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236 lines (193 loc) · 11.9 KB

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236 lines (193 loc) · 11.9 KB


Web app for queuing users with a simple scan of a QR code

Getting Started

We recommend that you use Node 16.13.2 and Yarn 1.22.17.

yarn install

To run the entire application, do:

yarn start

This will start both the backend and frontend.

To run tests, do:

yarn test

To run with coverage, do:

yarn test:coverage

As of 5/1/22, the coverages are:

@lyne/backend: ----------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|------------------------------------
@lyne/backend: File                  | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
@lyne/backend: ----------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|------------------------------------
@lyne/backend: All files             |   53.08 |    31.28 |   50.87 |   51.76 |
@lyne/backend:  src                  |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   app.ts              |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 39
@lyne/backend:  src/controllers      |   44.19 |    28.57 |   38.09 |   44.19 |
@lyne/backend:   admin.ts            |   25.64 |        0 |      20 |   25.64 | 21-28,40-52,64-71,83-108
@lyne/backend:   auth.ts             |   72.72 |        0 |      25 |   72.72 | 23-30,35,42-43
@lyne/backend:   index.ts            |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   queue.ts            |   39.04 |       32 |      50 |   39.04 | ...321-346,358-368,380-408,419-440
@lyne/backend:   session.ts          |   83.33 |      100 |      50 |   83.33 | 6
@lyne/backend:  src/lib              |      60 |    28.57 |   36.36 |   55.17 |
@lyne/backend:   errors.ts           |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   log.ts              |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 3-6
@lyne/backend:   parse.ts            |   66.66 |      100 |       0 |      50 | 4
@lyne/backend:   passport.ts         |   42.85 |       20 |      50 |      40 | 21-48,70-98,114
@lyne/backend:   time.ts             |      80 |      100 |       0 |    87.5 | 8
@lyne/backend:  src/lib/db           |   72.72 |       50 |   66.66 |   72.72 |
@lyne/backend:   mongodb.ts          |   72.72 |       50 |   66.66 |   72.72 | 14,21-22
@lyne/backend:  src/lib/models       |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   user.ts             |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:  src/lib/models/admin |   66.66 |    36.36 |   33.33 |    64.7 |
@lyne/backend:   admin.model.ts      |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   admin.service.ts    |   56.25 |        0 |       0 |      50 | 9-16,27-29,35-36
@lyne/backend:   index.ts            |   66.66 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 1-2
@lyne/backend:  src/lib/models/queue |   42.45 |     23.8 |   76.92 |   42.26 |
@lyne/backend:   index.ts            |   66.66 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 1-2
@lyne/backend:   queue.model.ts      |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   queue.service.ts    |   37.23 |    17.64 |   72.72 |   38.46 | ...,77-132,151,155,186-190,213-279
@lyne/backend:  src/middlewares      |   90.47 |       75 |     100 |      90 |
@lyne/backend:   cookieValidator.ts  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/backend:   error.ts            |   81.81 |       50 |     100 |   81.81 | 27-28
@lyne/backend: ----------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|------------------------------------


