Releases: jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
Releases · jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
HiGHS v1.9.3
Diff since v1.9.2
Merged pull requests:
- Remove unneeded init function (#222) (@visr)
- Use HiGHS to compute the dual objective value (#226) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.9.3 (#227) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Bugs: Optimizer stucks in an infinite loop when solving a small size problem (#221)
- Add a flag to write out models on solve (#224)
- Don't use fallback for DualObjectiveValue (#225)
HiGHS v1.9.1
Diff since v1.9.0
Merged pull requests:
- Update versions in GitHub actions (#211) (@odow)
- Add Getting help section to README (#212) (@odow)
- Create .codecov.yml to ignore src/gen (#213) (@odow)
- Add tests to improve code coverage (#214) (@odow)
- Add more tests to improve code coverage (#215) (@odow)
- Fix getting infeasible primal/dual solutions (#216) (@odow)
- Simplify getter of ConstraintBasisStatus (#217) (@odow)
- Update to HiGHS_jll v1.7.1 (#218) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.9.1 (#219) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Add ability to reset basis matrix (#192)
- Solution and incumbent are different (#208)
not defined (#209)
- Non-convex QPs (#210)
HiGHS v1.8.0
Diff since v1.7.5
Merged pull requests:
- Add note on thread-safety to README (#182) (@odow)
- Add support for MOI.ScalarQuadraticCoefficientChange (#195) (@odow)
- Add support for vector-valued MOI.set when setting new ConstraintSet (#196) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Julia threads and HiGHS
interaction (#181)
- Time limit not compliant with MOI interface (#190)
- [documentation] Banner to indicate documentation version (#191)
- [MOI] allow batch modification (#193)
- [MOI] Allow modifications in quadratic function (#194)
HiGHS v1.7.5
Diff since v1.7.4
Merged pull requests:
- Fix setting ObjectiveLimit with Nothing as the value (#187) (@odow)
- Fix deleting ZeroOne constraints after MOI.optimize (#188) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.7.5 (#189) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- v1.7 fails to precompile due to ObjectiveLimit not defined (#186)
HiGHS v1.7.4
Diff since v1.7.3
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- LoadError: could not load symbol "Highs_zeroAllClocks" (#183)