingServiceProtocol has one method: func getResource(url: NSURL, completion: (data: NSData?) -> () )

The ResourceLoader implementation will first look to see if it has a copy of the file on disk. It will look based off info from Core Data and the model. It will expect images to be in the Application Support/items/ directory, with the name being a hash of the image.

It will also store an NSCache of images, in hopes of not duplicating space in memory.

Resource Storage

Resource storage will be handled by another member of CaturlogServices, ResourceStorer, which will implement a ResourceStoringServiceProtocol.

Methods: func storeResource(contentID: String fromURL: NSURL) -> (Bool, NSError?)

storeResource() will take a contentID and its source URL and store an entity for it, tying it to a characteristic with key URL and value fromURL.


Tagging will be handled by yet another member of CaturlogServices, ResourceTagger, which will implement a ResourceTaggingServiceProtocol.

Methods: func addTag(String forContentID: String andUser: User) -> (Bool, NSError?) Creates a tag, if it doesn't already exist, and generates a UserItemTag entry

func itemsForTag(String withUser: User) -> (NSSet) Returns all stored Item entities associated with the tag for the user

UI Dreams

One day, I'd like to make the UI really snazzy:

  • The sidebar images should be flush against the left edge and against each other vertically, with the right side rounded off to demarcate each image from the others.
  • The selected image should be rounded on the bottom left and flush with the right edge and top edge of the window.
  • When an image is selected in the left sidebar, it should shrink down to 0 height and hide, with the other rows crowding in on its space. Simultaneously, a copy of the image should start at the same xy position and move itself to the center of the selected image view while animating its size to match the selected image view. The idea is an effect where the image seems to zoom out of the list and into the main view. The same thing would happen in reverse when another image was selected. And a similar effect would happen to transition a downloaded URL to the sidebar list.