@lyne/ui: --------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|---------------------------------------
@lyne/ui: File                                        | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
@lyne/ui: --------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|---------------------------------------
@lyne/ui: All files                                   |   54.88 |    26.19 |   59.52 |   54.92 |
@lyne/ui:  src                                        |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |
@lyne/ui:   index.tsx                                 |       0 |      100 |     100 |       0 | 6-16
@lyne/ui:   reportWebVitals.ts                        |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 | 3-10
@lyne/ui:  src/components                             |   57.79 |       28 |   69.56 |      57 |
@lyne/ui:   AdminNavBar.tsx                           |   46.15 |       50 |      50 |   46.15 | 18-26,46
@lyne/ui:   BackButton.tsx                            |      75 |      100 |      50 |      75 | 13
@lyne/ui:   Drawer.tsx                                |      75 |      100 |   57.14 |      75 | 36,41,50,80-83
@lyne/ui:   FacebookButton.tsx                        |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   GoogleButton.tsx                          |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   HeroImage.tsx                             |      80 |       50 |      75 |   77.77 | 10,20
@lyne/ui:   UserWaitingStatus.tsx                     |   48.33 |    17.64 |   83.33 |   47.45 | 45,69-129,146-148
@lyne/ui:  src/components/auth                        |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |
@lyne/ui:   AuthGuard.tsx                             |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 | 7-49
@lyne/ui:  src/components/dashboard/analytics         |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Layout.tsx                                |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   QR.tsx                                    |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 95
@lyne/ui:  src/components/dashboard/analytics/widgets |   35.55 |       12 |      40 |   35.55 |
@lyne/ui:   BanWidget.tsx                             |   72.72 |       50 |      75 |   72.72 | 26,35-47
@lyne/ui:   EditQueueInfo.tsx                         |     3.7 |        0 |       0 |     3.7 | 18-177
@lyne/ui:   QueueInfo.tsx                             |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   QueueInfoWidget.tsx                       |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 16
@lyne/ui:   QueueListWidget.tsx                       |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:  src/components/dashboard/landingPage       |      65 |    36.66 |      75 |      65 |
@lyne/ui:   AllQueuesTable.tsx                        |    87.5 |       25 |     100 |    87.5 | 53
@lyne/ui:   CreateQueueModal.tsx                      |   29.16 |        0 |   33.33 |   29.16 | 54-98,127
@lyne/ui:   DeleteQueueModal.tsx                      |    37.5 |        0 |   33.33 |    37.5 | 31-48,79
@lyne/ui:   LandingPageTableRow.tsx                   |     100 |       75 |     100 |     100 | 36-39
@lyne/ui:   QueueTableManager.tsx                     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   StatusCircle.tsx                          |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 5-6
@lyne/ui:  src/components/dashboard/userManager       |   34.21 |       15 |   26.31 |   34.21 |
@lyne/ui:   AdminAction.tsx                           |    12.5 |        0 |       0 |    12.5 | 11-33
@lyne/ui:   DeleteUserModal.tsx                       |    37.5 |        0 |   33.33 |    37.5 | 36-54,86
@lyne/ui:   UserInfoRow.tsx                           |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 | 30-58
@lyne/ui:   UserTable.tsx                             |      50 |      100 |      50 |      50 | 47-60
@lyne/ui:   UserTableManager.tsx                      |   44.73 |    14.28 |      30 |   44.73 | 50-53,57-59,71-83,88-91,95-99,139-152
@lyne/ui:  src/components/home                        |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   About.tsx                                 |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Footer.tsx                                |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Hero.tsx                                  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Navbar.tsx                                |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Team.tsx                                  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:  src/components/tables                      |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   CenteredTableCell.tsx                     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   TableHeader.tsx                           |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:  src/lib                                    |    62.5 |       50 |      25 |   83.33 |
@lyne/ui:   config.ts                                 |     100 |       50 |     100 |     100 | 5-10
@lyne/ui:   time.ts                                   |   57.14 |      100 |      25 |      80 | 7
@lyne/ui:  src/lib/services                           |      85 |       80 |   83.33 |      85 |
@lyne/ui:   admin.service.ts                          |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   auth.service.ts                           |    87.5 |      100 |     100 |    87.5 | 17
@lyne/ui:   queue.service.ts                          |    91.3 |       75 |     100 |    91.3 | 18,71
@lyne/ui:   user.service.ts                           |   73.91 |      100 |      60 |   73.91 | 57-66,70-80
@lyne/ui:  src/views                                  |       0 |      100 |       0 |       0 |
@lyne/ui:   App.tsx                                   |       0 |      100 |       0 |       0 | 14-31
@lyne/ui:  src/views/auth                             |   66.66 |      100 |   33.33 |   66.66 |
@lyne/ui:   Login.tsx                                 |   66.66 |      100 |   33.33 |   66.66 | 17,21
@lyne/ui:  src/views/dashboard                        |   70.83 |       75 |     100 |   70.83 |
@lyne/ui:   analyticsDashboard.tsx                    |   68.18 |       75 |     100 |   68.18 | 28-31,47-50,60
@lyne/ui:   dashboard.tsx                             |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   queueDashboard.tsx                        |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:  src/views/home                             |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:   Home.tsx                                  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui:  src/views/users                            |   31.81 |     6.25 |      40 |   31.81 |
@lyne/ui:   UserSignupPage.tsx                        |   23.07 |     6.25 |      25 |   23.07 | 52-118,129-136,173-193
@lyne/ui:   UserWaitingPage.tsx                       |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
@lyne/ui: --------------------------------------------|---------|----------|---------|---------|---------------------------------------
@lyne/ui: Test Suites: 13 passed, 13 total
@lyne/ui: Tests:       27 passed, 27 total
@lyne/ui: Snapshots:   0 total
@lyne/ui: Time:        5.27 s
@lyne/ui: Ran all test suites.

Migrating from the Previous Repository

Start off by installing lerna and nuking your old code:

npx lerna clean -y

(npx lerna will automatically prompt you to install lerna.)

Then, check that you have yarn installed by running:

yarn -v

If it shows a version (i.e. 1.22.17 (must be < 2)), then you're good! Otherwise, run:

npm install -g yarn

to install yarn.

Then, simply run:

yarn install


yarn start

When you run yarn start in the root directory, this starts BOTH the frontend and backend.

But, if you want to only start one of them, do:

cd packages/backend
yarn install
yarn start


cd packages/frontend
yarn install
yarn start

Installing New Packages

In root:

# Install packageName into packages/backend
npx lerna add packageName packages/backend

# Install packageName into packages/frontend
npx lerna add packageName packages/frontend

# To install into everything (including shared-dto)
npx lerna add packageName packages/*

# For devDependencies
npx lerna add --dev packageName packages/*

OR you can just do regular yarn add packageName:

# Install packageName into backend
cd packages/backend
yarn add packageName

# Install packageName into frontend
cd packages/frontend
yarn add packageName

A quick way to refresh your node_modules is to run npx lerna clean -y.