For basic usage, see tutorial in ../
Work in progress...
auto cq = std::make_shared<CQueueForNext>();
Svc1::Stub stub1(channel, cq);
Svc2::Stub stub2(channel, cq);
auto f1 = std::async(async, [stub]() { stub.Run(); }
auto f2 = std::async(async, [stub]() { stub.Run(); }
uses an internal completion queue for async calls,
and instantiate a completion queue for each sync operations,
so Stub
can mix sync and async calls.
auto f = std::async(std::launch::async, [&stub]() {
Point point = MakePoint(0,0);
Feature feature;
Status status = stub.SyncGetFeature(point, &feature);
Use ServiceStub::SetErrorCallback()
to set a default error callback for this stub.
RouteGuide::Stub stub(channel);
stub.SetErrorCallback([](const Status& status) {
cout << "RouteGuide: " << status.GetDetails() << endl;
Use ServiceStub::SetDefaultErrorCallback()
to set a default error callback for all the new stubs.
ServiceStub::SetDefaultErrorCallback([](const Status& status) {
cout << status.GetDetails() << endl;
Stub1 stub1(channel);
Stub2 stub2(channel);
Note: SetErrorCallback()
and SetDefaultErrorCallback()
are not thread-safe.
Set timeout on channel
ChannelSptr channel(new Channel("localhost:50051")); Stub stub(channel); channel->SetCallTimeoutMs(1000); // 1 second stub->SyncSayHello();
Set timeout on stub
Stub stub(channel); stub.SetCallTimeoutMs(1000);
Set timeout on call
- To be implemented
- Use ClientContext