Releases: jincao1/qmk_firmware
Refactor to use latest QMK sources and Nuphy sources for Air75v2
- Fix misplaced LED matrix configurations
- Refactor RF logic to use a RF driver instead of managing through housekeeping
- Various Nuphy source bug fixes (e.g., F key modifiers not working in wireless).
- Attempted fixes at stuck keys in wireless mode.
Full Changelog:
Move battery percentage to F row and use number row to show more granular batter level.
Flash BT link mode button LED to show which BT mode connection is attempting to connect to.
Full Changelog: v1.1.2.4...v1.1.2.5
Sync with latest NuPhy changes.
Fix led matrix duplicate mapping.
Full Changelog: v1.1.2.3...v1.1.2.4
Map link timeout to a new LINK_TO switch
Full Changelog: v1.1.2.2...v1.1.2.3
Map Fn+F3 in Windows to Calculator
Full Changelog: v1.1.2.1...v1.1.2.2
Make RF connect only for 5 seconds before sleeping again. Don't want the LED blinking for 2 minutes if keys are accidentally pressed on wireless mode without a connection.
Full Changelog: