This program can be run as a Windows application or on the command line.
When running on the Command Line (for automating conversion of a number of files), you can get the help by executing from a command line:
EAExport /?
EAExport.exe /o|/output:<outputfile> [/r|/root:<guid>] [/f|/format:<format>]
/o | /output <outputfile>
Specify the output filename after parsing the input.
/r | /root <eaid>
The EA ID of the object that is the root element, to start dumping from.
You can get this easily when starting the GUI, by selecting the element
and noting the 'Identifier'.
/f | /format <format>
Defines the format to use.
CSVHTML - HTML formatted CSV files
CSVTEXT - Plain text formatted CSV files
The XML file from Enterprise Architect (XMI 1.1) to parse for requirements.