This a personal project but feel free to create an issue if you encounter any problems with the site. If you'd like to create a pull request to fix a problem yourself, please create an issue to discuss it first.
As this is a small project, I don't have any specific requirements beyond what is laid out here. By contributing you agree to release your work under the same license as this project.
Here are some details about how the project is made for anyone who is looking to contribute or use this project as reference:
- The site is written with the React library and built with Gatsby
- All components and pages are written in TypeScript, with config files written with JavaScript as required
- All components are written as functions and use hooks for additional React features
- DaisyUI component classes are used to style most components, with Tailwind CSS (via PostCSS) used for additional styling
- PDF-LIB is used to actually merge the input PDF documents in the browser
- Deployment is done using a custom GitHub Actions workflow which builds the app using Gatsby and commits it to the
branch where it is published by GitHub. It is based on the GitHub Pages Action plugin by Shohei Ueda. See main.yml for more details