This is the suggested template for new AIPs. Note AIPs are generated in the spirit of EIPs, but obviously can address open-ended social problems instead of techical problems.
Submit a Pull-Request to a member fork of the OracleDAO repo, and place it in the AIP folder.
Note that an AIP number will be assigned by an editor. When opening a pull request to submit your AIP, please use an abbreviated title in the filename, AIP/
The title should be 44 characters or less.
Copy the proposal below and fill it out!
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." Provide a simplified and layman-accessible explanation of the AIP.
A short (~200 word) description of the issue being addressed.
The motivation section should clearly explain why existing tools, frameworks, or resources do not address the problem that the AIP solves. AIP submissions without sufficient motivation may be rejected outright.
The Definition of Done must explicitly list, as best as possible, what the goals of the AIP's implementation should be. There should be as little uncertainty as possible, and AIP's should not have subjective goals.
The specification should describe tasks, whether technical or non-technical, to reach the AIP's Definition of Done. The specification should be as clear as possible to help DAO members predict costs and timelines for the AIP.
Cost considerations should be included in the specification. Costs should include estimates of time and money, and provide clear examples, pricing information, and if possible, cost details of related projects.
The rationale fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale may also provide evidence of consensus within the community, and should discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion.