How To Add New Card to Your Team's Section of the Website
Step 1:
Make a new .tsx file in HealthHarbor/src
If the tsx file is completely blank it will error when you try and go to the card. It seems like at a minimum the tsx file should have the import statement, define a class with the same name as the file, and export the class.
import React, { Component } from "react";
class DebtRepayment{}
export default DebtRepayment;
Example: DebtRepayment.tsx
Step 2:
Add an import statement near the top of HealthHarbor/src/App.jsx - there are many other import statements and it should be pretty clear where to put it
import DebtRepayment from "./DebtRepayment"
Step 3:
Add a "Route" to <Routes> near the bottom of HealthHarbor/src/App.jsx - the element name should match your previous import and you will want to remember your path name for the next step.
<Route path="/debt-repayment" element={<DebtRepayment />}
Step 4:
Go to the tsx file for your feature. For Debt Repayment I use the Finance.tsx file and in it there are the cards that are visible when you click on the Finance card on the website. Add a <NavLink> with the same path as your <Route>.
<NavLink to="/debt-repayment">
<div className="card">
<div className="cardHeader">
<h3>Debt Repayment Calculator</h3>
<div className="cardContainer">
<p>Determine strategies for paying off debts</p>
The only things you should need to change will be to= "___________" where you put your path from route in it, h3 where you put the name you want on the card, and p where you put your own description of the feature.