external help file | Module Name | online version | schema |
PSFunctionInfo-help.xml |
PSFunctionInfo |
2.0.0 |
Get metadata for stand-alone functions.
Get-PSFunctionInfo [-FunctionName <String>] [-Tag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-PSFunctionInfo [-Path <String>] [-Tag <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-PSFunctionIfo will display function metadata that was created using New-PSFunctionInfo. The default behavior is to search loaded functions that don't belong to a module and display the custom function metadata.
As an alternative to searching items in the Function: PSDrive, you can also search .ps1 files. If you specify the path to a script file, you will get function metadata for every defined function in the file.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo
Name Version Alias Source
---- ------- ----- ------
Get-QOTD 2.0.0 qotd C:\scripts\Get-QOTD.ps1
Get-Status 2.1.0 gst C:\scripts\getstat.ps1
Get-StatusString 1.1.0 gss C:\scripts\getstat.ps1
Convert-Expression 1.0.0 spoof C:\scripts\Convert-Expression...
Add-BackupEntry 1.3.0 abe C:\scripts\PSBackup\Add-Backu...
Get-MyBackupFile 1.0.0 gbf C:\scripts\PSBackup\Get-MyBac...
ConvertTo-ASCIIArt cart
Test-IsAdministrator 1.0.0 C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Open-VSCode 2.0.0 code C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo -name get* | Select Name,Source
Name Source
---- ------
Get-QOTD C:\scripts\Get-QOTD.ps1
Get-Status C:\scripts\getstat.ps1
Get-UTCString C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Get-DiskFree C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Get-LastBoot C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Get-ModifiedFile C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Get-MyFunctions C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Get function information by the function name.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo | Sort Source | Format-Table -View Source
Name Version Description
---- ------- -----------
tm profile-defined
Hide-Git profile-defined
Get-LogStamp profile-defined
dt profile-defined
ConvertTo-ASCIIArt profile-defined
Source: C:\scripts\Convert-Expression.ps1
Name Version Description
---- ------- -----------
Convert-Expression 1.0.0 Spoof command output
Source: C:\Scripts\JDH-Functions.ps1
Name Version Description
---- ------- -----------
Get-DiskFree 1.0.0 My version of the df command
Get-ModifiedFile 1.1.0 find all files of modified within a given..
Get-LastFile 2.1.0 Get files sorted by last modified date
Get-LastBoot 1.0.0 Get the last boot up time
Use the custom table view called Source.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo -Tag cim
Name Version Alias Source
---- ------- ----- ------
Get-Status 2.1.0 gst C:\scripts\getstat.ps1
Get-StatusString 1.1.0 gss C:\scripts\getstat.ps1
Get functions by tag.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo Get-qotd | Select-Object *
Name : Get-QOTD
Version : 2.0.0
Source : C:\scripts\Get-QOTD.ps1
CompanyName : JDH IT Solutions
Copyright : 2020
Description : Get a quote of the day
LastUpdate : 5/21/2020 5:56:01 PM
Module :
Path : C:\scripts\Get-QOTD.ps1
Alias : qotd
Author : Jeff
Guid : 16b5d672-4778-46d9-bbe5-08e7860e4e8a
Tags : {Web,profile}
Commandtype : Function
Get all properties for a single function.
PS C:\> dir C:\scripts\*.ps1 | Get-PSFunctionInfo
Name Version Alias Source
---- ------- ----- ------
Add-BackupEntry 1.0.0 abe C:\scripts\Add-BackupEntry.ps1
Get-MyFunctions 1.0.0 C:\Scripts\archived-Functions...
Convert-Expression 1.0.0 spoof C:\scripts\Convert-Expression...
Get-LastPassItem 1.0.0 glp C:\Scripts\Get-LastPassItem.ps1
Get-QOTD 2.0.0 qotd C:\scripts\Get-QOTD.ps1
Search script files for function metadata.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo -Tag modules | Select-Object -property AuthorInfo
Name : Test-HelpLink
Version : 0.9.0
Source : C:\scripts\update-helplinks.ps1
CompanyName : JDH IT Solutions, Inc.
Copyright : (c) JDH IT Solutions, Inc.
Description : Test if help file is missing the online link
LastUpdate : 4/23/2023 9:21:00 AM
The PSFunctionInfo object includes a PropertySet called AuthorInfo.
PS C:\> Get-PSFunctionInfo -Path C:\work\sample.ps1
Name Version Alias Source
---- ------- ----- ------
Get-EventlogInfo 1.0.0
Test-EventLog 1.0.0 C:\work\sample.ps1
Get function metadata for every function in the specified file.
Specify a tag
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specify the name of a function that doesn't belong to a module.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: name
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specify a .ps1 file to search. The command will not be able to determine if the function definition in the file has been commented out.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: file
Aliases: FullName
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
This function has an alias of gpfi. The PSFunctionInfo object has additional named table views of source and tags.
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