Converting int to String and Strings to int
String a = String .valueOf (2 ); //integer to numeric string
int i = Integer .parseInt (a ); //numeric string to an int
System .out .println ("Converting int to String and Strings to int ==> String: " + a + " Integer: " + i );
Converting String to date
try {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat ("dd.MM.yyyy" );
Date date = null ;
date = format .parse ("01.02.2019" );
System .out .println ("Converting String to date in Java ==> Date parsed: " + date );
} catch (ParseException e ) {
e .printStackTrace ();
Converting Java util.Date to sql.Date
java .util .Date utilDate = new java .util .Date ();
java .sql .Date sqlDate = new java .sql .Date (utilDate .getTime ());
LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime .now ();
System .out .println ("Current DateTime = " + now );
System .out .println (now .format (DateTimeFormatter .ofPattern ("dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" )));
Sending the HTTP request and fetching data
try {
URL url = new URL ("" );
BufferedReader bufferedReader = newBufferedReader ((Path ) new InputStreamReader (url .openStream ()));
for (String line = bufferedReader .readLine (); line != null ; line = bufferedReader .readLine ()) {
System .out .println (line );
} catch (IOException e ) {
try {
InputStream in = Snippets .class .getClassLoader ().getResourceAsStream ("example.txt" );
if (in != null ) {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (in ));
for (String line = bufferedReader .readLine (); line != null ; line = bufferedReader .readLine ()) {
System .out .println (line );
} catch (IOException e ) {
// e.printStackTrace();
Reading a file using Streams
try {
URL url = Snippets .class .getClassLoader ().getResource ("example.txt" );
if (url != null ) {
Path path = Paths .get (url .getPath ());
Files .lines (path ).forEach (System .out ::println );
} catch (IOException | InvalidPathException e ) {
// e.printStackTrace();
Counting words, lines and characters using Streams
try {
URL url = Snippets .class .getClassLoader ().getResource ("example.txt" );
if (url != null ) {
Path path = Paths .get (url .getPath ());
Long words = Files .lines (path )
.flatMap (str -> Stream .of (str .split ("[ ,.]" ))) // spit by space, comma, dot
.filter (s -> s .length () > 0 ).count ();
Long lines = Files .lines (path ).count ();
final Map <Character , Integer > countCharacters = Files .lines (path ).
flatMap (line -> IntStream .range (0 , line .length ()).mapToObj (line ::charAt )).
filter (Character ::isLetter ).
map (Character ::toLowerCase ).
collect (TreeMap ::new , (m , c ) -> m .merge (c , 1 , Integer ::sum ), Map ::putAll );
Long characters = countCharacters .values ().stream ().mapToLong (t -> t ).sum ();
} catch (IOException | InvalidPathException e ) {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder ().create ();
gson .toJson ("Hello" , System .out );
gson .toJson (123 , System .out );
List <String > list = new ArrayList <String >();
list .add ("AAAA" );
list .add ("CCCC" );
list .add ("ABTGT" );
list .add ("ACBGT" );
System .out .println ("Initial List :" );
list .forEach (System .out ::println );
Collections .sort (list , Comparator .naturalOrder ());
System .out .println ("\n Standard Sorted by Name :" );
list .forEach (System .out ::println );
String [] arr = new String []{"P" , "A" , "V" };
Stream <String > stream = Arrays .stream (arr );
stream .forEach (System .out ::println );
stream = Stream .of ("V" , "A" , "P" );
stream .forEach (System .out ::println );
List <String > newList = Arrays .asList ("Pavan" , "Opencodez" );
stream = newList .stream ();
newList .parallelStream ().forEach (System .out ::println );
newList .stream ().filter (element -> element .contains ("P" ));
boolean isValid = newList .stream ().anyMatch (element -> element .contains ("P" ));
List <String > results = newList .stream ().map (element -> element .toUpperCase ()).collect (Collectors .toList ());
List <String > list2 = new ArrayList <String >();
list2 .add ("AAAA" );
list2 .add ("CCCC" );
list2 .add ("ABTGT" );
list2 .add ("ACBGT" );
System .out .println ("Printing List with forEach" );
list2 .forEach (System .out ::println );
System .out .println ("\n Printing List after Filtering" );
list2 .stream ()
.filter (str -> str .contains ("AA" ))
.forEach (System .out ::println );
int number = 3 ;
System .out .println (number + " is prime: " +(number > 1 && IntStream .range (2 , number ).noneMatch (j -> number % j == 0 )));
SimpleSingleton .INSTANCE .doSomething ();
Read from console (
Scanner sc = new Scanner (System .in );
System .out .println ("Type something in the console:" );
System .out .println (sc .nextLine ());
Find first element greater than 3 and double it
List <Integer > values = Arrays .asList (1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 );
values .stream ().filter (ii -> ii > 3 ).filter (ii -> ii % 2 == 0 ).map (ii -> ii * 2 ).findFirst ().get ();
Converts the given string to an array of words.
String [] arrWords = Arrays .stream ("ACBGT" .split ("[^a-zA-Z-]+" ))
.filter (s -> !s .isEmpty ())
.toArray (String []::new );
Counts occurrences in a list of Persons
List <Person > list = new ArrayList <>();
Person p1 = countTransactionsByPerson .new Person ();
p1 .name = "John" ;
Person p2 = countTransactionsByPerson .new Person ();
p2 .name = "Alice" ;
Person p3 = countTransactionsByPerson .new Person ();
p3 .name = "Frederik" ;
Person p4 = countTransactionsByPerson .new Person ();
p4 .name = "Frederik" ;
list .add (p1 );
list .add (p2 );
list .add (p3 );
list .add (p4 );
Map <String , Long > counts =
list .stream ().collect (Collectors .groupingBy (e -> e .name , Collectors .counting ()));
counts .forEach ((k , v ) -> System .out .println (k + " " + v ));