- ✨ Support for Android 5 is back!
- 🎉 100 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Chaptergy, Ayysmkz)
- 🔥 2650 icons in total!
- ✨ Support for Android 7 is back!
- 🎉 50 new or updated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, HassanCreative, Aa0-fyi)
- 🔥 2550 icons in total!
- ♾️ Support for Omega Launcher
- 🌐 A new fancy website for Arcticons
- 🎉 151 new or updated icons
- 🔥 2500 icons in total! (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Eninkey, Dmoonfire, Fanfu, Bragefuglseth, Dgcampbe, Aman9Das, Suburbanno, Hassancreative, Aa0-fyi, Mdb571 & DreadedLama & Quantenzitrone)
- 🎉 109 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Kaiserdragon2, Quantenzitrone, Eninkey, Dmoonfire, Fanfu, Bragefuglseth, Dgcampbe & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2367 icons in total!
- ✔️ The F-Droid build works again
- 🔮 A new date widget (thanks Aman9Das)
- 🎉 70 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Eninkey, Quantenzitrone & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2252 icons in total!
- A Brand new dashboard with great new features like: Build in icon-requests Choosing a launcher to apply the icons to Better about pages Two clock widgets: Analogue & Digital An in app icon count Higher resolution icons than ever before (256px) (Made possible with a huge thanks to Aman Das!)
- 🎉 80 new & upated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, JoelChrono12, Eninkey, Dgcampbe, Fanfu & Aman9Das)
- 🔥 2183 icons in total!
- 🎉 53 new & upated icons (thanks Kaiserdragon2, Aman9das, Dgcampbe, Bellaston & Quantenzitrone!)
- 💸 Redesigned support screen
- 🔥 2105 icons in total
- 🎉 50 new & upated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Aman9das, Yuhuitech & Quantenzitrone!)
- 🔡 Better font scaling for people that use large fonts
- 🔥 2054 icons in total
- 🆕 Besides the traditional white icons, there's also a new black version available for light mode users!
- 🎉 55 new & upated icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Ail1020 & Chaptergy!)
- 🔥 2004 icons in total
- 🎉 51 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Ail1020, Quantenzitrone & chaptergy!)
- 📁 10 new folder icons for your sorting needs
- ❌ Deleted one double icon
- 🔥 1950 icons in total
- 🎉 38 new icons (thanks GreenPete, Ail1020, Chaptergy, EinoHR & JoelChrono12!)
- 🔥 1900(!) icons in total
- 🎉 49 new icons (thanks GreenPete & JoelChrono12!)
- 🔥 1871 icons in total
- 🎉 60 new icons (thanks ObsidianChickenz & Arnavpurani!)
- ✨ 2 updated icon
- 🔥 1822 icons in total
- 🎉 47 new icons (thanks JoelChrono12, Renesat, Batcastle & GreenPete!)
- ✨ 1 updated icon
- 🔥 1762 icons in total
- 33 new icons (thanks GreenPete, Arnavpurani, Bydariogamer & ThomasTraineau!)* 1 updated icons
- 1 updated icon
- 1715 icons in total
- 33 new icons (5 thanks to GreenPete)
- 3 updated icons
- 43 new icons (4 thanks to Gd4pL4E)
- 2 updated icons
- some small menu tweaks
- 50 new icons (thanks to Greenpete!)
- The final part of the redesign crusade, there are now 241(!) icons that look a lot cleaner!
- 24 new icons
- Some double icons are removed and replaced with existing ones
- 1558 icons in total!
- Adaptive icon & some new bright colors
- Part two of my ongoing redesign crusade, with this time 100(!) redesigned icons!
- 26 new icons (thanks to Renesat)
- 1563 icons in total!
- Laucher support for a lot more different ones!
- 58 new & updated icons (thanks to ChadFacs & Fakegamer666)
- 1537 icons in total!
- 78 new icons (thanks to Lelio-Brun, ModdedGamers, Hal47, Saijin-Naib, lomanotte, klaviatur & fanfu)
- 1500 icons in total!
- Dynamic calendar suport, the calendar icon now changes automaticly every day if your launcher supports it!
- 145 new icons (thanks to Rhodney, RuffaWuffa, Lelio-Brun & Fanfu)
- 1422 icons in total!
- 91 new icons (thanks to Dunexus, fanfu & me)
- 1277 icons in total!
- 56 new icons (thanks to fanfu & austenadler)
- 1191 icons in total!
- 108 new icons (thanks to aaronhatesregex, RuffaWuffa, csmnn, austenadler, fanfu & 0slav!)
- 1140 icons in total!
- Improved search function
- 61 new icons & revisited some old ones (thanks to aaronhatesregex, 0slav, livmackintosh, TBog)
- 1033 icons in total!
- Search, you can now search for icons in the app!
- 10 new icons & revisited some old ones (thanks to amine250, studio315b & slav)
- New update with various improvements to existing icons and added 8 icons.
- First update with over 60 new icons and various changes to existing ones!
- Initial release with over 900 icons!
- Thanks: Dkanada (for creating the app)