-# Next.js Static Site Generation (SSG) on Firebase with Firebase Hosting & Firestore
-Next.js recently added [Static Site Generation (SSG) support](https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-3) with any data source as a build-time optimization for pages who's data is already known. This method avoids Server-Side Rendering for pages who's content is known at build-time.
-This example uses `next build && next export` with the data for the `/posts/[slug].js` pages pulled from Firestore at build-time to produce a static site hosting on Firebase Hosting. Noteabley, `getStaticPaths()` has the `fallback` value set to `false`, which means if there is not HTML match for the requests `/posts/:slug`, then a `404` will ocurr.
-Live example here: https://nextjs-ssg.web.app/
-## Setup
-# install
-npm install
-- `firebase login`
-- `firebase init` **or** select an existing project with `firebase use --add`
- - create a new Web App within the project to host your site. [See instructions here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/multisites).
-- update `firebase.json` with your new Apps hosting target
- - replace the `hosting.site` `TODO_YOUR_WEB_APP_DEPLOY_TARGET_HERE` with your web apps value.
-- Populate your Firestore database with data. This example uses the following data structure:
- - posts (root collection)
- - [auto-generated document ids]
- - (string: text) title
- - (string: text) blurb
- - (string: html) content
-- replace `TODO_YOUR_PROJECT_ID_HERE` in `next.config.js` with your project's ID
-## Usage
-# dev
-next dev
-# build production
-next build
-# start production locally
-next start
-# deploy to Firebase Hosting
-npm run deploy
-## Note Well
-- Firestore data is not updated in realtime for these pages. It is pulled by REST API calls during the `getStaticProps()` and `getStaticPaths()` function calls on particular pages.
-- Content **cannot** be updated without a full site rebuild.
-- No dynamic content is rendered for `/posts/:slug` as `getStaticPaths()` `fallback` is set to `false` meaning a failure to match with an existing HTML file will `404`.
-## Advantages to SSR
-- Site is compltely hosted on the Firebase CDN so pages load as fast as can be (available in 10s of miliseconds instead of 100s/1000s).
-- Simplified development. Fewer npm scripts and no shuffling of folders.
-- Development mode of nextjs works much better and without caveats as with Firebase Cloud Functions SSR method.
diff --git a/hosting-nextjs-ssg/next.config.js b/hosting-nextjs-ssg/next.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbb2f2c..0000000
--- a/hosting-nextjs-ssg/next.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
- env: {
- },
- }
diff --git a/hosting-nextjs-ssg/public/firebase-hosting.svg b/hosting-nextjs-ssg/public/firebase-hosting.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 99513a8..0000000
--- a/hosting-nextjs-ssg/public/firebase-hosting.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@